Colby Howard

Published on May 11, 2024

Featured Article

Shipping & Supply Chain Data For Investors: Top Alternative Data Providers

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected global economy, shipping and supply chain data has become an indispensable tool for professional investors seeking to gain a competitive edge. This category of alternative data provides deep insights into the movement of goods, the efficiency of logistics networks, and the health of various industries, allowing investors to spot trends, anticipate disruptions, and make more informed decisions. As the demand for this type of data grows, a number of innovative companies have emerged as leaders in the space, offering comprehensive and timely data sets that can be leveraged to drive investment strategies. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the top companies providing cutting-edge shipping and supply chain data for investors, exploring their unique offerings, methodologies, and the ways in which their insights are reshaping the investment landscape.


Company Summary

Panjiva, a subsidiary of S&P Global founded in 2006, is a leading global trade intelligence company that provides robust insights and analysis to the international trade community. By collecting and integrating data from customs agencies and commercial databases worldwide, Panjiva offers a comprehensive, searchable platform with over 1 billion shipment records from 8 million companies. The platform leverages advanced technologies such as machine learning and data visualization to help users easily identify and evaluate potential business partners, monitor competitor activities, and spot global trade trends. Panjiva’s diverse customer base includes buyers, suppliers, logistics providers, and analysts who rely on the company’s actionable data and intuitive interface to make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge in the global market.

Key Features For Investors

Panjiva offers a comprehensive platform for investors to access and analyze global trade data, providing valuable insights into companies, industries, and economic trends. By leveraging Panjiva’s extensive database of shipping records, investors can uncover hidden opportunities, assess potential risks, and make more informed investment decisions.

Key features of Panjiva’s data that investors find valuable include:

  • Detailed shipment records revealing supplier relationships, product mix, and geographic footprint of companies
  • Timely data on import/export volumes and trade flows to gauge demand trends and market share shifts
  • Granular data on specific products, materials, and components to assess supply chain dependencies and disruption risks
  • Company-level insights on sourcing strategies, manufacturing locations, and logistics partners to evaluate operational efficiency and competitive positioning
  • Macro-level data on bilateral trade patterns, tariffs, and regulatory changes to inform country and sector allocation decisions

Improving Investment Decisions

Panjiva’s comprehensive global trade data empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions. By providing detailed insights into companies’ supply chains, trade relationships, and import/export activities, Panjiva enables investors to uncover hidden trends, assess competitive dynamics, and identify potential risks and opportunities that may not be apparent through traditional financial analysis.

Panjiva’s platform offers several key benefits for investors looking to enhance their decision-making process:

  • Detailed shipment records allow investors to analyze a company’s supplier network, product mix, and geographic footprint, providing a more comprehensive view of its operations and market positioning
  • Timely data on import/export volumes and trade flows helps investors gauge demand trends, market share shifts, and potential supply chain disruptions
  • Granular data on specific products, materials, and components enables investors to assess a company’s reliance on certain suppliers or regions and identify potential risks or opportunities for diversification
  • Company-level insights on sourcing strategies, manufacturing locations, and logistics partners help investors evaluate a company’s operational efficiency, competitive advantages, and potential vulnerabilities
  • Macro-level data on bilateral trade patterns, tariffs, and regulatory changes allows investors to make more informed decisions on country and sector allocations, as well as assess the potential impact of geopolitical events on their portfolios

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Company Summary

Altana is a technology company that leverages AI to create an intelligent, dynamic, and universal map of the global supply chain, offering unprecedented visibility, insights, and collaborative workflows to help businesses, governments, and logistics firms effectively manage their supply chains and ensure compliance with various regulations. By analyzing billions of public and non-public data points, Altana has built the largest organized body of supply chain data in the world, which powers its platform, the Altana Atlas. This comprehensive solution enables users to monitor and manage supply chains, focusing on critical aspects such as sanctions, carbon emissions, labor rights, and more, while collaborating with their extended supplier and customer networks to mitigate risks and drive informed decision-making.

Key Features For Investors

Altana provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable alternative data and insights derived from its comprehensive, AI-powered platform that maps the global supply chain. By analyzing billions of data points from various sources, Altana offers unprecedented visibility into supply chain networks, enabling investors to make more informed decisions.

