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CEO Barua Charismatic, But Ill-Equipped To Drive Execution

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Nonprofit CEO Risher Ill-Equipped to Drive Profitability Turnaround at Subscale Lyft

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CEO Burkland’s Operational Acumen and Cultural Impact a Welcome Return

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Savvy CEO Townes-Whitley to Secure Federal Contracts but Execution Questionable

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Generalist CFO Dietrich Will Drive Efficiency Despite Lack of CFO Experience

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Industry Veteran COO Morais to Establish a Winning Commercial Strategy

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Retail Stalwart CEO Dreiling to Execute Successful Transformation

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CEO Kessler Operating Chops Make Him The Best Choice To Integrate IAA

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Old-School Salesforce COO Millham to Streamline and Stabilize the Ship

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Best-in-Class CMO Kelman to Help Salesforce Find its Footing Again

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