Blog Archives

Growth Oriented CEO Fandozzi will Build Value Through TAM Expansion

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Customer-Oriented CEO Colglazier Will Improve Branding but Miss Expectations

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Cost-Cutting CEO Geldmacher Will Improve Margins and Leverage Contractor Relationships

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CEO Mattes with Troubled Track Record Will Fail to Accelerate Growth Long Term

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Process-Oriented CEO Gitlin will Streamline Operations and Reinvigorate Growth

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Digital Transformation CEO Ashe Ill-Equipped to Prevent Cyclical Deterioration

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Strategic Chairman Neupaver Has Entrepreneurial, Decentralized Approach

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Innovative Operating CEO Nagarajan Will Have Limited Impact Near-Term

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Regal Beloit (RBC): Strategic, Process-Oriented CEO Pinkham Will Drive Organic Growth and Efficiency

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Rollup CEO Culp Will Struggle Amid Operational and Solvency Issues

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