Key features of Altana’s data that investors find useful include:

  • Real-time monitoring of global trade flows, transactional data, and supply chain dependencies
  • Advanced analytics and machine learning models to uncover trends, risks, and opportunities
  • Customizable dashboards and reporting tools tailored to specific sectors, regions, or risk factors
  • Insights into supply chain vulnerabilities, geopolitical risks, and potential disruptions
  • Compliance and due diligence support through detailed information on entities within the supply chain

Improving Investment Decisions

Altana empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better-informed investment decisions by providing them with comprehensive, AI-driven insights derived from its extensive global supply chain data. By leveraging Altana’s platform, investors gain access to real-time monitoring of trade flows, transactional data, and supply chain dependencies, enabling them to identify trends, risks, and opportunities that may not be apparent through traditional data analysis methods.

Altana’s alternative data helps investors improve their decision-making processes in several key ways:

  • Customizable dashboards and reporting tools allow investors to focus on specific sectors, regions, or risk factors that align with their investment strategies
  • Advanced analytics and machine learning models uncover hidden patterns and anomalies in the data, providing investors with unique insights and a competitive edge
  • Detailed information on entities within the supply chain supports due diligence efforts and helps investors ensure compliance with international regulations and standards
  • Insights into supply chain vulnerabilities, geopolitical risks, and potential disruptions enable investors to anticipate and mitigate risks that could impact their portfolios
  • Real-time data access allows investors to stay ahead of the curve and make timely decisions based on the most up-to-date information available

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Import Genius

Company Summary

ImportGenius is a leading provider of global trade data and analytics, offering businesses valuable insights into the import-export industry. The company maintains a comprehensive database of over 250 million shipping records from government agencies and private companies across 18 territories in North America, Latin America, Europe, and Asia. By leveraging advanced machine-learning tools, ImportGenius identifies customs patterns, scans regulatory documents, and translates languages to provide subscribers with detailed information on suppliers, competitors, and market trends. This data enables businesses to find new leads, verify suppliers’ shipping volumes, monitor competitors’ activities, and make informed decisions in the global trade landscape. With a diverse client base that includes top importers, exporters, freight forwarders, and logistics companies, ImportGenius has established itself as a powerful tool for businesses looking to navigate the complexities of international trade and maximize their opportunities in the import-export industry.

Key Features For Investors

Import Genius offers a comprehensive database of shipping records and customs data that provides valuable insights into global trade flows and company-level supply chain activities. This alternative data source empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by offering a unique view into the operations and performance of various companies and industries.

Key features of Import Genius data that investors find useful include:

  • Detailed records of import-export transactions, including product descriptions, quantities, values, and shipping dates
  • Ability to track specific companies’ supplier and customer relationships, product mix, and geographic footprint
  • Insights into market demand trends and shifts in consumer behavior based on aggregate shipping volumes and patterns
  • Monitoring of potential supply chain disruptions or changes in sourcing strategies that could impact a company’s operations
  • Due diligence support for evaluating potential investments by providing a more comprehensive view of a company’s financial health and competitive position

Improving Investment Decisions

Import Genius provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable insights into global trade flows and company-level supply chain activities, empowering them to make more informed investment decisions. By leveraging the platform’s comprehensive database of shipping records and customs data, investors can gain a deeper understanding of the companies they are interested in and identify potential opportunities or risks.

Import Genius’s alternative data helps investors enhance their investment strategies in several key ways:

  • Tracking specific companies’ supplier and customer relationships, product mix, and geographic footprint to assess their market position and competitive landscape
  • Analyzing trends in shipping volumes and patterns to gauge market demand, identify shifts in consumer behavior, and forecast potential impacts on company performance
  • Monitoring supply chain activities to detect potential disruptions or changes in sourcing strategies that could affect a company’s operations and financial health
  • Conducting due diligence on potential investments by examining shipping data to verify a company’s claims and gain a more comprehensive view of its financial situation and growth prospects
  • Incorporating trade flow data into quantitative models and investment research processes to identify macro trends, inform asset allocation decisions, and navigate changing market conditions

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Company Summary

FreightWaves is a leading provider of global supply chain market intelligence, delivering high-frequency data, analytics, and insights on the freight, logistics, and transportation industries. The company’s flagship product, FreightWaves SONAR, is a cutting-edge platform that offers comprehensive freight forecasting and analytics, empowering clients with deep, actionable insights into global freight markets. Inspired by financial market dashboards and statistical analysis methods, SONAR’s data-driven approach aims to bring unprecedented transparency and intelligence to the supply chain industry, enabling better decision-making for its clients. Beyond its SONAR platform, FreightWaves provides a wide range of news, analysis, and coverage on various industry topics, including air cargo, autonomous freight, borderlands, and company earnings, cementing its position as a go-to resource for stakeholders across the supply chain and logistics sectors.

