Colby Howard

Published on May 6, 2024

Featured Article

The Top Expert Network Research Firms For Investors

When it comes to gaining a competitive edge in today’s complex investment landscape, professional investors are increasingly turning to expert-based research from core providers. This category of alternative data offers unique insights from industry professionals and subject matter experts, providing a deeper understanding of market dynamics, industry trends, and company-specific factors that can inform investment decisions. In this blog post, we will explore the top companies in the expert-based research space, examining their offerings, methodologies, and the ways in which they are helping investors uncover valuable opportunities and navigate risk in an ever-changing market. From connecting investors with expert networks to providing in-depth industry analysis and bespoke research solutions, these core providers are transforming the way investors approach due diligence and decision-making.


Company Summary

GLG (Gerson Lehrman Group) is a leading expert network that connects clients with a diverse range of subject matter experts across various industries and sectors to provide insights, knowledge, and advice. With a global network of approximately 1 million experts, GLG offers a suite of services, including one-on-one consultations, surveys, events, and thought leadership content. The company’s clients, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to professional services firms, leverage GLG’s expertise to make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge in their respective markets. GLG maintains a robust compliance framework to ensure the integrity and quality of its expert network while fostering long-term partnerships with clients, experts, and the broader community through initiatives like the GLG Social Impact Fellowship.

Key Features For Investors

GLG offers a range of expert-based research services that provide valuable insights for hedge funds and asset managers. By leveraging its extensive network of over 1 million subject matter experts across various industries and geographies, GLG enables investors to access unique perspectives and knowledge that can inform their investment decisions.

Key features of GLG’s expert network that investors find useful include:

  • One-on-one consultations with industry experts to gain deeper insights into market trends, competitive landscapes, and company performance
  • Custom surveys and market research studies to validate investment theses and identify emerging opportunities
  • Roundtable discussions and events that bring together experts and investors to discuss key industry topics and share knowledge
  • Access to former executives, consultants, and other professionals who can provide first-hand insights into companies and industries
  • A rigorous compliance framework that ensures the integrity and quality of expert interactions while mitigating potential risks

By tapping into GLG’s expert network, hedge funds and asset managers can enhance their due diligence processes, uncover unique investment ideas, and make more informed decisions based on a combination of traditional financial data and expert-based insights.

Improving Investment Decisions

GLG empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better investment decisions by providing access to a vast network of subject matter experts and offering a range of specialized research services. Through one-on-one consultations, custom surveys, and exclusive events, investors can tap into the knowledge and insights of over 1 million experts across various industries and geographies. This unique access allows investors to validate their investment theses, conduct thorough due diligence, and uncover emerging trends and opportunities that may not be apparent through traditional research methods.

In addition to its expert network, GLG offers a suite of services designed to support investors throughout the investment process:

  • Customized research projects that provide in-depth analysis of specific companies, industries, or market trends
  • Comprehensive industry reports and market studies that offer a detailed overview of key sectors and their growth potential
  • Targeted channel checks and supply chain analysis to assess the performance and competitive positioning of individual companies
  • On-demand access to a wide range of alternative data sources, including web-scraped data, credit card transaction data, and geospatial data, to complement traditional financial analysis

By leveraging GLG’s expertise and resources, hedge funds and asset managers can gain a competitive edge in identifying attractive investment opportunities, managing risk, and generating alpha for their portfolios.

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Company Summary

AlphaSense is a market intelligence and search platform that provides companies and financial institutions with efficient access to primary research through its Expert Insights offering. Expert Insights consists of a comprehensive database of expert interview transcripts and the ability to conduct personalized one-on-one calls with vetted experts across various industries and topics. This alternative data source enables users to gather experiential knowledge and firsthand perspectives that may be difficult to obtain through traditional research methods, helping them make well-informed, data-driven decisions. The expert transcript library features interviews led by AlphaSense clients, ensuring probing questions and deep insights. Additionally, AlphaSense offers Smart Summaries, a generative AI tool that analyzes earnings transcripts to provide real-time insights on positives, negatives, outlook, and Q&A, allowing users to efficiently gather critical information during earnings season.

Key Features For Investors

AlphaSense’s Expert Insights offering provides hedge funds and asset managers with a unique and valuable source of alternative data through access to a comprehensive database of expert interview transcripts and personalized expert calls. By leveraging the knowledge and first-hand perspectives of industry experts, investors can gain deeper insights into market trends, company performance, and competitive dynamics.

The key features of AlphaSense’s Expert Insights that investors find most useful include:

  • Extensive library of expert interview transcripts covering a wide range of industries and topics, allowing investors to quickly gather relevant insights
  • Ability to conduct one-on-one calls with vetted experts to gain personalized insights tailored to their specific investment strategies and research needs
  • Efficient access to unique, hard-to-find information that can help investors uncover investment opportunities or identify potential risks
  • Compliance and control tools to ensure all expert interactions meet regulatory requirements and maintain transparency
  • Integration with AlphaSense’s powerful search and analysis platform, enabling investors to seamlessly incorporate expert insights into their research process

Improving Investment Decisions

AlphaSense’s Expert Insights offering empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better-informed investment decisions by providing access to a vast network of industry experts and their unique perspectives. By leveraging the knowledge and insights of these professionals, investors can gain a deeper understanding of market trends, company performance, and competitive dynamics, enabling them to uncover potential opportunities or identify risks that may not be apparent through traditional research methods.

The Expert Insights platform offers several key benefits to investors:

  • Access to an extensive database of expert interview transcripts, covering a wide range of industries and topics, allowing investors to efficiently gather relevant insights
  • Ability to conduct one-on-one calls with vetted experts, tailored to their specific research needs and investment strategies
  • Seamless integration with AlphaSense’s powerful search and analysis tools, enabling investors to incorporate expert insights into their research process effectively
  • Compliance and control features to ensure all expert interactions meet regulatory requirements and maintain transparency throughout the research process

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ManagementTrack by Paragon Intel

Company Summary

ManagementTrack is a specialized platform from Paragon Intel that provides investors with comprehensive insights and analysis on corporate executives, focusing on CEOs of Russell 3000 companies. By leveraging a team of skilled investigative journalists and a network of high-level sources, typically VP-level or higher former colleagues, ManagementTrack delivers unique, anonymized firsthand accounts of executives’ strengths, weaknesses, and key initiatives. The company’s analysis, overseen by former buysiders, matches CEO capabilities with company needs, while their data offers real-time professional and personal analytics on executives. With a library of interview reports, predictive insights, and data science to flag outliers and predict future events, ManagementTrack aims to enhance investment returns by incorporating management quality into investment theses.

Key Features For Investors

ManagementTrack offers a unique approach to expert-based research by providing investors with comprehensive insights into corporate executives, particularly CEOs of Russell 3000 companies. By leveraging a network of high-level sources and a team of skilled investigative journalists, Paragon Intel delivers valuable firsthand accounts of executives’ strengths, weaknesses, and key initiatives that are not typically available through traditional data sources.

Key features of Paragon Intel’s offerings that investors find useful include:

  • Anonymized interviews with former colleagues, typically VP-level or higher, providing unique insights into executives’ capabilities and management styles
  • Buyside analysis that matches CEO capabilities with company needs, helping investors assess the fit between leadership and corporate strategy
  • ManagementTrack platform offering real-time professional and personal analytics on executives, enabling investors to stay informed about key developments
  • Library of interview reports and predictive insights that leverage data science to flag outliers and predict future events, enhancing investors’ ability to anticipate and react to management changes
  • Track record of outperforming by over 16% for the past 5 years with ManagementTrack-produced recommendations, demonstrating the value of incorporating management quality into investment theses

Improving Investment Decisions

ManagementTrack’s specialized research and analytics empower hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing comprehensive insights into corporate executives and their impact on company performance. By leveraging a network of high-level sources, skilled investigative journalists, and data science, Paragon Intel delivers unique, actionable intelligence that goes beyond traditional financial metrics.

