Colby Howard

Published on May 8, 2024

Featured Article

Top Transcript-Based Expert Networks For Investors

Transcript-based expert networks and transcripts have emerged as invaluable sources of alternative data for professional investors seeking to gain a competitive edge in today’s complex financial markets. By providing unparalleled access to the insights and opinions of industry experts, management teams, and market participants, these resources offer a wealth of information that can inform investment strategies and help investors navigate the challenges and opportunities of the current market environment. In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into the world of transcript-based expert networks and transcripts, exploring how these powerful tools are being leveraged by top investors to generate alpha, manage risk, and stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly data-driven investment landscape.


Company Summary

Tegus is an innovative primary research platform that empowers institutional investors with comprehensive insights and differentiated perspectives throughout the investment research process. By combining expert interview transcripts, public financial data, and advanced AI and machine learning algorithms, Tegus offers a streamlined, all-in-one solution for understanding customer perspectives, competitive landscapes, and the key drivers behind company performance. The platform’s unique features include 1:1 conversations between industry experts and top investors, the BamSEC tool for simplified SEC filings and earnings transcript research, and a 360° view of public and private companies at any stage. With over 2,000 investor firms in its growing expert network, Tegus is transforming the way investors and researchers access and analyze critical information to make informed decisions.

Key Features For Investors

Tegus is a valuable resource for hedge funds and asset managers seeking to gain an informational edge through expert insights and alternative data. By providing access to a vast library of expert interview transcripts, Tegus enables investors to dive deep into industry trends, company dynamics, and market sentiment. The platform’s powerful search and discovery tools allow users to efficiently find the most relevant insights from thousands of interviews with executives, former employees, customers, competitors, and industry specialists.

Key features of Tegus that investors find particularly useful include:

  • Comprehensive coverage across sectors, industries, and geographies
  • Verbatim transcripts of in-depth expert interviews conducted by experienced analysts
  • Searchable database with smart filters and tags for quick insight discovery
  • Real-time alerts on new interviews and updates for companies and topics of interest
  • Integration of expert insights with traditional financial data and analytics
  • Collaboration tools for sharing and discussing key findings within investment teams
  • Compliance-friendly data sourcing and usage tracking

As a leading expert network platform, Tegus provides a unique and valuable type of alternative data for investors. The unfiltered, qualitative insights gleaned from expert interviews offer a level of depth and nuance that cannot be found in traditional data sources. By tapping into the knowledge of industry insiders, investors can validate investment theses, identify emerging trends and risk factors, and ultimately make more informed decisions. Tegus’ transcript library serves as a powerful complement to other forms of alternative data, enabling investors to triangulate insights and gain a more comprehensive understanding of their target companies and markets.

Improving Investment Decisions

Tegus empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing access to a vast library of expert interview transcripts and powerful search and analysis tools. The platform’s comprehensive coverage across sectors, verbatim transcripts of in-depth interviews, and seamless integration with traditional financial data and analytics enable investors to gain unique insights into companies, industries, and market trends.

Tegus enables investors to:

  • Validate investment theses and identify emerging opportunities or risks by leveraging the knowledge of industry experts and insiders
  • Efficiently discover the most relevant insights from thousands of interviews using smart search filters, tags, and alerts
  • Analyze qualitative data alongside quantitative metrics to gain a more comprehensive understanding of target companies and markets
  • Collaborate with team members by sharing key findings, discussing implications, and incorporating expert insights into investment research processes
  • Enhance compliance by relying on a reputable and transparent source of alternative data that is fully documented and easily auditable

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ManagementTrack by Paragon Intel

Company Summary

Paragon Intel’s ManagementTrack provides in-depth analysis of executives and their suitability for their roles within companies. The company employs a team of investigative journalists who gather insights from former colleagues who have worked closely with the executive in question. These journalists are trained to extract comprehensive information about an executive’s past initiatives, strengths, and weaknesses. Clients have access to anonymized conversations with high-level sources, providing them with unique insights into the executive’s abilities and experiences. ManagementTracks’s buyside analysis compares the executive’s key strengths, weaknesses, and experiences with the needs of the company, overseen by former buysiders who craft questions, iterate as new information emerges, and provide a holistic final analysis. The Management Track platform offers real-time professional and personal analytics on executives, allowing clients to evaluate their performance against competitors, career capital allocation, and career compensation.

Key Features For Investors

ManagementTrack provides a unique alternative data offering for hedge funds and asset managers seeking to gain an informational edge on the management teams of companies they are invested in or considering investing in. By leveraging a network of former colleagues and associates, ManagementTrack is able to provide detailed, qualitative insights into the strengths, weaknesses, and track records of key executives.