Key Features For Investors

FreightWaves offers a comprehensive suite of data and analytics tools that provide valuable insights for hedge funds and asset managers seeking to gain an edge in the freight and logistics market. By leveraging FreightWaves’ real-time data, investors can monitor key indicators, identify trends, and make informed decisions based on the most up-to-date information available.

Some of the key features and data points that investors find particularly useful include:

  • SONAR, a high-frequency data platform that provides near real-time insights into the global freight market, covering trucking, rail, air, and ocean freight
  • Freight market indices, such as the Outbound Tender Volume Index (OTVI) and the Outbound Tender Reject Index (OTRI), which provide a gauge of freight demand and capacity
  • Lane-level pricing data, allowing investors to monitor rate fluctuations and identify potential opportunities or risks in specific shipping routes
  • Proprietary research and analysis, including in-depth reports on market trends, challenges, and opportunities in the freight industry
  • Customizable data solutions, such as API access and custom research services, enabling investors to tailor the data to their specific needs and integrate it into their existing models and systems

Improving Investment Decisions

FreightWaves empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions in the freight and logistics industry by providing comprehensive, real-time data and analytics through its SONAR platform. This cutting-edge tool offers investors a deep understanding of market dynamics, enabling them to identify trends, assess risks, and uncover potential opportunities in the sector.

By leveraging FreightWaves’ data and insights, investors can:

  • Monitor key freight market indices, such as the Outbound Tender Volume Index (OTVI) and the Outbound Tender Reject Index (OTRI), to gauge demand and capacity in the industry
  • Analyze lane-level pricing data to identify potential opportunities or risks in specific shipping routes and make strategic investment decisions accordingly
  • Access proprietary research and analysis on market trends, challenges, and opportunities to stay informed about the factors influencing the freight industry
  • Utilize customizable data solutions, such as API access and custom research services, to tailor the data to their specific needs and integrate it into their existing models and systems, enhancing their investment strategies and decision-making processes

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Company Summary

Trademo is a comprehensive supply chain intelligence platform that connects billions of trade data points to empower organizations with new business opportunities, protection against sanctions, regulatory compliance, and end-to-end sub-tier visibility. The company’s AI-powered solutions include Trademo Intel, which provides insights and analytics on over 2 billion shipments; Sanctions Screener, which conducts audits against 645+ sanctions and PEP lists; Trade Reference, which ensures adherence to rapidly changing trade regulations; and Global Supply Chain Mapping, which offers unmatched visibility into upstream and downstream sub-tiers. Powered by TrademoKG, a global supply chain knowledge graph, Trademo’s platforms, APIs, and data feeds deliver actionable intelligence to over 1,000 customers worldwide.

Key Features For Investors

Trademo’s AI-powered supply chain intelligence platform offers hedge funds and asset managers unique insights derived from billions of trade data points. By connecting and analyzing data from over 2 billion shipments, Trademo enables investors to gain a comprehensive view of global supply chains and identify potential investment opportunities or risks.

Key features of Trademo’s data that investors may find valuable include:

  • Real-time monitoring of shipments and trade flows to detect supply chain disruptions or shifts in demand
  • Detailed information on companies’ supplier networks and sub-tier relationships to assess operational risks and competitive positioning
  • Screening tools to ensure compliance with sanctions, regulations, and ESG standards across global supply chains
  • Predictive analytics to forecast future trade volumes, inventory levels, and potential supply chain bottlenecks
  • Sector and geographic insights to identify emerging trends and opportunities in specific industries or regions

Improving Investment Decisions

Trademo’s supply chain intelligence platform empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing comprehensive, real-time insights derived from billions of global trade data points. By leveraging Trademo’s AI-powered analytics and extensive coverage of shipments, supplier networks, and trade flows, investors can gain a deeper understanding of the companies and industries they are interested in, identify potential risks and opportunities, and enhance their research and decision-making processes.