ManagementTrack’s offerings help investors enhance their investment strategies in several key ways:

  • ManagementTrack Reports and interview transcripts provide detailed, anonymized firsthand accounts of executives’ strengths, weaknesses, and key initiatives, enabling investors to assess leadership capabilities and their fit with company needs
  • The ManagementTrack platform offers real-time professional and personal analytics on executives, allowing investors to monitor developments and anticipate potential impacts on company performance
  • Predictive insights and data science techniques help identify outliers and forecast future events, giving investors an edge in anticipating management changes and their consequences
  • Buyside analysis matches CEO capabilities with company requirements, aiding investors in evaluating the alignment between leadership and corporate strategy
  • A proven track record of outperformance using Paragon-produced recommendations demonstrates the value of incorporating management quality insights into investment theses

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Third Bridge

Company Summary

Third Bridge is a leading global investment research firm that provides integrated research solutions to top investors and business leaders, enabling them to make smarter and faster decisions. The company offers a unique combination of unbiased human insights, investor-led content, and a global expert network service. Third Bridge’s suite of products includes Community, which provides investor-led content generated from fixed-rate 1:1 consultations; Forum, the world’s largest archive of high-quality expert interviews; Maps, a visual representation of public and private company value chains; Connections, which offers direct access to prequalified industry experts through 1:1 consultations; and Primers, which deliver fundamental information on privately held companies. With over 1,300 employees across eight offices worldwide, Third Bridge serves some of the world’s largest hedge funds, mutual funds, private equity funds, and management consultancies, helping them inform all stages of their investment process and focus on what matters most.

Key Features For Investors

Third Bridge provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable expert-based research and insights to inform their investment decisions. The company’s extensive global network of industry professionals, comprehensive market analysis, and customized research solutions offer investors a unique edge in identifying opportunities and managing risks.

Key features of Third Bridge’s offerings that investors find most useful include:

  • Access to a network of over 1.5 million industry experts for in-depth interviews and unique insights
  • Detailed market analysis reports covering key industries and geographies, combining expert views and data analysis
  • Tailored research solutions for due diligence, competitive benchmarking, and market entry strategy
  • Timely and differentiated intelligence not available through traditional financial data sources
  • Improved ability to uncover alpha opportunities and mitigate investment risks through a deeper understanding of market dynamics and competitive landscapes

Improving Investment Decisions

Third Bridge empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better-informed investment decisions by providing them with unique insights, in-depth analysis, and access to industry experts. The company’s comprehensive research solutions enable investors to gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics, competitive landscapes, and company performance, ultimately helping them identify opportunities and manage risks more effectively.

Third Bridge assists investors in enhancing their decision-making process through:

  • Expert interviews: Connecting clients with a global network of over 1.5 million industry professionals for detailed discussions on market trends, company performance, and competitive landscapes
  • Market analysis: Offering comprehensive reports that combine expert insights, primary research, and data analysis to identify investment opportunities and potential risks across various industries and geographies
  • Custom research: Providing tailored solutions to address specific client needs, such as due diligence support, competitive benchmarking, and market entry strategy
  • Unique insights: Delivering differentiated intelligence not available through traditional sources, enabling investors to uncover alpha opportunities and gain a competitive edge
  • Risk mitigation: Helping investors better manage and mitigate investment risks by providing a deeper understanding of market dynamics and competitive landscapes

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Company Summary

AlphaSights is a global knowledge on-demand company that connects clients with industry experts to help them make more informed decisions. Founded in 2008, the company serves a diverse client base, including private equity firms, hedge funds, strategy consultancies, and corporations across various sectors. AlphaSights’ proprietary knowledge graph and AI-powered matching technology enable precise and efficient connections between clients and experts. The company’s user-friendly platform allows clients to schedule calls, launch surveys, and access research on-demand, while its robust compliance program ensures confidentiality and safety. With a team of highly skilled professionals and a presence in major cities worldwide, AlphaSights has experienced rapid growth and established itself as a leader in the expert network industry.

Key Features For Investors

AlphaSights provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable expert-based research solutions that enhance their investment decision-making process. By connecting investors with a global network of over 1 million industry experts, AlphaSights enables them to gather unique insights, validate investment theses, and identify new opportunities.

Key features of AlphaSights’ expert network that investors find useful include:

  • Access to experts across various sectors, geographies, and functions
  • Ability to conduct consultations, surveys, and custom projects with experts
  • Proprietary technology platform that streamlines the research process
  • Advanced search algorithms and machine learning for precise expert matching
  • Bespoke research solutions tailored to each investor’s specific needs
  • Robust compliance policies and procedures to ensure ethical interactions
  • Strict confidentiality measures to protect sensitive information

By leveraging these features, hedge funds and asset managers can gain a competitive edge in the market, making more informed and timely investment decisions based on primary research and alternative data points not readily available through traditional sources.

Improving Investment Decisions

AlphaSights empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better investment decisions by providing them with access to a global network of industry experts and delivering customized research solutions. By leveraging AlphaSights’ proprietary technology platform and extensive expert network, investors can gather unique insights, validate investment theses, and identify new opportunities that would be difficult to uncover through traditional data sources.

AlphaSights helps investors improve their decision-making process in several key ways:

  • Connecting investors with relevant experts across various sectors, geographies, and functions to provide specialized knowledge and insights
  • Streamlining the research process through advanced search algorithms and machine learning, enabling efficient identification and engagement of experts
  • Offering bespoke research solutions tailored to each investor’s specific needs, such as market landscaping, due diligence support, and competitor analysis
  • Ensuring compliance with legal and ethical standards through robust policies and procedures, maintaining strict confidentiality to protect sensitive information
  • Providing timely and actionable insights that directly address investors’ research questions and inform their investment strategies

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Company Summar

VisasQ/Coleman is a leading expert network and knowledge broker established in 2021 through a partnership between VisasQ Inc., Asia’s top expert network firm, and Coleman Research, a trusted global expert service provider with over 20 years of experience. The company aims to provide global leaders and investors with the expertise needed to make better decisions by facilitating the rapid exchange of critical insights through a global platform. VisasQ/Coleman offers precise custom recruitment, sourcing 20% of experts on any project through targeted efforts, and maintains a unique network of global thought-leaders and experts, with exceptional depth in Japan and the U.S. The company’s industry-leading client app features a user-friendly interface for project submission, expert reviews, and consultation scheduling, while their 24/5 global coverage enables rapid expert scheduling. VisasQ/Coleman’s robust compliance framework includes a customizable platform for easy implementation and management of firm-specific protocols, with utilization and interactions reviewable via their Compliance App.

Key Features For Investors

VisasQ/Coleman provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable expert-based research and insights to improve their investment decision-making processes. By leveraging a global network of over 270,000 industry professionals and subject matter experts, VisasQ/Coleman offers direct access to specialized knowledge and experience that can help investors gain a deeper understanding of market trends, industry dynamics, competitive landscapes, and emerging technologies.

Key features of VisasQ/Coleman’s expert network services that investors find useful include:

  • One-on-one consultations with experts across various industries, including technology, healthcare, consumer goods, and more
  • Custom recruitment of experts with specific domain expertise tailored to the needs of each client
  • In-depth expert interviews and surveys to gather unique insights and perspectives on companies, markets, and industries
  • Customized research reports and analysis based on expert insights, providing actionable recommendations for investment strategies
  • Strict compliance policies and confidentiality agreements to ensure professional conduct and protect sensitive information
  • Global reach with experts and clients in multiple countries, offering diverse perspectives and local market knowledge

Improving Investment Decisions

VisasQ/Coleman empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better-informed investment decisions by providing access to a global network of industry experts and delivering customized research and insights. Through one-on-one consultations, investors can tap into the knowledge and experience of over 270,000 professionals across various sectors, gaining valuable perspectives on market trends, competitive landscapes, and company-specific information.

VisasQ/Coleman’s services help investors enhance their decision-making processes in several ways:

  • Custom expert recruitment: VisasQ/Coleman sources experts with specific domain expertise tailored to each client’s unique needs, ensuring that investors receive relevant and actionable insights.
  • In-depth interviews and surveys: By conducting thorough interviews and surveys with industry experts, VisasQ/Coleman gathers unique insights and perspectives on companies, markets, and sectors, which can inform investment strategies.
  • Customized research reports: VisasQ/Coleman’s experienced analysts provide comprehensive research reports and analyses based on expert insights, offering actionable recommendations for investment opportunities and risk mitigation.
  • Strict compliance and confidentiality: VisasQ/Coleman maintains robust compliance policies and confidentiality agreements to ensure professional conduct and protect sensitive information, giving investors peace of mind when engaging with experts.
  • Global reach and diverse perspectives: With experts and clients spanning multiple countries, VisasQ/Coleman offers investors access to diverse perspectives and local market knowledge, enhancing their ability to make informed decisions in an increasingly interconnected world.

