Colby Howard

Published on May 16, 2024

Featured Article

Weather Data For Investors: Top Alternative Data Providers

Weather data has emerged as a crucial category of alternative data for professional investors seeking to gain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic markets. By leveraging insights from temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, and other meteorological elements, investors can better predict consumer behavior, commodity prices, and economic trends across sectors such as agriculture, energy, retail, insurance, and real estate. As the demand for high-quality weather data continues to grow, a number of innovative companies have stepped up to provide investors with the tools and insights they need to make more informed decisions. In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into the exciting world of weather data for investors, exploring the leading companies and solutions that are transforming the way investors incorporate this valuable category of alternative data into their strategies.


Company Summary

AWIS Weather Services is a comprehensive meteorological solutions provider catering to various industries, including agriculture, energy, construction, and freight. By leveraging their extensive historical weather data, dating back to the mid-1900s, and a team of experienced meteorologists, AWIS offers tailored weather forecasting, data analytics, and consulting services. Their offerings include frost/freeze alerts for agriculture, load forecasting and energy model generation for the energy sector, rainfall monitoring and severe weather alerts for construction, and customized forecasting for freight transportation. Additionally, AWIS provides lightning detection services, application support with custom weather data feeds, and a user-friendly platform called AWIS GoCast for location-specific forecasts and alerts. With their data-driven approach and industry-specific expertise, AWIS Weather Services aims to help businesses and organizations better understand, anticipate, and manage the impact of weather on their operations.

Key Features For Investors

AWIS Weather Services provides a comprehensive suite of weather data and analytics that offer valuable insights for hedge funds and asset managers. By leveraging AWIS’s extensive historical weather data, real-time monitoring, and industry-specific forecasting, investors can gain a deeper understanding of how weather conditions impact various sectors and make more informed investment decisions.

Key features of AWIS’s data that investors find useful include:

  • Historical weather data dating back to the mid-1900s, enabling long-term trend analysis and risk assessment
  • Real-time weather monitoring and alerts for severe weather events that can disrupt business operations and supply chains
  • Industry-specific forecasting and analytics for sectors heavily influenced by weather, such as agriculture, energy, construction, and freight transportation
  • Frost/freeze alerts and growing degree day calculations for agricultural investments
  • Load forecasting and energy model generation for the energy sector
  • Rainfall monitoring and severe weather alerts for construction projects
  • Customized weather data feeds and APIs for seamless integration into investment models and decision-making processes

Improving Investment Decisions

AWIS Weather Services provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable alternative data that enhances their investment decision-making processes. By leveraging AWIS’s extensive historical weather data, real-time monitoring, and industry-specific forecasting, investors gain a deeper understanding of how weather conditions impact various sectors, enabling them to make more informed investment decisions.

AWIS’s weather data and analytics empower investors to:

  • Assess the potential impact of weather events on companies and sectors, particularly those heavily influenced by weather conditions, such as agriculture, energy, construction, and transportation
  • Incorporate historical weather data into risk assessment models to identify long-term trends and evaluate the resilience of investments to weather-related risks
  • Utilize real-time weather monitoring and alerts to anticipate and respond to severe weather events that may disrupt business operations and supply chains
  • Leverage industry-specific forecasting and analytics to gain insights into how weather conditions affect key performance indicators and market dynamics in different sectors
  • Integrate customized weather data feeds and APIs into investment models and decision-making processes to enhance the accuracy and timeliness of investment strategies

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Company Summary

Weather Underground, also known as WU, is a digital weather service that provides comprehensive local and long-range weather forecasts, reports, maps, and tropical weather updates for locations worldwide. Since its founding in 1993, the company has been challenging traditional methods of disseminating weather information, aiming to improve access to meaningful weather data for people around the globe. WU’s mission is to make quality weather information available to every person on the planet, with a focus on delivering relevant, localized data even for underserved areas. The company’s community-driven approach is a cornerstone of its services, with over 250,000 members sharing real-time data from personal weather stations, enhancing the accuracy and granularity of WU’s forecasts and products. By leveraging this extensive community data, along with its proprietary forecast model and insights from meteorologists and climatologists, Weather Underground delivers reliable, user-friendly weather information across all digital platforms.