Some of the key features of ManagementTrack’s offerings that investors may find valuable include:

  • Detailed interviews with former colleagues and associates who have direct experience working with the executives in question, providing unvarnished opinions and anecdotes
  • Analysis of an executive’s past performance in specific roles and initiatives, giving insight into their ability to execute on strategies and drive results
  • Assessments of an executive’s leadership style, management abilities, and cultural fit within an organization
  • Insights into an executive’s relationships and reputation among their peers, subordinates, and superiors
  • Comparisons of an executive’s strengths and weaknesses to the specific needs and challenges facing their current company and role

By tapping into this type of qualitative, human intelligence on management teams, ManagementTrack aims to help investors develop a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the leadership driving the companies in their portfolios. This can potentially help in identifying both risks and opportunities that may not be apparent from traditional financial metrics and disclosures alone.

Improving Investment Decisions

ManagementTrack provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable qualitative insights into the leadership and management teams of companies they are considering investing in. By leveraging a network of former colleagues and associates, ManagementTrack delivers detailed assessments of executives’ strengths, weaknesses, and track records, enabling investors to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the individuals driving the companies in their portfolios.

This type of human intelligence can help investors make better decisions by:

  • Identifying potential risks or red flags related to an executive’s leadership style, management abilities, or cultural fit within an organization
  • Assessing an executive’s past performance in specific roles and initiatives, providing insight into their ability to execute on strategies and drive results
  • Comparing an executive’s strengths and weaknesses to the specific needs and challenges facing their current company and role
  • Uncovering opportunities where a change in leadership or a particular executive’s skill set may positively impact a company’s trajectory
  • Enhancing traditional financial analysis with qualitative insights that provide a more holistic view of a company’s prospects under its current management team

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BWG Strategy

Company Summary

BWG Strategy is a specialized research and events company that leverages its extensive network of over 150,000 industry professionals to provide proprietary, timely, and relevant insights to its clients. By hosting more than 2,000 invite-only virtual and in-person forums annually, BWG Strategy facilitates knowledge exchange among suppliers, customers, distributors, competitors, and other key players across various industries. The company’s expert moderators and data team curate and extract valuable insights from these forums, ensuring clients receive a high return on their time and increased odds of success. Additionally, BWG Strategy offers custom research services based on the primary research insights gathered from their network. With a team of experienced principals and a commitment to data privacy and security, BWG Strategy has become a trusted partner for executives seeking to make informed business decisions.

Key Features For Investors

BWG Strategy provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable alternative data derived from its extensive network of industry experts and customized research services. By leveraging insights from over 150,000 professionals across more than 2,000 invite-only forums annually, BWG Strategy offers a unique and comprehensive perspective on various industries and companies.

Key features of BWG Strategy’s offerings that investors find particularly useful include:

  • Expert insights from industry professionals shared through virtual and in-person forums
  • Curated and extracted data points from expert discussions, ensuring relevance and quality
  • Timely and proprietary information on industry trends, challenges, and opportunities
  • Customized research services tailored to the specific needs of hedge funds and asset managers
  • Strict data privacy and security measures to protect sensitive information and maintain trust
  • Access to a wide range of sectors and industries, enabling a diverse investment strategy

Improving Investment Decisions

BWG Strategy empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing them with valuable alternative data and insights derived from their extensive network of industry experts. The company’s unique approach to gathering and analyzing primary research enables investors to gain a deeper understanding of the markets, sectors, and companies they are interested in.

BWG Strategy enhances the investment decision-making process through:

  • Facilitating knowledge exchange among industry professionals via invite-only forums and events
  • Curating and extracting relevant insights from expert discussions, ensuring high-quality data
  • Offering customized research services tailored to the specific needs of hedge funds and asset managers
  • Providing timely and proprietary information on industry trends, challenges, and opportunities
  • Maintaining strict data privacy and security measures to protect sensitive information and build trust

By leveraging BWG Strategy’s alternative data and expert insights, hedge funds and asset managers can make more informed investment decisions, identify potential risks and opportunities, and ultimately improve their overall investment performance.