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Company Summary

Guidepoint is a global expert network that connects clients with subject-matter experts to provide timely, relevant, and actionable insights. With a network of over 1.5 million experts across various industries and geographies, Guidepoint enables organizations to make informed decisions by offering a range of research solutions, including expert calls, surveys, events, and curated data services. The company’s experienced team of moderators and former analysts work closely with clients to deliver customized research solutions that help fill knowledge gaps, deepen understanding of emerging trends, and sharpen analysis. Guidepoint’s client base includes investment firms, corporations, consulting firms, and marketing services firms, who leverage the company’s expertise to drive business forward and seize opportunities with confidence.

Key Features For Investors

Guidepoint is a leading expert network that provides valuable insights and alternative data to hedge funds and asset managers, empowering them to make more informed investment decisions. By leveraging its global network of over 900,000 industry experts and offering a range of research services, Guidepoint enables investors to gain a deeper understanding of market trends, validate investment theses, and identify unique opportunities.

Key features of Guidepoint’s expert-based research services include:

  • Access to a vast network of subject-matter experts across various industries and geographies
  • One-on-one consultations with experts to gain first-hand insights and strategic advice
  • Custom expert surveys to gather proprietary data and gauge market sentiment
  • Exclusive events and conferences that facilitate knowledge sharing and networking
  • Experienced moderators and former analysts who work closely with clients to deliver tailored research solutions
  • Rigorous compliance and ethical standards to ensure the integrity of expert interactions

By leveraging Guidepoint’s expert-based research, hedge funds and asset managers can complement traditional financial data with unique, qualitative insights. This alternative data helps investors uncover hidden trends, validate assumptions, and identify potential risks and opportunities in their target markets. With access to Guidepoint’s global network of experts and customized research services, investors can gain a competitive edge and make more informed decisions in an increasingly complex investment landscape.

Improving Investment Decisions

Guidepoint empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better-informed investment decisions by providing access to valuable expert insights and alternative data. By leveraging Guidepoint’s extensive network of industry experts and customized research services, investors can gain a deeper understanding of market trends, validate their investment theses, and identify unique opportunities.

Guidepoint’s services enable investors to:

  • Conduct one-on-one consultations with subject-matter experts to obtain first-hand insights and strategic advice
  • Gather proprietary data and gauge market sentiment through custom expert surveys
  • Attend exclusive events and conferences to facilitate knowledge sharing and networking
  • Work with experienced moderators and former analysts to receive tailored research solutions
  • Benefit from rigorous compliance and ethical standards that ensure the integrity of expert interactions

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Company Summary

Atheneum is a global expert network and research service provider that empowers businesses with market intelligence and insights to tackle current challenges and anticipate future questions. With a network of over 1,000,000 experts, Atheneum’s insights platform offers on-demand access to global intelligence, enabling clients to make informed decisions. The company’s research-as-a-service model seamlessly integrates into clients’ workflows, delivering secure and rapid market intelligence. Atheneum has raised $150M in growth capital, collaborated with Nikkei Inc., and is committed to female empowerment. The company also publishes the Global Economic Outlook report with Statista and has been recognized as a Gründerszene Growth Winner 2019.

Key Features For Investors

Atheneum offers a unique value proposition for hedge funds and asset managers by providing access to a global network of over 500,000 industry experts across various sectors. This enables investors to gain deeper insights, validate investment theses, and identify emerging trends and opportunities. Through custom expert surveys, interviews, and data analysis, Atheneum delivers tailored research solutions that align with each client’s specific needs.

Key features of Atheneum’s expert-based research that investors find valuable include:

  • Direct access to specialized knowledge and insights from industry professionals
  • Ability to conduct targeted surveys and gather primary data on market sentiment and trends
  • Customized research projects designed to address specific investment questions or hypotheses
  • Efficient and streamlined process for collecting and analyzing expert insights
  • Coverage across a wide range of industries and geographies, providing a global perspective
  • Integration of expert insights with other data sources to enrich investment analysis and decision-making

Improving Investment Decisions

Atheneum empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing access to a global network of over 500,000 industry experts and delivering customized research solutions. By leveraging Atheneum’s expert insights, investors can gain a deeper understanding of market trends, validate investment theses, and identify emerging opportunities across various sectors and geographies.

Atheneum’s platform offers several key benefits that enhance the investment decision-making process:

  • Targeted expert surveys and interviews to gather primary data on market sentiment, consumer behavior, and competitive landscapes
  • Customized research projects tailored to address specific investment questions or hypotheses
  • Efficient and streamlined process for collecting and analyzing expert insights, saving time and resources
  • Integration of expert insights with other data sources to provide a holistic view of investment opportunities and risks
  • Access to a wide range of industries and geographies, enabling investors to make informed decisions on a global scale

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Company Summary

Mosaic Research Management is a New York City-based firm that empowers fund managers to conduct world-class proprietary research by providing tailored recruiting services, unique data subscriptions, and streamlined software solutions. Through its Mosaic Advisors division, the company connects investment analysts with industry experts, fostering valuable relationships and facilitating knowledge sharing. Mosaic Data Services sources exclusive datasets by leveraging its extensive recruiting network, enabling clients to make informed decisions based on proprietary information. The MosaicRM Software platform offers tools to optimize the research process, allowing fund managers to efficiently manage and analyze data in-house, ultimately enhancing their research capabilities and investment strategies.

Key Features For Investors

Mosaic provides hedge funds and asset managers with expert-based research services that enable them to make more informed investment decisions. By leveraging its extensive network of industry experts, Mosaic offers investors access to unique insights and knowledge that can help them identify promising opportunities, validate investment theses, and gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics.

Key features of Mosaic’s expert-based research services include:

  • Access to a diverse pool of industry experts across various sectors and geographies
  • Customized expert recruitment tailored to specific research needs and investment strategies
  • One-on-one consultations and in-depth interviews with experts to gather proprietary insights
  • Timely and actionable expert insights on market trends, competitive landscapes, and industry developments
  • Rigorous compliance processes to ensure ethical and transparent expert engagements
  • Integration of expert insights with other research inputs to inform investment decisions

Improving Investment Decisions

Mosaic empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better investment decisions by providing a comprehensive research management platform that streamlines the research process and facilitates the integration of expert insights. By leveraging Mosaic’s extensive network of industry experts, investors can access unique knowledge and perspectives that help them identify promising opportunities, validate investment theses, and gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics.

Mosaic’s expert-based research services enable investors to:

  • Engage in one-on-one consultations and in-depth interviews with experts to gather proprietary insights
  • Access a diverse pool of industry experts across various sectors and geographies
  • Receive timely and actionable expert insights on market trends, competitive landscapes, and industry developments
  • Benefit from customized expert recruitment tailored to specific research needs and investment strategies
  • Integrate expert insights with other research inputs to inform investment decisions while ensuring compliance with ethical standards

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Company Summary

Capvision is a global primary research platform that connects clients with a vast network of 450,000 industry experts across various sectors to provide valuable insights and inform decision-making. The company’s clientele includes financial institutions, consulting firms, global enterprises, and high-net-worth individuals. Capvision’s expert network services enable clients to gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of specific markets, while their custom survey offerings gather critical information from key decision-makers and opinion leaders. By leveraging its extensive expert network, Capvision aims to empower its clients with the intelligence needed to make informed decisions and navigate complex business challenges.

Key Features For Investors

Capvision’s expert network and research services provide hedge funds and asset managers with valuable insights to inform their investment strategies. By connecting clients with a vast network of industry experts, Capvision enables investors to gain a deeper understanding of market trends, competitive landscapes, and sector-specific developments. This primary research helps investors validate their investment theses, identify potential risks and opportunities, and make more informed decisions.

