ManagementTrackfor Portfolio Managers

A trusted, third party expert in the room to help you truly
understand company management


A differentiated source of new investment ideas


Access to former buysiders to discuss conclusions


The best source to understand how management will impact company performance

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All our executive diligence goes through them now. Their sources and interviews are meaningfully better.


Paragon saved us on a Top 10 position by convincingly outlining the new CEO’s unsuitability for the task ahead.


ManagementTrack’s data and insights have supercharged the management portion of our theses.




Whether searching for a new investment idea, evaluating a current idea, or managing an existing position, ManagementTrack allows you to understand how the people at the top - the decision makers – are or are not suited to lead their company and outperform competitors. ManagementTrack does this through a combination of professional data analysis and proprietary interviews with colleagues executives used to work with. Investors walk away knowing an executive’s ability to execute on their company’s strategic vision.


For some investors, the value gleaned from analyzing management doesn’t merit the time or resources relative to other factors in their investment process. While ManagementTrack is an obvious fit for those funds that care deeply about management, some of our clients also do not care that the insights are derived from management analysis, only that those our approach and our insights consistently improve their investment returns.


The most significant aspect of our analysis surrounds the professional ability of an executive – what they have done, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and how that applies to their company’s future performance. We also include in our analysis publicly available personal information to evaluate CEOs in cases where it is applicable.


Everything lives on our ManagementTrack platform which provides access to predictive data and our interview report library. Each executive has a profile with our predictive insights, while our report library has hundreds of reports consisting of interviews with former high-level colleagues of those executives. Each year our team also produces ~15 long/short calls based on how management quality will positively or negatively impact future company performance.


While one on one calls or even transcripts from Tegus, GLG, and Guidepoint are helpful for company and competitive intelligence, the insights and conclusions ManagementTrack provides on CEOs are deeper and more actionable for three reasons: our seasoned investigative journalists are skilled at revealing truth through questioning, our sources are rarely on expert networks as they are VP-level and higher, and our buy-side analysts create and iterate on the questions that are most applicable to a CEO’s future prospects.


Our data is updated as soon as new information enters the public sphere. As for our interviews, we produce over 100 new CEO interview reports each year.


Investors receive predictive data and insights on every c-suite executive in the Russell 3000, while our CEO interviews library covers all industries and continues to grow rapidly.

Management Insights

The Power of Analyzing Management Teams For Stock Selection

The decisions made by these key individuals can either propel a company to new heights or cause it to crumble. Here we delve into why analyzing management teams is a…

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How Big Of An Impact Can A CEO Have?

When it comes to evaluating the potential of a company, it's no secret that the CEO plays a pivotal role. In fact, studies suggest that up to 45% of a…

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Current CEO Trends

In the ever-evolving landscape of asset management, understanding the dynamics of CEO succession is paramount. As the role of CEO becomes increasingly challenging in the face of technological advancements, stakeholder…

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