Key Features For Investors

Weather Underground (WU) offers a rich array of weather data and insights that can serve as valuable alternative data for hedge funds and asset managers seeking to gain an edge in their investment strategies. By providing granular, real-time, and historical weather information, WU enables investors to better understand and anticipate the impact of weather on various industries and markets.

Key features of Weather Underground’s data that investors find particularly useful include:

  • Hyperlocal weather data from over 250,000 personal weather stations worldwide, offering unparalleled granularity and coverage
  • Real-time updates on current weather conditions, allowing investors to monitor and react to weather-related developments as they unfold
  • Historical weather data and trends, enabling investors to analyze correlations between weather patterns and market performance over time
  • Industry-specific insights, such as the impact of weather on agricultural yields, energy demand, and consumer behavior
  • Seamless API integration, allowing investors to incorporate weather data directly into their investment models and decision-making processes

Improving Investment Decisions

Weather Underground (WU) provides a wealth of real-time and historical weather data that can be invaluable for hedge funds and asset managers seeking to make more informed investment decisions. By leveraging WU’s extensive network of personal weather stations and official data sources, investors can gain granular insights into how weather conditions impact various industries and markets, enabling them to identify potential risks and opportunities.

WU’s weather data empowers investors to:

  • Analyze historical weather patterns and their correlation with market trends to uncover potential investment opportunities or risks
  • Gain industry-specific insights, particularly in weather-sensitive sectors such as agriculture, energy, and insurance, to assess the impact of weather on crop yields, energy demand, and production
  • Incorporate real-time and forecasted weather data into risk models to better manage weather-related risks in their portfolios
  • Evaluate the potential impact of extreme weather events on specific investments or sectors to inform portfolio diversification and hedging strategies
  • Integrate weather data seamlessly into investment models and decision-making processes through WU’s API access, automating the analysis of weather data and its potential impact on investments

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Company Summary

Weather Source is a leading provider of hyper-local weather and climate data solutions that enable businesses across various industries to harness the power of weather intelligence. By combining a deep historical database from 2000 to the present, current data, and forecasts up to 46 days, with the expertise of their meteorologists and climatologists, Weather Source empowers organizations to quantify the impact of weather on their operations. The company’s suite of products, powered by the proprietary OnPoint Platform, includes the Weather Impact Ranking System (WIRS®), Weather Insights Platform™ (WIP™), and Condition-Based Ad Triggering (C-BAT™), which help businesses optimize decision-making, improve efficiency, and drive revenue growth.

Key Features For Investors

Weather Source offers a comprehensive suite of weather data solutions that provide hedge funds and asset managers with valuable insights to enhance their investment strategies. By leveraging Weather Source’s extensive historical database, real-time observations, and advanced forecast models, investors can gain a deeper understanding of how weather patterns impact various industries and markets.

Key features of Weather Source’s data that investors find particularly useful include:

  • Hyper-local weather data covering millions of locations worldwide, allowing for granular analysis of weather impacts on specific assets or regions
  • Historical data spanning over two decades, enabling investors to identify long-term trends, seasonal patterns, and correlations between weather and financial performance
  • Real-time data updates and forecasts up to 46 days, empowering investors to make timely decisions based on current and expected weather conditions
  • Industry-specific weather analytics for sectors such as agriculture, energy, retail, and transportation, helping investors assess weather-related risks and opportunities in their portfolio companies
  • Customizable data solutions and APIs that seamlessly integrate with existing investment models and workflows, allowing for efficient incorporation of weather data into decision-making processes

Improving Investment Decisions

Weather Source empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better investment decisions by providing comprehensive, accurate, and timely weather data and analytics. By integrating Weather Source’s data into their investment strategies, investors can gain a deeper understanding of how weather patterns impact various industries and markets, enabling them to identify risks and opportunities more effectively.