Key features of Capvision’s offerings that benefit investors include:

  • Access to over 450,000 industry experts across various sectors, providing first-hand knowledge and real-time insights
  • Customized expert consultations tailored to clients’ specific research needs and investment strategies
  • In-depth market research reports and sector analyses, offering comprehensive overviews of industry trends, growth forecasts, and potential investment opportunities
  • Due diligence support for evaluating the viability and stability of potential investments, helping to mitigate risks and identify red flags
  • Compliance with industry standards and regulations, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of expert interactions and research findings

Improving Investment Decisions

Capvision empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing access to a vast network of industry experts and offering customized research solutions. By leveraging Capvision’s services, investors can gain a deeper understanding of market trends, competitive landscapes, and sector-specific developments, enabling them to validate their investment theses and identify potential risks and opportunities.

Capvision’s offerings help investors enhance their decision-making processes through:

  • Expert consultations tailored to clients’ specific research needs and investment strategies, providing first-hand knowledge and real-time insights
  • In-depth market research reports and sector analyses, offering comprehensive overviews of industry trends, growth forecasts, and potential investment opportunities
  • Due diligence support for evaluating the viability and stability of potential investments, helping to mitigate risks and identify red flags
  • Compliance with industry standards and regulations, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of expert interactions and research findings

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Office Hours

Company Summary

Office Hours is a knowledge-sharing platform that connects clients, such as venture capital firms, corporations, and consulting firms, with a global network of expert advisors. The platform streamlines the engagement process, enabling clients to easily discover, book, manage, and pay for consultations with knowledge professionals across various industries and geographies. Office Hours offers a user-friendly interface for clients to search for advisors by job titles, organizations, knowledge areas, or locations, and provides scheduling software to facilitate expert interviews at scale. The platform also helps clients organize their advisors, interviews, and transcripts by topic, ensuring an efficient workflow. With secure payment options and a focus on compliance, Office Hours allows clients to access valuable insights while advisors can share their expertise and earn money through the platform.

Key Features For Investors

Office Hours provides hedge funds and asset managers with a unique form of alternative data through its expert network platform. By connecting investors with a global network of industry professionals, Office Hours enables them to gain valuable insights, confirm hypotheses, and identify emerging trends that can inform their investment strategies.

The key features of Office Hours’ expert-based research that investors find most useful include:

  • Access to a diverse pool of experts across industries, geographies, and functional areas, allowing investors to gather nuanced insights on niche topics and market segments
  • Ability to conduct in-depth, one-on-one consultations with experts to dive deep into specific issues, validate investment theses, and uncover critical data points
  • Efficient knowledge-sharing through an easy-to-use platform that streamlines the process of discovering, engaging, and collaborating with experts
  • Compliance-focused approach that ensures all interactions adhere to regulatory guidelines and maintains the confidentiality of sensitive information
  • Integration of expert insights with other forms of alternative data, such as web-scraped data or credit card transactions, to create a more comprehensive view of investment opportunities

Improving Investment Decisions

Office Hours empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better investment decisions by providing them with direct access to a global network of industry experts. This platform enables investors to gain deep, nuanced insights into specific sectors, companies, and market trends through one-on-one consultations with knowledgeable professionals. By leveraging the expertise of these insiders, investors can validate their investment theses, uncover critical data points, and identify emerging opportunities or risks that may not be apparent through traditional research methods.

The key ways in which Office Hours enhances the investment decision-making process include:

  • Facilitating efficient knowledge-sharing through a user-friendly platform that streamlines the process of discovering, engaging, and collaborating with experts across various industries and geographies
  • Enabling investors to conduct targeted, in-depth interviews with experts to gather granular insights on niche topics, confirm hypotheses, and gain a competitive edge in the market
  • Providing access to a diverse pool of experts with firsthand experience in their respective fields, allowing investors to tap into a wealth of knowledge and perspectives that can inform their investment strategies
  • Offering a compliance-focused approach that ensures all interactions adhere to regulatory guidelines and maintains the confidentiality of sensitive information, giving investors peace of mind when engaging with experts through the platform

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Enquire AI

Company Summary

Enquire AI is a company that specializes in providing expert insights software to organizations, with the mission of making them knowledge efficient. By combining human analysis with a patented knowledge automation platform that fuels its proprietary Q&A dataset, Enquire AI delivers real-time, custom insights for decision-makers and knowledge professionals. The company’s solutions blend AI, data science, and human intelligence to provide context and analysis faster than any other expert knowledge platform, empowering clients with business intelligence and professionals with human + AI insights. Enquire AI’s services help organizations build custom knowledge discovery platforms, addressing the issue of knowledge inefficiency that costs businesses an estimated $35M per year per every 1,000 employees.

Key Features For Investors

Enquire AI offers a unique value proposition for hedge funds and asset managers seeking to enhance their investment decision-making process through expert-based research and alternative data. By combining human expertise with advanced analytics and a proprietary knowledge automation platform, Enquire AI delivers real-time, customized insights that empower investors to make more informed decisions.

Key features of Enquire AI’s offering that investors find valuable include:

  • Access to a curated network of industry experts and thought leaders who provide deep domain knowledge and unique perspectives on market trends, company performance, and emerging opportunities
  • Proprietary Q&A dataset fueled by a patented knowledge automation platform that enables investors to quickly find relevant insights and analysis on specific topics or companies
  • Seamless integration of expert insights with traditional financial data and alternative data sources, providing a holistic view of investment opportunities and risks
  • Customizable research solutions tailored to the specific needs and investment strategies of each client, ensuring maximum relevance and actionability
  • Real-time delivery of insights and analysis, enabling investors to stay ahead of the curve and make timely decisions in fast-moving markets

Improving Investment Decisions

Enquire AI empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better-informed investment decisions by providing expert insights and alternative data through their innovative platform. By combining human expertise with advanced analytics and a proprietary knowledge automation system, Enquire AI delivers real-time, customized insights that enable investors to navigate complex markets more effectively and gain a competitive edge.

The key ways Enquire AI helps improve investment decision-making include:

  • Curating a network of industry experts and thought leaders who provide deep domain knowledge and unique perspectives on market trends, company performance, and emerging opportunities
  • Leveraging a proprietary Q&A dataset fueled by a patented knowledge automation platform, allowing investors to quickly find relevant insights and analysis on specific topics or companies
  • Integrating expert insights seamlessly with traditional financial data and alternative data sources, providing a comprehensive view of investment opportunities and risks
  • Offering customizable research solutions tailored to the specific needs and investment strategies of each client, ensuring maximum relevance and actionability
  • Delivering insights and analysis in real-time, enabling investors to stay ahead of the curve and make timely decisions in fast-moving markets

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Magellan Research Group

Company Summary

Magellan Research Group is a primary research platform that helps corporate decision-makers and investment professionals navigate increasingly complex markets by providing expert insights across various industries and geographies. With over a decade of experience, the company connects institutional investors, such as private equity firms, hedge funds, and consulting firms, with knowledgeable experts in fields ranging from the Brazilian paper & pulp market to global autonomous driving technology. Magellan Research Group offers a range of services, including 1-hour phone consultations, management checks, custom industry surveys, and industry conferences, with a focus on delivering a personalized and streamlined expert experience.

Key Features For Investors

Magellan Research Group offers a unique value proposition for hedge funds and asset managers seeking to enhance their investment decision-making process. By providing access to a vast network of industry experts across various sectors and geographies, Magellan enables investors to gain timely, granular insights that go beyond traditional data sources. This expert-based research approach empowers investors to better understand market dynamics, validate investment theses, and identify emerging opportunities or risks.

Key features of Magellan Research Group’s offerings that benefit investors include:

  • Customized expert consultations tailored to specific investment research needs
  • In-depth interviews with former executives, customers, suppliers, and other key stakeholders
  • Surveys and market research to gauge sentiment, trends, and competitive landscapes
  • Timely insights on regulatory developments, industry disruptions, and market inflection points
  • Rigorous compliance processes to ensure ethical and legal information gathering
  • Global coverage across industries, with a focus on hard-to-access emerging markets

Improving Investment Decisions

Magellan Research Group empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better investment decisions by providing access to a vast network of industry experts across various sectors and geographies. These experts offer timely, granular insights that go beyond traditional data sources, enabling investors to gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics, validate investment theses, and identify emerging opportunities or risks.

