Colby Howard

Published on May 8, 2024

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Top Expert Networks Focused on Surveys and Sales

In the world of professional investing, alternative data has become a critical tool for gaining a competitive edge. One particularly valuable category of alternative data is expert-based research for surveys and sales. This type of research leverages insights from industry experts, providing investors with unique, qualitative data that can inform investment strategies and uncover hidden opportunities. From gauging market sentiment to understanding consumer trends and assessing regulatory impacts, expert-based research offers a wealth of information that can enhance decision-making processes. In this blog post, we’ll take a deep dive into the companies that are leading the way in providing high-quality expert-based research for surveys and sales, exploring their offerings and examining how their insights are transforming the investment landscape.


Company Summary

Dynata is a global first-party data platform that enables businesses to make informed decisions by connecting them with millions of survey respondents across diverse geographies, cultures, and purchasing behaviors. With over 70 million people in its global audience, Dynata leverages its extensive survey expertise, delivering a 97% average accept rate for completed surveys and conducting over 125 million surveys annually. The company’s all-in-one platform automates the entire marketing continuum, offering capabilities such as audience targeting, uncovering insights, connecting data, activating and measuring campaigns, and analyzing and sharing insights to drive business growth. Serving over 6,000 clients worldwide, including market research firms, brands, agencies, publishers, and consulting and investment firms, Dynata aims to improve clients’ understanding of their markets and customers by providing reliable, accurate human-sourced data, ultimately strengthening their market research and advertising activities.

Key Features For Investors

Dynata offers a comprehensive suite of data solutions and services that provide valuable insights for hedge funds and asset managers. By leveraging Dynata’s extensive global reach, high-quality first-party data, and advanced research capabilities, investors can gain a deeper understanding of markets, industries, and consumer behavior to inform their investment strategies.

Key features of Dynata’s offerings that benefit investors include:

  • Access to a vast global audience of over 70 million permissioned individuals, enabling investors to gather insights from diverse geographies and demographics
  • Expertise in designing and conducting custom surveys and research projects tailored to specific investment themes or target markets
  • Ability to collect and analyze real-time data on consumer sentiment, brand perception, and purchasing behavior across various sectors and industries
  • Integration of survey data with other first-party data sources, such as transaction data and online behavior, to provide a holistic view of consumers and markets
  • Advanced analytics and data science capabilities to uncover hidden patterns, trends, and correlations that can inform investment decisions
  • Strict data quality and compliance standards to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and ethical sourcing of data used in investment analysis

Improving Investment Decisions

Dynata empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing access to a vast global audience, advanced research capabilities, and high-quality first-party data. By leveraging Dynata’s extensive reach and expertise, investors can gain deeper insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and industry dynamics across various sectors and geographies.

Dynata’s offerings enable investors to:

  • Conduct custom surveys and research projects tailored to specific investment themes or target markets, gathering valuable insights directly from consumers and businesses
  • Analyze real-time data on consumer sentiment, brand perception, and purchasing behavior to identify emerging trends, opportunities, and risks
  • Integrate survey data with other first-party data sources, such as transaction data and online behavior, to develop a comprehensive understanding of markets and consumers
  • Utilize advanced analytics and data science capabilities to uncover hidden patterns, correlations, and predictive signals that can inform investment strategies and decision-making
  • Rely on strict data quality and compliance standards to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and ethical sourcing of data used in investment research and analysis

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Level Company

Company Summary

Based on the limited information provided on Level Company’s website, which primarily consists of placeholder “lorem ipsum” text, it is difficult to discern the exact nature of the company’s products, services, or overall mission. The repeated filler text suggests that the website may be under construction or that the company has not yet provided substantive public-facing information about its operations. Without additional reliable sources or details about Level Company, it is not possible to provide a comprehensive summary of the company’s activities or offerings at this time. Further research would be necessary to gain a clearer understanding of Level Company’s business model and market positioning.

Key Features For Investors

Level Company provides a unique set of alternative data solutions and analytics that empower hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions. By leveraging non-traditional data sources, Level Company offers insights that go beyond what is available through standard financial statements or market data feeds. This allows investors to identify trends, validate trading strategies, and uncover hidden opportunities that might otherwise be missed.