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Third Bridge

Company Summary

Third Bridge is a global investment research firm that provides unique, human-led insights to help investors make better decisions faster and with greater conviction. The company offers an integrated research solution combining unbiased human insights, investor-led content, and a global expert network service. Third Bridge’s offerings include Forum, the world’s largest archive of expert interviews; Connections, providing direct access to prequalified industry experts through 1:1 consultations; Maps, visually presenting public and private company value chains; and Primers, offering fundamental information on private companies. With over 1,300 employees across eight offices worldwide, Third Bridge’s research teams monitor key industries, stocks, trends, and deals to understand performance drivers, map competitive landscapes, deconstruct value chains, and connect the dots across global industries. Trusted by more than 1,000 clients, including leading hedge funds, mutual funds, private equity firms, and management consultancies, Third Bridge delivers relevant, timely, and high-quality insights to inform all stages of the investment process.

Key Features For Investors

Third Bridge provides hedge funds and asset managers with unique insights and alternative data through their integrated research solutions. By leveraging their global network of industry experts and proprietary research capabilities, Third Bridge helps investors gain a competitive edge in their investment strategies.

Key features of Third Bridge’s offerings that investors find valuable include:

  • Access to the world’s largest archive of expert interview transcripts through Forum, enabling deep dives into industry trends, company performance, and market dynamics
  • Direct consultations with pre-qualified industry experts via Connections, allowing investors to gather real-time intelligence and validate investment theses
  • Detailed company value chain analysis through Maps, providing a visual overview of key players, relationships, and dependencies in a given industry or sector
  • Fundamental research on private companies via Primers, helping investors assess potential investment opportunities in opaque markets
  • Compliance-focused processes ensuring all insights are ethically sourced and meeting regulatory standards, providing investors with confidence in the integrity of the information

Improving Investment Decisions

Third Bridge empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better-informed investment decisions by providing them with unique insights, data, and access to industry expertise. By leveraging Third Bridge’s comprehensive research solutions, investors can gain a deeper understanding of the markets, companies, and trends they are interested in, allowing them to navigate complex investment landscapes with greater confidence and conviction.

Third Bridge’s offerings help investors improve their decision-making process in several key ways:

  • Expert consultations and interviews provide investors with direct access to industry professionals, enabling them to gather real-time intelligence and validate investment theses
  • Comprehensive research reports synthesize insights from expert interviews, primary research, and data analysis, delivering actionable intelligence to support investment strategies
  • Proprietary datasets and analytical tools help investors uncover trends, identify opportunities, and gain an edge by leveraging alternative data
  • Exclusive forums and events facilitate knowledge sharing, networking, and the identification of new investment opportunities, keeping investors ahead of the curve

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In Practise

Company Summary

In Practise is a primary research provider that focuses on delivering high-quality insights on structurally advantaged businesses to long-term, fundamental investors. The company’s curated content library features in-depth interviews with executives, conducted by both the In Practise team and experienced fund managers. These interviews, along with the company’s proprietary research analysis, weekly newsletters, and company profiles, aim to help investors build conviction in their understanding of quality companies across the US and EU. In Practise’s approach to executive sourcing prioritizes quality over volume, with investment analysts working alongside recruiters to ensure a deep understanding of industries and companies. The company’s Partner Program offers exclusive access to interview quality executives, quarterly transcript reviews, and primary research workshops, leveraging the collective expertise of their executive network to gather and share insights on quality companies globally.

Key Features For Investors

In Practise offers a unique platform that provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable insights from industry experts through in-depth interviews. These expert interviews serve as a powerful source of alternative data, enabling investors to gain a deeper understanding of companies, industries, and market trends. By leveraging the knowledge and experience shared by former executives, consultants, and other domain experts, In Practise empowers investors to make more informed decisions and identify potential investment opportunities.

Key features of In Practise’s expert interview transcripts that investors find valuable include:

  • Detailed insights into company strategies, competitive landscapes, and industry dynamics
  • Unique perspectives on market trends, disruptive technologies, and emerging opportunities
  • Contextual information to validate investment theses and identify potential risks
  • Actionable ideas and recommendations based on experts’ domain knowledge and experience
  • Timely updates on industry developments and company-specific events
  • Ability to track sentiment and monitor changes in expert opinions over time

Improving Investment Decisions

In Practise provides hedge funds and asset managers with a unique platform that offers valuable expert insights to enhance their investment decision-making process. By leveraging the knowledge and experience shared by industry professionals through in-depth interviews, In Practise enables investors to gain a deeper understanding of companies, industries, and market trends.