Through Magellan Research Group’s services, investors can:

  • Conduct customized expert consultations tailored to their specific investment research needs
  • Gain insights from in-depth interviews with former executives, customers, suppliers, and other key stakeholders
  • Leverage surveys and market research to gauge sentiment, trends, and competitive landscapes
  • Access timely insights on regulatory developments, industry disruptions, and market inflection points
  • Benefit from rigorous compliance processes that ensure ethical and legal information gathering
  • Obtain global coverage across industries, with a focus on hard-to-access emerging markets

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Liahnson & Company

Company Summary

Liahnson & Company is a respected expert network services firm based in Seoul, Korea that connects clients with industry experts to provide customized research solutions and professional insights. With a global network of advisors, the company offers a range of services including market status assessments, case studies, benchmarking, and strategy development, delivered through expert interviews and concise reports. Liahnson & Company has built a strong reputation working with top business leaders and has expanded its reach to China and Japan, serving over 50 leading corporations and consulting firms. As a certified venture technology company, Liahnson & Company is well-positioned to continue its growth and expand its services to the Asian financial industry and emerging markets.

Key Features For Investors

Liahnson & Company provides expert-based research services that offer valuable insights for hedge funds and asset managers looking to gain an edge in the market. By connecting clients with industry experts across various sectors, the company enables investors to access specialized knowledge and unique perspectives that can inform their investment strategies.

Key features of Liahnson & Company’s expert-based research services include:

  • Access to a global network of industry experts, thought leaders, and key opinion leaders
  • Customized research solutions tailored to specific client needs and investment themes
  • In-depth interviews and consultations with experts to gain unique insights and market intelligence
  • Timely and actionable research reports that synthesize expert opinions and identify emerging trends
  • Coverage of a wide range of industries, including technology, healthcare, consumer, and more
  • Ability to validate investment theses, assess market opportunities, and conduct due diligence
  • Ongoing support and access to experts for follow-up questions and discussions

By leveraging Liahnson & Company’s expert network, hedge funds and asset managers can gain a deeper understanding of industry dynamics, competitive landscapes, and potential disruptors. This knowledge can help investors identify promising investment opportunities, manage risks, and make more informed decisions in an increasingly complex and rapidly evolving market environment.

Improving Investment Decisions

Liahnson & Company’s expert network services provide hedge funds and asset managers with valuable insights and knowledge to enhance their investment decision-making process. By connecting clients with industry experts, thought leaders, and key opinion leaders across various sectors, Liahnson & Company enables investors to access specialized expertise and gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics, industry trends, and potential investment opportunities.

Leveraging Liahnson & Company’s expert network, investors can:

  • Validate investment theses and conduct due diligence by consulting with experts who have first-hand knowledge and experience in specific industries or companies
  • Identify emerging trends, disruptive technologies, and potential market shifts by engaging with thought leaders and innovators at the forefront of their fields
  • Assess competitive landscapes, market sizing, and growth potential by tapping into the knowledge of industry insiders and former executives
  • Gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and sentiment by connecting with experts who have direct experience with target demographics or markets
  • Evaluate the feasibility and potential impact of new products, services, or business models by consulting with subject matter experts and industry practitioners
  • Monitor regulatory developments, policy changes, and geopolitical risks by engaging with experts who have deep understanding of the political and economic environment

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Company Summary

Dialectica is a global information services company that connects top business professionals with industry experts to provide real-time insights and knowledge. With a team of over 1,000 members across four international locations in Athens, London, New York, and Montreal, Dialectica offers tailored research solutions, including expert interviews, B2B surveys, and project engagements. The company’s agile research-first approach ensures that clients receive the most relevant and valuable information to support their decision-making processes. Dialectica has been recognized for its rapid growth and positive work culture, aiming to expand its team to over 1,200 members in the near future while maintaining a strong focus on client needs and data security.

Key Features For Investors

Dialectica provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable expert-based research and alternative data solutions to support their investment decision-making processes. By leveraging a global network of industry professionals and subject matter experts, Dialectica delivers customized insights that help investors gain a deeper understanding of market trends, industry dynamics, and company-specific developments.

Key features of Dialectica’s offerings that investors find particularly useful include:

  • Access to a vast network of experts across various sectors and geographies, enabling investors to obtain firsthand knowledge and unique perspectives on market opportunities and challenges
  • Tailored research solutions that align with each investor’s specific needs, strategies, and focus areas, ensuring the delivery of highly relevant and actionable insights
  • Rigorous compliance standards and quality control measures to maintain the integrity and reliability of the information provided, mitigating potential risks for investors
  • A proprietary technology platform that streamlines the process of connecting with experts, managing research projects, and accessing insights, saving time and resources for investors

Improving Investment Decisions

Dialectica empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better investment decisions by providing access to a global network of industry experts and delivering customized research solutions. Through Dialectica’s platform, investors can gain unique insights, validate investment theses, and identify emerging trends and opportunities that may not be apparent through traditional data sources.

By leveraging Dialectica’s services, hedge funds and asset managers can:

  • Obtain firsthand knowledge and strategic insights from industry experts across various sectors and geographies
  • Receive tailored research that aligns with their specific investment needs and focus areas
  • Efficiently gather and analyze alternative data using Dialectica’s proprietary technology platform
  • Rely on high-quality, compliant data to mitigate potential risks and support informed decision-making
  • Gain a deeper understanding of industry dynamics, competitive landscapes, and regulatory developments
  • Identify emerging trends, market disruptions, and potential investment opportunities before they become mainstream knowledge
  • Validate investment theses, challenge assumptions, and stress-test financial models using real-world insights
  • Make more informed decisions regarding asset allocation, portfolio construction, and risk management

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Ridgetop Research

Company Summary

Ridgetop Research, founded in 2008, is a leading primary research firm that provides a best-in-class custom recruiting platform for institutional investment firms, including hedge funds, private equity, mutual funds, and venture capital firms. The company’s unique approach involves allocating more recruiting resources per client than industry standards, ensuring the procurement of the most proprietary and relevant industry professionals for their clients’ projects. Ridgetop Research’s diverse and rigorously screened analyst team adheres to specific methodologies, providing clients with access to a pool of recruiting experience and expertise that is difficult to achieve at the individual fund level. The firm’s seasoned leadership team, custom recruiting platform, and survey solutions enable them to deliver fresh and critical information to support their clients’ due diligence and analytical needs.

Key Features For Investors

Ridgetop Research provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable expert-based research and alternative data solutions to enhance their investment decision-making process. By leveraging Ridgetop’s extensive network of industry professionals and their ability to gather unique insights, investors can gain a competitive edge in the market.

Ridgetop Research offers several key features that are particularly useful for hedge funds and asset managers:

  • Access to a diverse pool of rigorously screened industry experts across various sectors and geographies
  • Customized expert consultations, surveys, and roundtable discussions tailored to specific research needs
  • Timely delivery of actionable insights to support investment due diligence and analysis
  • Compliance with regulatory standards for expert interactions and data usage
  • Ability to uncover unique perspectives and validate investment theses through primary research

By tapping into Ridgetop’s expert network, hedge funds and asset managers can enhance their understanding of industry dynamics, identify emerging trends, and make more informed investment decisions. The firm’s alternative data solutions complement traditional financial analysis, enabling investors to generate differentiated insights and capitalize on opportunities that may be overlooked by relying solely on conventional data sources.

Improving Investment Decisions

Ridgetop Research plays a vital role in helping hedge funds and asset managers make better investment decisions by providing access to valuable alternative data and expert insights. The company’s primary research platform connects investors with a diverse network of industry professionals, enabling them to gather unique perspectives and validate investment theses.