Key features of Level Company’s offerings that are particularly valuable for investors include:

  • Access to a wide range of alternative data sources, such as geospatial imagery, credit card transactions, web data, supply chain data, and social media sentiment
  • Advanced analytics and machine learning techniques that process and derive actionable insights from the collected data
  • Customized research and analysis tailored to specific client requirements, leveraging Level Company’s extensive data sources and expertise
  • Real-time or periodic delivery of raw or processed data feeds, enabling investors to integrate alternative data into their own models and systems
  • Identification of market trends, opportunities, and potential risks before they become apparent through traditional financial data
  • Ability to validate trading decisions for discretionary managers or incorporate alternative data into systematic models for quantitative funds

Improving Investment Decisions

Level Company empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing access to unique alternative data sources and advanced analytics. By leveraging Level Company’s offerings, investors can gain a deeper understanding of market trends, company performance, and potential risks or opportunities that may not be apparent through traditional financial data.

Level Company’s alternative data and insights enable investors to:

  • Identify early signals of market shifts or company-specific events, allowing for proactive investment strategies
  • Validate investment theses by cross-referencing traditional financial data with alternative data sources
  • Uncover hidden trends and patterns in consumer behavior, supply chain dynamics, and other key areas that impact company performance
  • Enhance risk management by identifying potential threats or vulnerabilities before they materialize
  • Develop more accurate predictive models for asset prices, market movements, and other key variables
  • Gain a competitive edge by accessing unique data sets and insights that are not widely available to other market participants

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Company Summary

Premise is an innovative company that harnesses the power of technology and a global community of over 6 million contributors to provide businesses and organizations with real-time, actionable insights. By combining machine learning with human intelligence, Premise’s platform enables the collection and analysis of local data across 140 countries and in 30 languages, empowering decision-makers to navigate complexities and drive meaningful change. The company’s four-step process – configure, collect, quality control, and visualize – ensures the delivery of high-quality, directly sourced data insights that help leaders understand local communities on a global scale, accelerate retail sales, and make informed decisions in various industries, including consumer goods, international development, and the public sector.

Key Features For Investors

Premise offers a unique alternative data solution that provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable insights to inform their investment decisions. By leveraging a global network of on-the-ground contributors, Premise collects real-time data across various economic, social, and political factors in over 125 countries. This granular, localized data enables investors to identify trends, assess risks, and uncover opportunities that may not be apparent through traditional data sources.

Key features of Premise’s data that are particularly useful for investors include:

  • Real-time economic indicators such as consumer prices and inflation, allowing for faster decision-making compared to lagging, traditional indicators
  • Geopolitical risk monitoring to assess and manage portfolio exposure to various regions
  • Supply chain insights tracking the movement of goods and materials, providing a view into industry and company health
  • Customizable data collection tailored to specific investor needs and strategies
  • ESG and sustainability data for socially responsible investing and monitoring portfolio company practices

Improving Investment Decisions

Premise’s alternative data solutions provide hedge funds and asset managers with valuable insights to enhance their investment strategies and decision-making processes. By leveraging a global network of contributors and advanced data collection techniques, Premise delivers real-time, granular data on economic, social, and political factors across more than 125 countries.

This data empowers investors to:

  • Identify trends and opportunities faster than traditional data sources allow, using real-time economic indicators such as consumer prices and inflation
  • Assess and manage portfolio risk exposure by monitoring geopolitical events and sentiment in various regions
  • Gain insights into industry and company health by tracking supply chain activity and the movement of goods and materials
  • Make socially responsible investment decisions and monitor portfolio company practices using ESG and sustainability data
  • Receive customized data tailored to their specific investment needs and strategies, ensuring the most relevant and actionable insights

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Company Summary

NewtonX is a leading B2B market research company that leverages its proprietary AI-driven algorithm, the NewtonX Graph, to search a global pool of 1.1 billion professionals and deliver verified expert insights tailored to each client’s specific needs. By offering a wide range of research methodologies, including quantitative, qualitative, and hybrid approaches, as well as research consulting and the NewtonX Prime platform for instant access to expert intelligence, the company provides businesses with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions. NewtonX’s rigorous verification process ensures that clients receive insights from true subject matter experts, making it a trusted partner for organizations seeking to strengthen their strategies and gain a competitive edge in their respective industries.

Key Features For Investors

NewtonX offers a powerful platform for investors, particularly hedge funds and asset managers, to access valuable expert-based research and insights. By leveraging its proprietary AI-driven algorithm and a global network of over 1.1 billion professionals, NewtonX enables investors to gather customized, high-quality data that can significantly enhance their decision-making processes.