Weather Source’s data solutions help investors improve their decision-making processes in several ways:

  • Quantifying weather-related risks: Weather Source’s historical data and advanced analytics allow investors to assess the potential impact of weather events on their portfolio companies, helping them to manage risks more effectively.
  • Identifying sector-specific opportunities: By providing industry-specific weather insights for sectors such as agriculture, energy, and retail, Weather Source enables investors to spot potential investment opportunities and make more informed decisions about asset allocation and stock selection.
  • Enhancing predictive modeling: The integration of Weather Source’s data into investors’ existing models and workflows can improve the accuracy of their predictions, enabling them to anticipate weather-related market movements and adjust their strategies accordingly.
  • Monitoring real-time conditions: With access to real-time weather data and forecasts, investors can quickly respond to changing conditions and make timely decisions to capitalize on short-term opportunities or mitigate potential losses.
  • Conducting comprehensive analysis: Weather Source’s extensive historical database allows investors to analyze long-term trends, seasonal patterns, and correlations between weather and financial performance, providing a more complete picture of the market landscape and informing their investment strategies.

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Company Summary

Meteomatics is a global leader in weather intelligence, providing highly accurate and reliable weather and climate data through its innovative Weather API. By combining proprietary Meteodrones, robust algorithms, and diverse data sources, Meteomatics offers unmatched precision in weather forecasting and tailored solutions for businesses across various industries. The company’s unique technologies, such as weather drones, enable refined measurements based on local topographical conditions, enhancing the accuracy of their high-resolution, real-time data. Meteomatics’ team of experts from top universities worldwide develops cutting-edge solutions to optimize processes, reduce risks, and support informed decision-making for their clients. With a strong commitment to quality and precision, Meteomatics plays a crucial role in providing weather information for society and nature, promoting renewable energy, and helping communities prepare for and mitigate the impact of adverse weather events.

Key Features For Investors

Meteomatics provides a comprehensive suite of weather data solutions tailored specifically for hedge funds and asset managers. By integrating Meteomatics’ high-quality, real-time, and historical weather data into their investment strategies, financial institutions can gain a competitive edge in identifying and capitalizing on weather-driven market opportunities.

Key features of Meteomatics’ offerings for investors include:

  • Global coverage with high-resolution, hyperlocal weather data for precise risk assessment and alpha generation across asset classes and geographies
  • Real-time data feeds and forecasts to enable timely decision-making and proactive portfolio adjustments based on changing weather conditions
  • Historical weather data for backtesting, model calibration, and identifying long-term trends and anomalies that impact investment performance
  • Seamless API integration and customizable data delivery to streamline data ingestion and align with existing workflows and systems
  • Advanced analytics and visualization tools to derive actionable insights, monitor weather-sensitive positions, and communicate weather impacts to stakeholders
  • Dedicated support from meteorological and data science experts to optimize weather-driven investment strategies and develop bespoke solutions

Improving Investment Decisions

Meteomatics empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing high-quality, real-time, and historical weather data. By integrating Meteomatics’ alternative data into their investment strategies, financial institutions can gain valuable insights into weather-driven risks and opportunities across various asset classes and geographies.

Meteomatics’ weather data solutions enable investors to:

  • Assess the impact of weather events on portfolio holdings, such as agricultural commodities, energy markets, and weather-sensitive sectors
  • Identify potential alpha-generating opportunities by analyzing weather patterns, anomalies, and trends
  • Enhance risk management by monitoring and mitigating weather-related risks across different regions and time horizons
  • Backtest and calibrate investment models using historical weather data to optimize portfolio allocation and performance
  • Streamline data integration and analysis through customizable APIs and advanced visualization tools
  • Collaborate with meteorological and data science experts to develop bespoke weather-driven investment strategies and solutions