Trademo’s alternative data enables investors to:

  • Monitor supply chain disruptions, shifts in demand, and emerging trends across sectors and geographies
  • Assess companies’ operational risks, competitive positioning, and ESG compliance based on their supplier relationships and trade activities
  • Incorporate real-time trade data into quantitative models and investment strategies to generate alpha and manage risk
  • Identify potential investment opportunities in specific industries or regions based on trade volumes, inventory levels, and supply chain dynamics
  • Stay ahead of rapidly changing trade regulations, sanctions, and market conditions that may impact their portfolio companies or investment theses

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Company Summary

ShipsDNA is a leading provider of comprehensive, accurate, and timely maritime data and information services across three main categories: commercial ship information, technical ship specifications, and ship/vessel events. With an extensive database hosting over 120,000 ship records, 15,000 maritime companies, and 26,000 ship sales & purchase transactions, including 50,000 new ship inspection records annually, ShipsDNA offers a wide range of data products and API solutions. These offerings include precise vessel technical specifications, detailed ownership records, demolition records, real-time voyage agreements, insights into oil and bunker market trends, and upcoming drydocking & survey schedules. ShipsDNA’s data is trusted by top-tier ship finance institutions, surveyors, and technical experts, as well as a diverse clientele comprising marine part dealers, demolition agents, and scrubber and BWTS fitters. The company’s experienced team of maritime analysts, data scientists, software developers, and customer care specialists contributes over 100 years of combined experience in the shipping and maritime sectors.

Key Features For Investors

ShipsDNA offers a comprehensive suite of maritime data and analytics that provide valuable insights for hedge funds and asset managers seeking to make informed investment decisions. By leveraging ShipsDNA’s extensive database and advanced analytics, investors can gain a deeper understanding of global trade dynamics, identify emerging trends, and uncover unique investment opportunities.

Key features of ShipsDNA’s data that investors find particularly useful include:

  • Real-time vessel tracking and monitoring, enabling investors to detect supply chain disruptions, port congestion, and changes in shipping patterns
  • Detailed data on vessel specifications, ownership, and historical transactions, providing insights into the health and performance of shipping companies and the broader maritime industry
  • Commodity flow analysis, allowing investors to track the movement of key commodities such as oil, gas, and agricultural products across global trade routes
  • Port activity monitoring, including vessel arrivals, departures, and waiting times, offering insights into the efficiency and capacity of global ports and trade hubs
  • Customizable data feeds and API access, enabling seamless integration of ShipsDNA’s data into investors’ existing models and systems
  • Expert analysis and support from ShipsDNA’s team of maritime specialists, helping investors interpret the data and derive actionable insights

Improving Investment Decisions

ShipsDNA’s comprehensive maritime data and advanced analytics empower hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions. By providing real-time insights into global trade dynamics, vessel movements, and port activities, ShipsDNA enables investors to identify emerging trends, assess risks, and uncover unique opportunities in the maritime sector.

Leveraging ShipsDNA’s data, investors can:

  • Monitor real-time vessel tracking to detect supply chain disruptions, port congestion, and changes in shipping patterns that may impact their investments
  • Analyze detailed data on vessel specifications, ownership, and historical transactions to assess the health and performance of shipping companies and the broader maritime industry
  • Track commodity flows across global trade routes to identify trends, anticipate supply and demand imbalances, and make informed decisions in related sectors
  • Monitor port activity levels, including vessel arrivals, departures, and waiting times, to gauge the efficiency and capacity of global ports and trade hubs
  • Integrate customizable data feeds into existing models and systems to enhance investment research and decision-making processes
  • Benefit from expert analysis and support from ShipsDNA’s team of maritime specialists to interpret data and derive actionable insights

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Descartes Systems Group

Company Summary

Descartes Datamyne, a leading provider of global trade data, offers the world’s largest searchable trade database covering import and export data from over 230 markets across 5 continents. The company’s comprehensive platform enables businesses to access accurate, up-to-date information on international trade, including the ability to search trade data, access U.S. master and house bill of lading information, and drill down to individual shipments. Descartes Datamyne’s data, gathered from official filings with customs agencies and ministries worldwide, empowers users to generate actionable intelligence for market research, sales insight, supply chain management, enhanced security, and competitive strategy, ultimately facilitating improved performance and productivity of logistics operations around the world.

Key Features For Investors

Descartes Datamyne offers a wealth of global trade data that provides valuable insights for hedge funds and asset managers seeking to make more informed investment decisions. By tracking and analyzing import and export shipments across more than 230 markets worldwide, Descartes Datamyne enables investors to uncover hidden trends, assess company performance, and identify potential opportunities or risks in the shipping and supply chain space.