Through Ridgetop Research’s services, investors can:

  • Conduct custom expert consultations, surveys, and roundtable discussions to gain a deeper understanding of industry dynamics and trends
  • Access a rigorously screened pool of experts across various sectors and geographies to support due diligence efforts
  • Uncover critical insights that may not be available through traditional financial data sources
  • Incorporate alternative data into investment models to identify emerging opportunities and manage risk more effectively
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory standards when interacting with experts and utilizing alternative data in their decision-making processes

By leveraging Ridgetop Research’s expertise and alternative data solutions, hedge funds and asset managers can enhance their research capabilities, generate differentiated insights, and ultimately make more informed investment decisions in an increasingly competitive market.

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Company Summary

Arbolus is an AI-powered knowledge sharing platform that enables investors and consultants to collect more insights from top experts in less time. By leveraging their ArbolusCanopy solution, clients can gather attributable insights from multiple experts via video without the need for scheduling calls, reducing administrative overhead. The platform utilizes advanced AI technology to generate synthesized summaries of each project, providing users with relevant and rich insights in an easily digestible format. Arbolus streamlines the management of projects, experts, and insights within a single platform, helping to consolidate information and mitigate compliance issues. The company’s goal is to drive change in their clients’ processes, eliminate inefficiencies, and reduce time to insight, allowing them to focus on high-value activities.

Key Features For Investors

Arbolus offers a unique platform that connects hedge funds and asset managers with a global network of industry experts, providing them with valuable insights to inform their investment decisions. By leveraging Arbolus’ expert-based research capabilities, investors can access a wealth of knowledge and expertise across various sectors and geographies.

Key features of Arbolus’ platform that investors find useful include:

  • Access to a curated network of over 15,000 vetted experts across 90 countries and 500 industries
  • Ability to request bespoke research projects tailored to specific investment needs and objectives
  • Efficient matching of clients with the most relevant experts based on their requirements
  • Assistance in conducting thorough due diligence on potential investments through expert insights
  • Time-saving benefits by outsourcing research, allowing investors to focus on analysis and decision-making
  • Robust compliance procedures to ensure interactions between investors and experts adhere to regulations

Improving Investment Decisions

Arbolus empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing access to a global network of industry experts and bespoke research capabilities. By leveraging the platform’s extensive knowledge base and efficient matching process, investors can gain valuable insights into companies, markets, and sectors that are crucial to their investment strategies.

Arbolus enables investors to:

  • Conduct thorough due diligence on potential investments by tapping into the expertise of professionals with deep industry knowledge
  • Identify emerging trends, risks, and opportunities within specific sectors by engaging with experts who have first-hand experience and insights
  • Validate investment theses and assumptions through targeted expert consultations, ensuring a more robust decision-making process
  • Save time and resources by outsourcing research tasks to Arbolus, allowing investors to focus on analyzing insights and making strategic decisions
  • Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and best practices through Arbolus’ stringent compliance procedures and confidentiality measures

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Company Summary

Zintro is a leading market research expert network that connects clients with highly specialized respondents, including subject matter experts, industry specialists, ex-company employees, and solution customers. With a network of over 1 million experts spanning diverse specialties, industries, and geographies, Zintro offers a flexible and cost-effective alternative to traditional expert networks. The platform’s agile research approach and dedicated support team enable clients to conduct expert interviews, focus groups, and surveys, gaining valuable insights across various sectors such as technology, healthcare, finance, and consumer goods. By leveraging Zintro’s extensive network and custom recruiting capabilities, businesses can access the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.

Key Features For Investors

Zintro offers a unique platform that connects investors, such as hedge funds and asset managers, with a vast network of subject matter experts across various industries. By leveraging the knowledge and insights of these experts, investors can gain a competitive edge and make more informed investment decisions. Zintro’s expert network provides a valuable source of alternative data that complements traditional financial data and enables investors to uncover hidden opportunities and validate their investment theses.

Key benefits of Zintro’s expert-based research for investors include:

  • Access to specialized knowledge and insights from industry professionals, former employees, and other domain experts
  • Ability to conduct primary research and gather proprietary data points not available through public sources
  • Opportunity to validate investment ideas, assess market trends, and identify emerging opportunities
  • Enhanced due diligence capabilities by tapping into experts’ deep understanding of companies, industries, and regulatory landscapes
  • Improved risk management through expert insights on potential challenges, disruptions, and competitive dynamics
  • Time and cost efficiency in connecting with relevant experts and gathering targeted insights for investment decision-making

Improving Investment Decisions

Zintro’s expert network provides hedge funds and asset managers with a valuable resource to enhance their investment decision-making process. By connecting investors with subject matter experts across various industries, Zintro enables them to access specialized knowledge, validate investment theses, and uncover unique insights that can give them a competitive edge.

Leveraging Zintro’s platform, investors can:

  • Conduct primary research and gather proprietary data points from industry professionals, former employees, and other domain experts
  • Validate investment ideas, assess market trends, and identify emerging opportunities through expert consultations
  • Enhance due diligence capabilities by tapping into experts’ deep understanding of companies, industries, and regulatory landscapes
  • Improve risk management by gaining insights on potential challenges, disruptions, and competitive dynamics
  • Streamline the process of connecting with relevant experts, saving time and resources in gathering targeted insights for investment decisions

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Company Summary

Emporia is an innovative B2B market research technology company that provides a comprehensive SaaS platform designed to streamline the research process. By leveraging AI-powered search and proprietary sourcing algorithms, Emporia enables researchers to access a vast pool of over 800 million professionals across 30 million companies worldwide. The platform offers a suite of tools for custom recruitment, quota management, programming, qualitative scheduling, data quality checks, and incentive distribution, all while prioritizing data protection and participant privacy. Emporia’s unique approach eliminates the need for static panels, allowing researchers to target hyper-niche B2B audiences with precision and efficiency, ultimately saving time and resources while ensuring high-quality, unbiased insights.

Key Features For Investors

Emporia’s innovative B2B market research platform offers a wealth of valuable features for hedge funds and asset managers seeking expert-based alternative data. By providing access to a vast network of over 800 million professionals across 30 million companies worldwide, Emporia enables investors to gather unique insights and inform their investment strategies. The platform’s AI-powered search and proprietary sourcing algorithms allow for efficient targeting of hyper-niche B2B audiences, ensuring high-quality, unbiased data.

Key features of Emporia’s platform that benefit investors include:

  • Custom recruitment of expert panels tailored to specific research needs
  • Quota management tools to ensure representative sample sizes
  • Programming capabilities for designing targeted surveys and interviews
  • Qualitative scheduling for in-depth discussions with industry experts
  • Data quality checks to maintain the integrity of collected insights
  • Incentive distribution to encourage participation from top professionals
  • Robust data protection and participant privacy measures

Improving Investment Decisions

Emporia’s comprehensive B2B market research platform empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing access to a vast network of industry experts and professionals. The platform’s AI-powered search and proprietary sourcing algorithms enable investors to efficiently target and recruit highly specific expert panels, ensuring the collection of relevant and unbiased insights. This allows investors to gain a deeper understanding of market trends, industry dynamics, and company performance, ultimately enhancing their ability to identify promising investment opportunities and manage risk effectively.

By leveraging Emporia’s platform, hedge funds and asset managers can:

  • Conduct custom research projects tailored to their specific investment strategies and information needs
  • Gather unique insights from industry experts to validate investment theses and uncover hidden value drivers
  • Monitor sector-specific trends and sentiment through targeted surveys and in-depth interviews
  • Assess the competitive landscape and benchmark company performance against industry peers
  • Incorporate qualitative insights from expert networks into quantitative investment models to enhance decision-making processes

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Company Summary

Lynk Global is a satellite technology company that has developed a patented system enabling direct connectivity between standard, unmodified mobile phones and low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites. This innovative approach allows users to send and receive text messages via their mobile devices, even in areas without traditional cellular coverage. By collaborating with mobile network operators (MNOs) worldwide, Lynk ensures regulatory compliance and global availability of its service. The company has launched several test and operational satellites, known as Lynk Towers, to demonstrate its technology and provide global coverage. Additionally, Lynk offers an online platform that connects experts with various engagement opportunities, such as projects, speaking engagements, and consulting, trusted by leading companies and firms across multiple industries.

Key Features For Investors

Lynk Global provides a unique platform that connects hedge funds and asset managers with a global network of experts, offering valuable insights and alternative data to inform investment decisions. By leveraging Lynk’s expert network, investors can access firsthand knowledge and specialized expertise across various industries and geographies, gaining a deeper understanding of market trends, industry dynamics, and company-specific information.