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Company Summary

dClimate is a decentralized climate data infrastructure network that aims to revolutionize the way climate tech applications are developed and deployed. By harnessing the power of open data tools, AI, and blockchain technology, dClimate provides a comprehensive and interoperable platform for climate data sharing and innovation. The company’s mission is to democratize access to climate data, forecasts, and models, enabling businesses, governments, and innovators to measure, monitor, and mitigate climate risks effectively. Through its decentralized marketplace, dClimate standardizes and monetizes climate data, ensuring transparency, immutability, and accessibility. The company boasts a diverse leadership team, including notable figures from various industries, and has forged strategic partnerships to drive sustainable environmental stewardship and deliver tangible benefits to local communities.

Key Features For Investors

dClimate offers a decentralized marketplace for climate data, forecasts, and models that empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions. By providing access to a wide range of reliable and transparent climate data, dClimate enables investors to better assess climate-related risks and opportunities, enhance due diligence processes, and identify investments that are well-positioned to adapt to a changing climate.

Key features of dClimate’s platform that investors find valuable include:

  • Comprehensive aggregation of climate data from diverse sources, including satellite imagery, weather stations, and climate models
  • Blockchain-based validation and security of data transactions, ensuring data integrity and transparency
  • Tools for evaluating the exposure of assets and sectors to physical and transition risks associated with climate change
  • Insights for identifying investment opportunities in climate resilience, clean technology, and sustainability-focused companies and projects
  • Customizable data feeds and analytics tailored to specific investment strategies and risk management needs

Improving Investment Decisions

dClimate empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing access to a comprehensive, transparent, and reliable source of climate data. The decentralized platform aggregates climate information from diverse sources, including satellite imagery, weather stations, and climate models, enabling investors to assess climate-related risks and opportunities with greater precision.

By leveraging dClimate’s data marketplace, investors can:

  • Enhance due diligence processes by evaluating the climate resilience and sustainability of potential investments
  • Identify companies and sectors that are well-positioned to adapt to a changing climate and benefit from the transition to a low-carbon economy
  • Improve risk management by assessing the exposure of assets to physical and transition risks associated with climate change
  • Access customizable data feeds and analytics tailored to specific investment strategies and risk management needs
  • Trust in the integrity and transparency of climate data, thanks to the platform’s blockchain-based validation and security measures

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Company Summary

Cordulus is an innovative company that provides highly accurate and localized weather data solutions, primarily catering to the agricultural sector. Their core product, the Cordulus Farm Station, collects a comprehensive set of weather parameters and translates the data into actionable insights for farmers, enabling them to make informed decisions about their farming activities. This data-driven approach helps farmers increase efficiency, reduce costs, and save time. With a network of over 3,700 weather stations and a user-friendly subscription model that includes maintenance, data handling, and customer support, Cordulus has become a trusted partner for thousands of farmers. The company has also expanded its services to other industries, such as road maintenance, under the sub-brand Cordulus Road, showcasing its commitment to collecting and enriching weather data to support decision-making across various sectors.

Key Features For Investors

Cordulus provides highly granular and localized weather data that can offer valuable insights for hedge funds and asset managers. By collecting data from a dense network of over 3,700 proprietary weather stations, Cordulus delivers hyper-local, real-time weather information at the field level. This enables investors to closely monitor weather impacts on specific agricultural assets or local operations of companies they are investing in or tracking.

Key weather data features that investors may find useful include:

  • Detailed parameters such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed/direction, and solar radiation
  • Real-time measurements updated every 10 minutes for the most current information
  • Historical data to analyze past weather trends and compare to current conditions
  • Interpolated values for areas between weather stations to provide full coverage
  • Growing degree day calculations to track crop development and forecast harvest timing
  • Customized alerts for user-specified weather thresholds or risk conditions at monitored locations

Improving Investment Decisions

Cordulus empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better-informed investment decisions by providing highly accurate, localized, and real-time weather data. With a network of over 3,700 proprietary weather stations, Cordulus delivers granular insights that enable investors to closely monitor the impact of weather on specific agricultural assets or local operations of companies they are investing in or tracking.