The platform empowers investors to make better-informed decisions by providing:

  • Access to a diverse range of expert interviews across various industries and sectors, offering unique perspectives and insights not readily available through traditional data sources
  • Timely and actionable information, with regular updates to the library of expert interviews, helping investors stay ahead of the curve and adapt to changing market conditions
  • A streamlined research process, consolidating expert insights in one centralized platform, allowing investors to allocate more time and resources towards analyzing information and making informed decisions
  • Comprehensive coverage of industries and sectors, catering to the needs of different investment strategies and areas of interest
  • The ability to uncover unique investment opportunities, identify potential risks, and develop differentiated strategies based on a more comprehensive understanding of the industries and companies they are interested in

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Company Summary

Yardstiq is a company that offers a unique blend of software buyer research and cloud-native application development services. They provide access to thousands of analyst-led conversations with software buyers, enabling businesses to gain valuable insights into pricing, competition, evaluation criteria, and customer satisfaction. This information empowers companies to make well-informed decisions when purchasing software solutions. Additionally, Yardstiq’s expertise in engineering allows them to build transformative, high-quality cloud-native applications that unlock the full potential of the cloud for their clients, focusing on delivering exceptional products with built-in quality at a sustainable rapid pace.

Key Features For Investors

Yardstiq’s unique offering of software buyer research and cloud-native application development services provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable qualitative insights. By leveraging Yardstiq’s platform, investors gain access to thousands of in-depth conversations with software buyers across various industries. These analyst-led interviews offer a wealth of information on pricing strategies, competitive landscapes, key evaluation criteria, and customer satisfaction levels. Armed with these insights, investors can better assess the market positioning, growth potential, and risks associated with software companies in their portfolios or on their watchlists.

Some of the key features that make Yardstiq’s data particularly useful for investors include:

  • Firsthand accounts from software buyers, providing unfiltered views on industry trends, pain points, and decision-making processes
  • Granular details on pricing models, discount structures, and willingness to pay, enabling more accurate revenue and margin analysis
  • Competitive intelligence on feature comparisons, win/loss ratios, and market share dynamics
  • Forward-looking insights on buyer preferences, emerging technologies, and potential disruptions in the software landscape
  • Longitudinal data on customer satisfaction, retention rates, and upsell opportunities, supporting long-term value creation assessments

Improving Investment Decisions

Yardstiq’s software buyer research and cloud-native application development services offer hedge funds and asset managers a unique source of qualitative insights to enhance their investment decision-making process. By leveraging the platform’s extensive database of analyst-led interviews with software buyers, investors gain access to valuable, firsthand information on industry trends, competitive dynamics, and customer preferences.

The insights provided by Yardstiq enable investors to:

  • Validate investment theses and identify potential risks by assessing the market positioning, growth prospects, and challenges faced by software companies
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the competitive landscape, including the strengths and weaknesses of key players, pricing strategies, and feature differentiation
  • Evaluate the sustainability of a company’s revenue streams by analyzing customer satisfaction levels, retention rates, and upsell opportunities
  • Identify emerging trends and potential disruptions in the software industry, such as shifts in buyer preferences, technological advancements, or regulatory changes
  • Incorporate qualitative insights into financial models and valuation frameworks to support investment research and decision-making processes

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Company Summary

GLG (Gerson Lehrman Group) is the world’s largest expert network, connecting clients with over 1,000,000 subject matter experts across nearly every industry and geography. Founded in 1998, GLG has evolved from a publishing house for industry guidebooks into a global information services company that provides tailored expertise to investors, consultants, corporations, and nonprofits. Through its extensive network of freelance consultants, including former C-level executives, physicians, scientists, and government members, GLG offers a wide range of services such as expert consultations, B2B surveys, and access to the GLG Library for quick learning and discovery. The company’s best-in-class compliance framework ensures clients can conduct primary research with experts while adhering to strict ethical standards. With over 3,000 employees and 1,200,000 experts, GLG generated $650,000,000 in revenue in 2021 and continues to grow, solidifying its position as a leader in the expert network industry.

Key Features For Investors

GLG (Gerson Lehrman Group) provides a range of valuable services and insights for hedge funds and asset managers seeking to enhance their investment decision-making process. As the world’s largest expert network, GLG connects clients with a vast pool of over 1 million subject matter experts across various industries and geographies. This access to specialized knowledge and real-world insights allows investors to gain a deeper understanding of market trends, industry dynamics, and company performance.