Key features of Lynk’s platform that investors find valuable include:

  • Access to a vast network of over 840,000 experts spanning 80 countries, providing global coverage and local insights
  • Proprietary technology that uses AI and machine learning to efficiently match investors with the most relevant experts based on their research needs
  • Customized research projects tailored to the specific requirements of each investor, including in-depth analysis, market assessments, and due diligence reports
  • Robust compliance framework and secure communication channels to ensure all interactions between investors and experts adhere to relevant regulations and maintain strict confidentiality
  • Timely and unique insights that can help investors identify emerging trends, validate investment theses, and make informed decisions in a competitive market

Improving Investment Decisions

Lynk Global empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better investment decisions by providing access to a vast network of experts and a proprietary technology platform. Through Lynk’s knowledge-as-a-service offering, investors can tap into the collective expertise of over 840,000 professionals across 80 countries, gaining unique insights and local knowledge that can inform their investment strategies.

Lynk’s platform offers several key features that enhance the decision-making capabilities of investors:

  • Customized research projects tailored to the specific needs of each investor, including in-depth analysis, market assessments, and due diligence reports
  • AI-powered matching technology that efficiently connects investors with the most relevant experts based on their research requirements
  • Secure communication channels and a robust compliance framework to ensure all interactions adhere to relevant regulations and maintain strict confidentiality
  • Timely and unique insights that can help investors identify emerging trends, validate investment theses, and make informed decisions in a competitive market
  • Global coverage spanning multiple industries and geographies, providing investors with a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics and opportunities

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Insight Alpha

Company Summary

Insight Alpha connects clients with a global network of over 16,000 frontline industry experts and key decision-makers across 80+ countries, providing critical insights and knowledge to help organizations succeed. Through its platform, Insight Alpha offers a range of services, including Market Insights, Sales Acceleration via Global Experts (S.A.G.E), and Corporate Masterclasses. These services enable clients to obtain timely, relevant, and authentic information, find unique innovations, and partner with innovative companies. With a client renewal rate of 92% and a network of 165,000+ key decision-makers, Insight Alpha has established itself as a valuable resource for private equity firms, Fortune 500 companies, consulting firms, and governments seeking to navigate constantly changing markets and drive growth.

Key Features For Investors

Insight Alpha offers a unique value proposition for hedge funds and asset managers by providing access to a global network of industry experts and key decision-makers. This enables investors to gain timely, relevant, and authentic insights into markets, industries, and companies. Through its platform, Insight Alpha delivers expert-based research services that help investors navigate complex and constantly evolving market dynamics.

Key features of Insight Alpha’s offerings that benefit hedge funds and asset managers include:

  • Access to a network of over 16,000 frontline industry experts and 165,000+ key decision-makers across 80+ countries
  • Customized expert consultations to address specific investment research questions and validate investment theses
  • Timely market insights and trend analysis from experts in various sectors and geographies
  • Identification of unique innovations and partnership opportunities with innovative companies
  • Corporate masterclasses and knowledge-sharing sessions with industry leaders and subject matter experts

Improving Investment Decisions

Insight Alpha empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better investment decisions by providing access to a global network of industry experts and key decision-makers. Through its platform, Insight Alpha delivers timely, relevant, and authentic insights that help investors navigate complex and constantly evolving market dynamics.

Insight Alpha’s offerings enable investors to:

  • Conduct customized expert consultations to address specific investment research questions and validate investment theses
  • Obtain timely market insights and trend analysis from experts in various sectors and geographies
  • Identify unique innovations and partnership opportunities with innovative companies
  • Participate in corporate masterclasses and knowledge-sharing sessions with industry leaders and subject matter experts
  • Leverage a network of over 16,000 frontline industry experts and 165,000+ key decision-makers across 80+ countries to gain a comprehensive understanding of markets, industries, and companies

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Company Summary

Bridger is a technology-driven platform that connects strategy consultants, investors, and corporations with industry experts for on-demand qualitative research. The company’s unique database of vetted subject-matter leaders spans various industries, allowing clients to access a personalized dashboard where they can create projects, review expert profiles, and schedule engagements to gain targeted insights. Bridger’s full-service research team assists clients throughout the process, streamlining workflow and enhancing human interaction. The platform caters to research teams at consulting firms, market research companies, private equity, venture capital, and asset managers, providing a single access point to a wide range of services under a flexible and transparent pricing structure.

Key Features For Investors

Bridger offers a unique platform that connects investors with a vast network of industry experts, providing valuable insights and qualitative research to support investment decisions. By leveraging Bridger’s expert network, hedge funds and asset managers can access primary research and gain a deeper understanding of market trends, industry dynamics, and company-specific information.

Key features of Bridger’s expert-based research that investors find valuable include:

  • Access to a diverse pool of vetted subject-matter experts across various industries and geographies
  • Ability to conduct targeted, one-on-one consultations with experts to gain specific insights
  • Flexibility to customize research projects based on individual investment strategies and information needs
  • Streamlined process for identifying, connecting, and engaging with relevant experts through a user-friendly platform
  • Comprehensive support from Bridger’s research team throughout the engagement process
  • Transparent pricing structure with flexible options to accommodate different research requirements

Improving Investment Decisions

Bridger’s expert network platform empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing access to valuable primary research and insights from industry experts. By leveraging the knowledge and experience of Bridger’s extensive network of vetted professionals, investors can gain a deeper understanding of market trends, industry dynamics, and company-specific information that may not be readily available through traditional research channels.

Bridger’s platform enables investors to:

  • Conduct targeted, one-on-one consultations with subject-matter experts to gain specific insights and perspectives on companies, industries, or market trends
  • Validate investment theses and assumptions by gathering first-hand information from professionals with direct experience in the relevant field
  • Identify potential risks and opportunities by exploring expert opinions on market disruptions, competitive landscapes, and regulatory changes
  • Enhance due diligence processes by accessing detailed, qualitative insights to complement quantitative analysis and financial modeling
  • Stay informed about emerging trends and technologies by engaging with experts at the forefront of their respective industries

By integrating expert insights from Bridger into their research processes, hedge funds and asset managers can make more confident and well-informed investment decisions, ultimately leading to improved portfolio performance and risk management. The platform’s streamlined access to a diverse pool of experts, coupled with the flexibility to customize engagements based on specific needs, makes Bridger a valuable tool for investors seeking to gain a competitive edge in today’s complex financial markets.

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BCC Global

Company Summary

BCC Global (Business Connect China) is an independent research provider dedicated to delivering comprehensive market research and analysis to clients worldwide. With a focus on industries such as healthcare, nanotechnology, precision farming, pharmacy automation, and cross-border payments, BCC Global aims to be one of the premier information service suppliers in China and beyond. The company’s experienced team of industry analysts produces detailed reports that cover global and regional markets, offering patent analysis, competitor profiles, market trends, and growth opportunities. By providing accurate, up-to-date, and unbiased market research, BCC Global enables businesses to make informed decisions based on a thorough evaluation of market opportunities. The company’s unique approach combines consumer and end-user insights with robust market data and sector knowledge to deliver findings that have a profound impact on clients’ organizations.

Key Features For Investors

BCC Global provides expert-based research and alternative data solutions tailored for hedge funds and asset managers seeking an edge in the Chinese market. By leveraging their deep industry knowledge, on-the-ground presence, and extensive network of experts, BCC Global offers unique insights that enable investors to make more informed decisions.

BCC Global’s key offerings for investors include:

  • Comprehensive industry research reports covering consumer & retail, healthcare, TMT, and industrials & materials sectors in China
  • Customized data solutions, including bespoke research projects, data mining and analysis, due diligence support, and on-the-ground investigations
  • Access to a network of industry experts and key stakeholders through investment conferences focused on the Chinese market
  • Timely and actionable insights into market trends, competitive landscapes, and potential investment opportunities in China

Improving Investment Decisions

BCC Global empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better-informed investment decisions by providing comprehensive industry research, customized data solutions, and access to key stakeholders in the Chinese market. By leveraging BCC Global’s expertise and alternative data, investors can gain a deeper understanding of market trends, competitive landscapes, and potential opportunities in China.