By leveraging Cordulus’s weather data, investors can:

  • Assess the potential impact of weather conditions on crop yields, harvest timing, and agricultural productivity
  • Monitor weather risks for specific locations or assets, such as farms, warehouses, or distribution centers
  • Analyze historical weather patterns to identify trends and anomalies that may affect investment performance
  • Incorporate real-time weather data into quantitative models to enhance investment research and decision-making processes
  • Receive customized alerts for user-specified weather thresholds or risk conditions at monitored locations

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Company Summary, also known as the World’s Weather Intelligence Platform, is a leading resilience platform that protects businesses from the impact of climate change and volatile weather. By leveraging global constellation data from space and proprietary AI/ML models, provides insights with unmatched precision, enabling organizations to make proactive, data-driven decisions. The platform offers ready-to-deploy dashboards and scalable solutions for various industries and roles, helping businesses achieve critical outcomes such as disaster recovery, compliance, and competitive advantage. Additionally,’s advanced Weather API delivers fast, reliable, and hyper-accurate weather data for any location worldwide in an easy-to-use JSON format, allowing businesses to integrate real-time, forecast, and historical weather data directly into their applications using popular programming languages like cURL, Python, R, JavaScript, and Go.

Key Features For Investors offers a comprehensive weather intelligence platform that provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable insights to inform their investment decisions. By leveraging advanced AI and machine learning algorithms, processes vast amounts of weather data from multiple sources, delivering accurate, granular, and actionable intelligence.

Key features of’s platform that investors find particularly useful include:

  • High-resolution, hyper-local weather data on a global scale, enabling investors to assess the potential impact of weather events on their portfolios across different sectors and geographies
  • Real-time alerts and notifications for severe weather events, allowing investors to quickly respond to changing conditions and adjust their strategies accordingly
  • Access to historical weather data and advanced analytics tools for conducting thorough research and backtesting investment models and strategies
  • Sector-specific insights tailored to weather-sensitive industries such as agriculture, energy, and transportation, helping investors identify opportunities and manage risks
  • Seamless integration with existing investment platforms and decision-support tools via API, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of decision-making processes

Improving Investment Decisions’s weather intelligence platform empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing accurate, granular, and actionable weather insights. The platform processes vast amounts of weather data from multiple sources using advanced AI and machine learning algorithms, delivering valuable intelligence that investors can leverage to assess risks, identify opportunities, and optimize their strategies across various sectors and geographies. offers several key features that enhance investment decision-making:

  • Real-time alerts and notifications for severe weather events, enabling investors to quickly respond to changing conditions and adjust their portfolios accordingly
  • Access to historical weather data and advanced analytics tools for conducting thorough research and backtesting investment models and strategies
  • Sector-specific insights tailored to weather-sensitive industries such as agriculture, energy, and transportation, helping investors identify opportunities and manage risks
  • Seamless integration with existing investment platforms and decision-support tools via API, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of decision-making processes

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Weather Logistics

Company Summary

Weather Logistics is a company that provides reliable seasonal climate forecasts through its Re-Climate® project to help businesses and organizations manage weather-related risks. By leveraging advanced weather modeling and data analytics, Weather Logistics delivers well-calibrated ensemble forecasts covering the next 3 months at a high spatial resolution. These forecasts enable clients in various sectors, such as re/insurance, agriculture, and supply chain management, to better assess and mitigate the impact of climate perils like floods, droughts, wind damage, hail, heatwaves, and freeze days. Weather Logistics’ codebase has been verified by the Science & Technology Facilities Council, and its results have been validated by data specialists at Agrimetrics. The company’s services aim to help clients build resilience plans, develop scenario plans, and protect assets from extreme weather events.