Some of the key features and data points that investors find most useful from Descartes Datamyne include:

  • Detailed shipment records with information on product descriptions, quantities, values, and trading partners
  • Historical and real-time data on trade flows, allowing for trend analysis and timely insights
  • Coverage of key industries such as consumer goods, electronics, automotive, and commodities
  • Ability to monitor supplier relationships and assess potential supply chain disruptions
  • Identification of emerging markets and shifts in global trade patterns
  • Competitive intelligence on market share, pricing strategies, and sourcing practices
  • Integration of trade data with other financial and alternative datasets for enhanced analysis

Improving Investment Decisions

Descartes Datamyne’s comprehensive global trade data empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing valuable insights into company performance, industry trends, and market dynamics. By leveraging Descartes Datamyne’s extensive database of import and export records, investors can gain a competitive edge in identifying opportunities, managing risk, and generating alpha.

Descartes Datamyne enables investors to:

  • Conduct due diligence on potential investments by verifying a company’s reported financial performance against actual trade activity, helping to identify discrepancies or potential red flags
  • Assess the health and growth prospects of specific industries or regions by analyzing trade flows and identifying emerging trends or shifts in market share
  • Gain competitive intelligence on a company’s supply chain relationships, pricing strategies, and product mix by examining detailed shipment records and trading partner information
  • Incorporate alternative data into quantitative models and predictive analytics to uncover hidden patterns and generate unique investment insights
  • Monitor global trade dynamics and economic indicators to inform asset allocation decisions and stay ahead of market movements

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The Signal Group

Company Summary

The Signal Group, founded in 2014, is a diversified shipping services company based in London and Athens that combines maritime expertise, computing, and science to provide innovative solutions for the industry. The company’s primary focus is on maritime and commercial ship management, empowering charterers, brokers, shipowners, and traders to make optimal commercial decisions by leveraging deep industry knowledge and experience. The Signal Ocean Platform, developed by the company’s product engineers and computing scientists, harnesses the power of Artificial Intelligence and Cloud computing to enhance information flow and freshness in the shipping market. By carefully testing and refining the platform, The Signal Group ensures its market readiness and enables clients to make well-informed, real-time decisions, ultimately improving their performance and providing a strong competitive advantage in the industry.

Key Features For Investors

The Signal Group’s platform offers a suite of powerful tools and datasets that provide hedge funds and asset managers with valuable insights into the global shipping and maritime industry. By harnessing the power of big data, machine learning, and cloud computing, Signal enables investors to access real-time information and make data-driven decisions in a complex and dynamic market.

Key features of Signal’s offering that investors find particularly useful include:

  • Comprehensive data coverage spanning vessel movements, cargo flows, port activity, and freight rates across multiple segments including dry bulk, tankers, and containers
  • Proprietary algorithms that process and analyze vast amounts of raw data from various sources such as AIS, port calls, and fixture reports to derive actionable insights
  • Real-time monitoring and alerts on key events and anomalies that could impact shipping markets and individual company performance
  • Customizable dashboards and visualization tools that allow users to easily track key metrics, benchmark performance, and identify trends and patterns
  • Predictive analytics and forecasting models that help anticipate future market conditions, demand patterns, and asset values
  • Detailed company-level insights on fleet composition, chartering activity, operational efficiency, and financial health for publicly listed shipping firms

Improving Investment Decisions

The Signal Group’s platform empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better-informed investment decisions by providing access to unique maritime and shipping data, advanced analytics, and real-time insights. By leveraging Signal’s alternative data solutions, investors can gain a deeper understanding of the global shipping industry, identify potential opportunities and risks, and enhance their research and decision-making processes.

Signal’s offering helps investors improve their investment strategies in several key ways:

  • Providing comprehensive and timely data on vessel movements, cargo flows, port activity, and freight rates across multiple shipping segments, enabling investors to track industry trends and company performance
  • Applying advanced algorithms and machine learning models to process and analyze vast amounts of raw data, deriving actionable insights and predictive analytics that can inform investment decisions
  • Offering customizable dashboards and alerts that allow investors to monitor key events, benchmark performance, and identify anomalies or patterns that could impact their portfolios
  • Delivering detailed company-level insights on fleet composition, chartering activity, operational efficiency, and financial health, helping investors assess the strengths and weaknesses of individual shipping firms
  • Enabling investors to incorporate alternative data into their quantitative models and research processes, enhancing the robustness and accuracy of their analyses and investment strategies

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Company Summary

Sinay is an innovative maritime technology company that provides cutting-edge data solutions and environmental & logistic software to the offshore and freight logistics industries. Their offerings include metocean software for weather insights, container tracking, emissions monitoring, and the Sinay Hub for access to environmental parameters. Sinay also conducts mitigation studies and provides APIs for tech companies to build and scale their tools. With a 15-year history in collecting and analyzing maritime data, Sinay is trusted by digital freight forwarders, service providers, and shippers. The company has been recognized as a “Top Innovator” by the World Economic Forum and is an accredited partner of the Smart Freight Center for CO2 emission calculations on sea voyages.