Key features of NewtonX’s offerings that investors find most useful include:

  • Access to a vast pool of verified subject matter experts across various industries and geographies
  • Ability to conduct targeted surveys and in-depth interviews to gather specific insights
  • Customizable research solutions tailored to each investor’s unique needs and objectives
  • Rigorous expert verification process ensuring the reliability and accuracy of collected data
  • Efficient data collection and delivery, enabling faster time-to-insights for investors
  • Compliance with strict data privacy and security standards, providing peace of mind for clients

Improving Investment Decisions

NewtonX empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing access to a vast network of verified subject matter experts and delivering customized research solutions. The platform’s AI-driven algorithm searches a global pool of over 1.1 billion professionals to connect investors with the most relevant experts, enabling them to gather unique insights and data tailored to their specific needs.

By leveraging NewtonX’s offerings, investors can:

  • Conduct targeted surveys and in-depth interviews with industry experts to gain a deeper understanding of market trends, company performance, and competitive landscapes
  • Access a wide range of research methodologies, including quantitative, qualitative, and hybrid approaches, to gather comprehensive data and insights
  • Utilize the NewtonX Prime platform for instant access to expert intelligence, allowing for faster decision-making in dynamic market conditions
  • Benefit from a rigorous expert verification process that ensures the reliability and accuracy of the collected data
  • Incorporate alternative data into their investment strategies to identify unique opportunities and manage risks more effectively

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Company Summary

Emissary is a company that provides a human-centric B2B sales intelligence software called Emissary Knowledge. The platform offers businesses a unique edge in their sales efforts by delivering key firsthand insights on tech preferences and account-specific selling tips, sourced directly from former executives of thousands of highly-sought after accounts across diverse industries. Unlike other sales intelligence tools that aggregate data from publicly available sources, Emissary Knowledge gathers a unique set of information specifically tailored to help commercial teams navigate deals more effectively across the world’s largest companies. Users can leverage the expertise of Emissary’s network of former executives through 1:1 coach calls and custom add-on solutions, enabling sales, marketing, and product groups to gain deeper, human-centric insights into critical B2B targets.

Key Features For Investors

Emissary offers a unique platform that provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable expert-based research and insights to inform their investment decisions. By connecting investors with former executives who have deep, firsthand knowledge of specific companies and industries, Emissary enables investors to gain a competitive edge through access to information that is not readily available through traditional data sources.

Key features of Emissary’s offering that investors find useful include:

  • Access to an extensive network of former C-level executives across a wide range of industries
  • Ability to conduct 1:1 consultations with experts to gain specific insights tailored to their investment research needs
  • Detailed expert call transcripts and notes that capture key takeaways and unique perspectives
  • Ongoing access to experts for follow-up questions and discussions as needed
  • Compliance-vetted experts and a secure platform to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of engagements

Improving Investment Decisions

Emissary enhances the investment decision-making process for hedge funds and asset managers by providing access to valuable expert insights and alternative data. By connecting investors with former executives who have deep, firsthand knowledge of specific companies and industries, Emissary enables investors to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their target investments, identify potential risks and opportunities, and ultimately make more informed decisions.

Emissary’s platform offers several key features that support better investment decisions:

  • Access to an extensive network of former C-level executives across a wide range of industries, allowing investors to gain unique, qualitative insights that complement traditional data sources
  • Ability to conduct 1:1 consultations with experts to obtain specific insights tailored to their investment research needs, facilitating more targeted and actionable information gathering
  • Detailed expert call transcripts and notes that capture key takeaways and unique perspectives, providing a valuable reference for ongoing investment analysis and decision-making
  • Ongoing access to experts for follow-up questions and discussions as needed, ensuring that investors can continue to leverage expert knowledge throughout the investment process
  • Compliance-vetted experts and a secure platform that ensures the integrity and confidentiality of engagements, mitigating potential risks associated with obtaining sensitive information

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Company Summary

InCrowd is a life sciences market research company that provides real-time insights from a global panel of over 2 million healthcare professionals and patients, known as the Crowd. The company’s proprietary technology platform enables clients to quickly engage with validated healthcare experts across 150 specialties worldwide, delivering high-quality data within hours. InCrowd offers a range of solutions, including surveys, interviews, and tracking studies, as well as flexible service options that allow clients to leverage the company’s expertise as needed. By combining agile technology, rigorous compliance practices, and deep industry knowledge, InCrowd helps top pharmaceutical firms and other life sciences organizations make informed decisions and bring innovative products to market faster.