BCC Global’s offerings enable investors to:

  • Access in-depth research reports on consumer & retail, healthcare, TMT, and industrials & materials sectors in China to identify attractive investment opportunities
  • Utilize customized data solutions, such as bespoke research projects, data mining and analysis, due diligence support, and on-the-ground investigations, to gain a competitive edge
  • Engage with industry experts and company executives through investment conferences focused on the Chinese market to gather first-hand insights and build valuable relationships
  • Incorporate alternative data and insights into their investment strategies to navigate the complex Chinese market and make more informed decisions

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Company Summary

Sealed is a Singapore-based expert network platform that connects organizations with expert insights, primarily focusing on the Southeast Asian region. Founded in 2019, Sealed aims to bridge knowledge gaps by providing access to subject matter experts across various fields, catering to clients such as investment funds and management consultants. The company’s offerings include phone consultations, meetings, roundtables, and strategic projects, leveraging its highly localized network and partnerships to ensure access to hard-to-find local experts. Sealed emphasizes speed, coverage, and trust, maintaining best-in-class compliance to protect both clients and experts, and has raised $2M in funding to date.

Key Features For Investors

Sealed provides hedge funds and asset managers with a unique source of alternative data through its expert network platform focused on Southeast Asia. By connecting clients with subject matter experts across various industries and geographies, Sealed enables investors to gain valuable insights that can inform investment decisions and strategies.

Key features of Sealed’s expert network that are particularly useful for investors include:

  • Access to a highly localized network of experts in Southeast Asia, a region often underserved by other expert networks
  • Ability to conduct primary research and gather proprietary insights on companies, industries, and market trends
  • Opportunities for deep dives into niche topics and hard-to-find information through custom recruiting of experts
  • Rigorous compliance processes and best practices to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of expert consultations
  • Efficient knowledge sharing through various formats such as 1-on-1 calls, surveys, private events, and project-based engagements

By leveraging Sealed’s expert network, hedge funds and asset managers can enhance their fundamental research, validate investment theses, and uncover new opportunities in Southeast Asian markets. The platform’s focus on speed, coverage, and trust enables investors to quickly tap into relevant expertise and gain a competitive edge in their investment strategies.

Improving Investment Decisions

Sealed’s expert network platform empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better-informed investment decisions by providing access to valuable primary research and insights from subject matter experts in Southeast Asia. By leveraging Sealed’s localized network and efficient knowledge-sharing formats, investors can gain a deeper understanding of companies, industries, and market trends in the region, enhancing their fundamental research and investment strategies.

Specifically, Sealed enables investors to:

  • Conduct due diligence on potential investments by speaking with experts who have first-hand knowledge of the target companies or industries
  • Validate investment theses and assumptions by gathering proprietary insights from professionals with on-the-ground experience in Southeast Asian markets
  • Identify emerging trends, risks, and opportunities by tapping into the expertise of thought leaders and practitioners across various sectors
  • Gain a competitive edge by accessing hard-to-find information and unique perspectives on niche topics and underserved geographies
  • Integrate expert insights into their research processes and investment models to make more accurate predictions and informed decisions

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Focal Fact

Company Summary

Focal Fact is a prominent expert network firm that facilitates the exchange of valuable market insights between industry professionals and organizations worldwide. With a global network of over 1,000 thought leaders, Focal Fact provides tailored consulting services, ranging from brief phone consultations to extensive long-term projects. The company’s commitment to professionalism and client satisfaction has earned it a reputation for seamless communication, efficient call handling, and prompt payment processing. As a key player in the expert network industry, Focal Fact connects clients with the right experts to support their research initiatives and decision-making processes, ultimately contributing to their success and competitiveness in various sectors.

Key Features For Investors

Focal Fact offers a unique value proposition for hedge funds and asset managers by providing expert-based research and insights. As an expert network firm, Focal Fact connects investors with industry professionals who possess deep domain knowledge and practical experience in various sectors. This access to expert insights allows investors to gain a more nuanced understanding of market dynamics, industry trends, and company-specific factors that can influence investment decisions.

Key features of Focal Fact’s expert network services that benefit investors include:

  • Access to a global network of over 1,000 vetted industry experts across multiple sectors
  • Customized expert consultations tailored to specific research needs and investment theses
  • Flexible engagement options, from one-on-one phone consultations to in-depth project collaborations
  • Timely insights on emerging trends, market disruptions, and regulatory changes
  • Proprietary expert-generated reports and surveys providing unique perspectives on companies and industries
  • Compliance-focused processes ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of expert interactions
  • Efficient knowledge-sharing through a streamlined platform for expert identification, communication, and scheduling

By leveraging Focal Fact’s expert network, hedge funds and asset managers can enhance their investment research capabilities, validate assumptions, and uncover differentiated insights that can inform their investment strategies. This alternative data source complements traditional financial analysis and enables investors to make more informed decisions in an increasingly complex and competitive market environment.

Improving Investment Decisions

Focal Fact empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing access to a global network of industry experts. By connecting investors with professionals who possess deep domain knowledge and practical experience across various sectors, Focal Fact enables investors to gain unique insights that go beyond traditional financial analysis.

Focal Fact’s expert network services enhance investment decision-making in several ways:

  • Investors can validate investment theses, assess market trends, and identify potential risks or opportunities through targeted consultations with industry experts
  • Expert insights help investors develop a more nuanced understanding of company-specific factors, competitive dynamics, and regulatory developments that can impact investment performance
  • Customized expert engagements, ranging from one-on-one calls to in-depth research projects, allow investors to tailor their research to specific investment strategies and information needs
  • Timely access to expert knowledge enables investors to stay informed about emerging trends, disruptive technologies, and shifts in consumer behavior that can affect portfolio companies or sectors
  • By incorporating expert-generated insights into their research processes, investors can make more confident and well-informed decisions, potentially leading to improved investment outcomes

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Company Summary

Nodes, also known as Nodescorp Pte. Ltd., is a platform that bridges the gap between top professionals and expert insights by connecting clients with a growing network of over 100,000 subject matter experts across various geographies and industries. The company enables clients to access real-world knowledge through services such as 1-on-1 phone consultations, written deliverables, face-to-face meetings, on-demand expert engagement for workshops and projects, and assembling teams for strategic projects or market studies. Nodes’ rigorous compliance framework ensures a coherent and transparent learning experience that aligns with clients’ internal compliance standards, making it a trusted partner for leading financial institutions, professional service firms, and corporations seeking to make informed business decisions.

Key Features For Investors

Nodes connects hedge funds and asset managers with a vast network of over 100,000 subject matter experts across various industries and geographies. This access to specialized knowledge and insights enables investors to make more informed decisions, validate investment theses, and identify emerging trends and opportunities. By leveraging Nodes’ expert network, investors can gain a competitive edge in an increasingly complex and fast-paced market environment.

Key features of Nodes’ expert-based research solutions include:

  • On-demand access to a curated network of industry professionals, thought leaders, and former executives
  • Customized expert recruitment to match specific research needs and investment strategies
  • Flexible engagement formats, including 1-on-1 consultations, surveys, roundtables, and workshops
  • Rigorous compliance and quality control processes to ensure the integrity and reliability of expert insights
  • Integration with internal research workflows and knowledge management systems to streamline the decision-making process

Improving Investment Decisions

Nodes empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better-informed investment decisions by providing access to a vast network of over 100,000 subject matter experts across various industries and geographies. By leveraging the knowledge and insights of these experts, investors can gain a deeper understanding of market trends, industry dynamics, and company-specific factors that may impact their investment strategies.

Nodes’ expert network enables investors to:

  • Validate investment theses and identify potential risks or opportunities through consultations with industry professionals and former executives
  • Gain insights into emerging trends, disruptive technologies, and regulatory changes that may influence their investment decisions
  • Conduct due diligence on potential investments by accessing specialized knowledge and on-the-ground perspectives
  • Benchmark company performance against competitors and industry standards by engaging with experts who have firsthand experience
  • Enhance their understanding of complex sectors and niche markets by tapping into the expertise of subject matter experts

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