Key features of GLG’s offerings that benefit investors include:

  • Expert consultations: One-on-one phone consultations or in-person meetings with industry experts, enabling investors to ask targeted questions and gain unique perspectives on their areas of interest
  • Surveys: Custom surveys designed and administered by GLG to gather insights from a targeted group of experts, providing quantitative data to support investment theses
  • Roundtables and events: Intimate discussions with a panel of experts, facilitating knowledge sharing and debate on specific topics or industries
  • Research and analysis: In-depth reports and data analysis conducted by GLG’s team of experienced researchers, delivering actionable insights to inform investment decisions
  • Compliance and quality control: Rigorous screening processes and ongoing monitoring to ensure the integrity and quality of expert interactions, mitigating risks associated with primary research

Improving Investment Decisions

GLG (Gerson Lehrman Group) empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better-informed investment decisions by providing access to a vast network of subject matter experts and delivering customized research and alternative data insights. Through GLG’s expert consultations, investors can gain unique perspectives on market trends, industry dynamics, and company performance, allowing them to uncover opportunities and validate investment theses.

GLG’s services help investors enhance their decision-making process in several key ways:

  • Leveraging the knowledge of over 1 million experts across various industries and geographies to gain real-time insights and actionable intelligence
  • Accessing tailored research solutions, including in-depth studies, market surveys, and data analysis, to address specific investment questions and inform strategy
  • Utilizing alternative data sets, such as web-scraped data, credit card transactions, and satellite imagery, to identify trends and patterns that can provide a competitive edge
  • Ensuring the integrity and quality of expert interactions and research through strict compliance standards and rigorous screening processes

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Company Summary

Guidepoint is a research enablement platform that connects organizations with subject-matter expertise across various sectors and geographies. The company offers two main services: Research on Request, which provides clients with tailored expert insights through one-on-one calls, surveys, and events; and On-Demand Intelligence, which grants access to a vast network of over 1.5 million experts and a library of expert call transcripts. Additionally, Guidepoint Insights offers timely and topical perspectives through moderated calls conducted by their Insights team and client-generated calls. With these services, Guidepoint aims to help clients make informed decisions, analyze data with conviction, and gain a deeper understanding of emerging trends and complex topics.

Key Features For Investors

Guidepoint provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable expert insights and alternative data through its global network of industry professionals and comprehensive research services. By connecting clients with relevant experts and offering customized research solutions, Guidepoint enables investors to make more informed decisions and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Key features of Guidepoint’s services that investors find particularly useful include:

  • Access to a vast network of over 900,000 industry experts across various sectors and geographies, allowing investors to gather unique perspectives and specialized knowledge
  • Flexible consultation formats, including one-on-one calls, surveys, and events, enabling investors to engage with experts in a manner that best suits their needs and preferences
  • Custom research projects tailored to address specific client questions and requirements, providing in-depth analysis and actionable insights
  • Proprietary datasets and analytics that help investors identify trends, monitor market developments, and uncover potential investment opportunities
  • Ongoing tracking services to keep clients informed about key industry trends and company performance, ensuring they stay ahead of the curve
  • Robust compliance framework and quality assurance processes to maintain the highest standards of integrity and protect clients’ confidential information

Improving Investment Decisions

Guidepoint plays a crucial role in helping hedge funds and asset managers make better investment decisions by providing access to a global network of industry experts and offering a range of research services. By leveraging the insights and alternative data provided by Guidepoint, investors can gain a deeper understanding of their target markets, identify emerging trends, and uncover potential opportunities or risks.

Guidepoint’s services enable investors to:

  • Gather unique perspectives and specialized knowledge through consultations with industry experts across various sectors and geographies
  • Conduct custom research projects tailored to their specific needs, addressing key questions and areas of interest
  • Access proprietary datasets and analytics to identify trends, monitor market developments, and inform investment strategies
  • Stay informed about industry trends and company performance through ongoing tracking services
  • Engage with experts and gather insights through flexible formats, including one-on-one calls, surveys, and events

By utilizing Guidepoint’s expertise and comprehensive research offerings, hedge funds and asset managers can enhance their decision-making processes, uncover valuable investment opportunities, and gain a competitive edge in the market. Guidepoint’s commitment to compliance and quality assurance ensures that clients receive accurate, relevant, and reliable insights to support their investment strategies.

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ManagementTrack by Paragon Intel is the leading source of analysis on executives. Hedge Funds and Asset Managers rely on ManagementTrack for the management portion of any investment thesis. Predictive ratings, verified data, and proprietary interviews with high level former peers of executives allow professional investors to understand how the people leading a company will impact its performance.

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Discover how expert networks like GLG, Guidepoint, Third Bridge, and others are transforming investment research by providing investors with unique insights, alternative data, and access to industry experts to enhance decision-making and uncover hidden opportunities.

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