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Efficiency-Driven CFO Kehoe Will be a Solid Partner to CEO Ferris

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CEO Simonelli Unsuited to Execute Baker Hughes Turnaround

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Operational Rigor and Hit-The-Targets Aggressiveness Will Expand Margins

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Visionary Strategist CEO to Diversify Client Base and Scale New Products

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CEO Schulman is Long on Charisma and Vision, Short on Execution

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CEO Clyburn Will Accelerate Synergy Realization and Improve Operational Rigor

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Veteran Ag CEO Magro Will Amplify New-Product Gains with Cost Efficiencies

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CEO McGranahan’s Strategic Leadership Talents Meets Gale-force Secular Headwinds

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Mission-driven CEO Poppe Will Win Over Regulators to Elicit Higher Returns

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Customer Oriented CEO Harmening will Scale Through Acquisitions and Technology

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