Key Features For Investors

Weather Logistics provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable seasonal climate forecasts to help them better assess and manage weather-related risks in their portfolios. By offering well-calibrated ensemble forecasts covering the next 3 months at a high spatial resolution, Weather Logistics enables investors to gain insights into potential weather impacts on various industries and asset classes.

Key features of Weather Logistics’ data that investors find useful include:

  • Long-range seasonal forecasts that allow investors to anticipate weather trends and their potential effects on businesses, commodities, and markets
  • High spatial resolution data covering specific geographic regions relevant to investors’ portfolios
  • Forecasts of key climate perils such as floods, droughts, wind damage, hail, heatwaves, and freeze days that can impact weather-sensitive sectors like agriculture, energy, and insurance
  • Historical weather data to analyze past correlations between weather patterns and market movements, aiding in the development of predictive investment models
  • Industry-specific insights on how weather conditions may influence the performance and risk exposure of companies in different sectors

Improving Investment Decisions

Weather Logistics empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better-informed investment decisions by providing valuable seasonal climate forecasts through its Re-Climate® project. These well-calibrated ensemble forecasts cover the next 3 months at a high spatial resolution, enabling investors to assess and manage weather-related risks in their portfolios more effectively.

Weather Logistics’ data helps investors improve their decision-making process in several ways:

  • Anticipating potential weather impacts on industries and asset classes by leveraging long-range seasonal forecasts
  • Identifying geographic regions that may be more susceptible to climate perils such as floods, droughts, wind damage, hail, heatwaves, and freeze days
  • Analyzing historical weather data to uncover correlations between weather patterns and market movements, aiding in the development of predictive investment models
  • Gaining industry-specific insights on how weather conditions may influence the performance and risk exposure of companies in different sectors

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Company Summary

Meteosource is a global weather API provider that delivers accurate, reliable, and hyperlocal real-time, forecast, and historical weather data at an affordable price. By leveraging multiple weather models, artificial intelligence, and statistical evaluation of all available data, Meteosource offers comprehensive weather information for any GPS coordinate worldwide. The company’s API is designed to be easily integrated into websites and applications, enabling users to optimize weather-dependent activities. With a team of AI experts and big data analysts, Meteosource has been providing professional weather services since 2007, helping businesses utilize weather information, save costs, and maximize returns through their API and customized solutions.

Key Features For Investors

Meteosource offers a comprehensive suite of weather data and analytics that provide valuable insights for hedge funds and asset managers. By leveraging Meteosource’s alternative data solutions, investors can enhance their decision-making processes, improve risk management, and identify new opportunities in weather-sensitive markets.

Key features of Meteosource’s data that investors find particularly useful include:

  • Historical and real-time weather data with global coverage, allowing for analysis of weather impacts on various asset classes and geographical regions
  • High-resolution data at city, state, and country levels, enabling precise assessments of weather-related risks and opportunities
  • Customizable data feeds and APIs for seamless integration with existing investment models and strategies
  • Access to a wide range of weather parameters, including temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and severe weather events
  • Expert guidance and support from meteorologists and data specialists to help investors effectively utilize weather data in their decision-making processes

Improving Investment Decisions

Meteosource empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing comprehensive, high-resolution weather data and analytics on a global scale. By integrating Meteosource’s alternative data into their investment strategies, financial professionals can enhance risk management, identify new opportunities, and gain a competitive edge in weather-sensitive markets.

Meteosource’s weather data solutions enable investors to:

  • Analyze historical weather patterns and their impact on various asset classes, such as agricultural commodities, energy markets, and insurance-related securities
  • Monitor real-time weather conditions and forecasts to assess potential risks and opportunities in their portfolios
  • Leverage high-resolution data at city, state, and country levels for precise assessments of weather-related impacts on specific assets or regions
  • Integrate weather data seamlessly into existing investment models and decision-making processes through customizable APIs
  • Benefit from the expertise and support of Meteosource’s meteorologists and data specialists to effectively utilize weather data in their investment strategies

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