Key Features For Investors

Sinay offers a comprehensive suite of maritime data solutions that provide valuable insights for hedge funds and asset managers seeking to enhance their investment strategies. By leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning techniques, Sinay transforms raw shipping and supply chain data into actionable intelligence that enables investors to make more informed decisions.

Key features of Sinay’s offerings that benefit investors include:

  • Real-time vessel tracking and port activity monitoring for timely insights into global trade flows
  • Detailed commodity flow analysis to identify supply and demand imbalances and predict price movements
  • Geopolitical risk assessment to manage exposure to trade disruptions and regional instability
  • Customizable data solutions tailored to specific investment strategies and research requirements
  • Integration of maritime data with other alternative data sources for a holistic view of market dynamics

Improving Investment Decisions

Sinay’s maritime data solutions empower hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing them with unique insights into global trade, commodity flows, and shipping industry dynamics. By leveraging Sinay’s advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities, investors can gain a competitive edge in identifying opportunities, managing risks, and enhancing their overall investment strategies.

Sinay’s alternative data helps investors improve their decision-making process in several key ways:

  • Monitoring real-time vessel movements and port activities to identify trends, anomalies, and potential disruptions that may impact investments
  • Analyzing commodity flows and supply chain patterns to uncover market inefficiencies, predict price movements, and inform trading strategies
  • Assessing geopolitical risks and their potential impact on maritime trade routes, enabling proactive portfolio adjustments and risk mitigation
  • Benchmarking company performance against industry peers and identifying potential investment opportunities or red flags
  • Integrating maritime data with other alternative data sources to create a more comprehensive and holistic view of market dynamics and investment landscapes

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Company Summary

Shipfix is a collaborative data platform designed for the maritime and trade sectors, powered by advanced AI-driven tools. The platform offers real-time vessel tracking, enabling users to monitor the movements of thousands of ships worldwide, with details such as vessel name, IMO number, type, size (DWT), speed, cargo status, and ETA. Additionally, Shipfix provides market intelligence services, including insights on global trade flows, shipping rates, and market trends, helping professionals make informed decisions on procurement, logistics, and investments. The platform’s AI-powered analytics can identify patterns, forecast trends, and generate actionable insights from historical and real-time data, allowing users to optimize their supply chains and gain a competitive edge in their operations.

Key Features For Investors

Shipfix provides a powerful platform that delivers valuable alternative data and insights for hedge funds and asset managers focused on the maritime and shipping industry. By leveraging advanced AI and machine learning algorithms, Shipfix processes vast amounts of real-time and historical data to uncover actionable intelligence for investors.

Key features of Shipfix’s data and analytics that investors find particularly useful include:

  • Real-time vessel tracking and monitoring, providing granular insights into global shipping activities, port congestion, and supply chain disruptions
  • Comprehensive coverage of dry bulk, tanker, and container markets, enabling investors to identify trends, patterns, and anomalies across various shipping segments
  • Customizable alerts and notifications for specific events, such as port calls, cargo operations, or vessel deviations, allowing investors to stay informed about critical developments
  • In-depth analysis of global trade flows, commodity movements, and demand-supply dynamics, empowering investors to make data-driven decisions and uncover new opportunities
  • Integration-ready data feeds and APIs that seamlessly connect with existing workflows, models, and systems, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of investment processes

Improving Investment Decisions

Shipfix empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing them with valuable alternative data and insights into the maritime and shipping industry. The platform’s real-time vessel tracking, comprehensive market coverage, and advanced analytics enable investors to identify trends, anomalies, and opportunities that may not be apparent through traditional data sources.

By leveraging Shipfix’s data and insights, investors can:

  • Monitor global trade flows and commodity movements to assess supply and demand dynamics and identify potential investment opportunities
  • Analyze port congestion, vessel activities, and supply chain disruptions to gauge the health of the shipping industry and individual companies
  • Benchmark company performance against competitors and industry averages to make more informed investment decisions
  • Incorporate real-time shipping data into quantitative models and risk management processes to enhance the accuracy and timeliness of investment strategies
  • Stay informed about critical events and developments in the maritime industry through customizable alerts and notifications, enabling swift responses to market changes

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