Key Features For Investors

InCrowd’s platform offers a range of features that provide valuable insights for hedge funds and asset managers seeking to make informed investment decisions in the healthcare and life sciences sectors. By leveraging InCrowd’s global network of over 2 million healthcare professionals and patients, investors can access real-time market intelligence and expert opinions that would be difficult to obtain through traditional research methods.

Key features of InCrowd’s offering that are particularly relevant for investors include:

  • Real-time surveys and interviews with validated healthcare experts across 150 specialties
  • Ability to quickly gather insights on market trends, treatment protocols, and patient perspectives
  • Tracking studies to monitor changes in brand perception, market share, and competitive landscape
  • Flexible engagement options, from self-service to full-service research projects
  • Rigorous compliance practices to ensure data quality and regulatory adherence
  • Integration of expert insights with other data sources to support investment theses and due diligence

Improving Investment Decisions

InCrowd’s platform empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing real-time insights from a global network of healthcare experts. By leveraging InCrowd’s agile technology and deep industry knowledge, investors can access valuable alternative data that enhances their research processes and enables them to identify opportunities and manage risks more effectively.

InCrowd’s offering helps investors improve their decision-making in several key ways:

  • Access to real-time market intelligence: InCrowd’s platform allows investors to quickly gather insights on market trends, treatment protocols, and patient perspectives, providing a more comprehensive view of the healthcare landscape.
  • Ability to validate investment theses: By conducting targeted surveys and interviews with healthcare experts, investors can test their hypotheses and gather supporting evidence to inform their investment strategies.
  • Enhanced due diligence: InCrowd’s expert network and research capabilities enable investors to conduct more thorough due diligence on potential investments, uncovering insights that may not be readily available through traditional data sources.
  • Identification of emerging trends and risks: By monitoring changes in brand perception, market share, and competitive dynamics through InCrowd’s tracking studies, investors can spot emerging trends and potential risks early on, allowing them to adjust their portfolios accordingly.
  • Integration with other data sources: InCrowd’s insights can be combined with other alternative data and traditional financial metrics to create a more holistic view of investment opportunities and support more robust decision-making processes.

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Company Summary

Alchemer is a leading provider of online survey software and tools that empower organizations to gather valuable insights, drive engagement, and make informed decisions. The company’s robust and flexible platform offers a range of features, including advanced data collection and analysis tools, user-friendly survey creation, and enterprise-grade security protocols. Alchemer’s software is designed to adapt to various use cases across departments such as Marketing, Market Research, Product, Customer Experience (CX), HR, and Customer Service. With its market-leading flexibility and comprehensive capabilities, Alchemer allows anyone in an organization to create, manage, and report on projects easily. The company has been recognized in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Voice of the Customer and has received high ratings from G2 reviewers for its superior survey software.

Key Features For Investors

Alchemer’s online survey software and tools offer hedge funds and asset managers unique opportunities to gather alternative data for investment research and decision-making. By leveraging Alchemer’s platform, investors can create customized surveys to collect timely, relevant data directly from consumers, industry experts, and other key stakeholders. This data can provide valuable insights into market trends, consumer sentiment, competitive landscapes, and emerging opportunities.

Key features of Alchemer that are particularly useful for investors include:

  • Flexible survey design tools that allow for targeted questioning and data collection
  • Advanced data analysis and reporting capabilities to uncover insights and trends
  • Integration with existing data management and analytics platforms used by investors
  • Ability to reach large, diverse audiences for broad market insights
  • Real-time data collection for timely monitoring of fast-moving trends and sentiments
  • Robust security and compliance features to protect sensitive data and meet regulatory requirements

Improving Investment Decisions

Alchemer’s online survey platform provides hedge funds and asset managers with a powerful tool to gather and analyze alternative data, enhancing their investment decision-making process. By leveraging Alchemer’s customizable surveys, investors can collect timely, relevant data directly from consumers, industry experts, and other key stakeholders, gaining valuable insights into market trends, consumer sentiment, and emerging opportunities.

Alchemer’s platform offers several key features that benefit investors:

  • Flexible survey design tools to create targeted questionnaires and collect specific data points
  • Advanced data analysis and reporting capabilities to uncover actionable insights and trends
  • Integration with existing data management and analytics platforms used by investors
  • Ability to reach diverse, targeted audiences for comprehensive market insights
  • Real-time data collection to monitor rapidly evolving trends and sentiments
  • Robust security and compliance features to protect sensitive data and meet regulatory requirements

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