Colby Howard

Published on June 8, 2024

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Monetization Data: Top Alternative Data Providers

In the quest for alpha, professional investors are increasingly turning to monetization data as a powerful category of alternative data. Monetization data provides granular insights into how companies generate revenue, optimize pricing strategies, and drive growth, offering investors a unique lens through which to evaluate investment opportunities. By analyzing metrics such as revenue per user, customer lifetime value, and market penetration, investors can gain a deeper understanding of a company’s financial health, competitive positioning, and potential for long-term success. In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into the world of monetization data, exploring the key players in this space and the innovative ways in which they are helping investors uncover valuable insights and make more informed investment decisions.


Company Summary

FirstParty is a data solutions provider that empowers businesses to maximize the value of their data assets by offering capabilities to assess, organize, and deploy data effectively. With a focus on transforming raw, unstructured data into clean, actionable insights, FirstParty enables companies to enhance user experiences, generate new revenue streams, and unlock the full potential of their data. Through their expertise and proprietary software solutions, FirstParty has conducted over 100 assessments, completed more than 1,000 deployments, and helped clients unlock over $1 billion in value from their data initiatives.

Key Features For Investors

FirstParty empowers hedge funds and asset managers to unlock the full potential of their data assets and gain a competitive edge. By providing a comprehensive suite of data solutions, FirstParty enables investors to assess, organize, and deploy their data effectively, transforming raw information into actionable insights.

Key features of FirstParty’s offerings that benefit investors include:

  • Data monetization strategies that help generate new revenue streams from existing data assets
  • Proprietary software solutions for data assessment, organization, and deployment
  • Expertise in transforming unstructured data into clean, actionable insights
  • Track record of conducting over 100 assessments and completing more than 1,000 data deployments
  • Proven ability to unlock significant value, with clients realizing over $1 billion from data initiatives
  • Customizable solutions tailored to the specific needs and goals of each investor
  • Focus on enhancing user experiences and improving decision-making through data-driven insights

Improving Investment Decisions

FirstParty’s alternative data solutions empower hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing unique insights into market trends, consumer behavior, and company performance. By leveraging FirstParty’s extensive datasets and advanced analytics capabilities, investors can gain a deeper understanding of the factors driving market movements and identify potential opportunities or risks that may not be apparent through traditional financial analysis.

FirstParty’s offerings enable investors to:

  • Access unique datasets, such as consumer transaction data, web and app usage data, geolocation data, sentiment data from social media and news sources, and supply chain data, which provide valuable information not readily available through conventional financial reporting
  • Utilize sophisticated data science techniques and machine learning algorithms to process and analyze alternative data, uncovering trends, patterns, and predictions that can inform investment strategies
  • Benefit from customizable data solutions tailored to their specific needs and investment goals, with FirstParty’s team of experts working closely with clients to deliver relevant insights
  • Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations and maintain the integrity and confidentiality of information through strict data governance practices
  • Gain a competitive edge in the market, make better-informed decisions, identify potential risks and opportunities early on, enhance risk management strategies, and ultimately improve the overall performance of their investment portfolios

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Company Summary

Jamlabs is a versatile data science consultancy that empowers organizations to maximize the value of their data assets through a combination of full-stack data science, cloud engineering, and product advisory services. With a team of experienced professionals possessing deep expertise in capital markets, sensible analytics, and cloud engineering, Jamlabs collaborates closely with clients to develop tailored, end-to-end solutions that address complex business challenges. The company’s proprietary jShop platform enables clients to efficiently monetize their data by creating white-labeled data shops, transforming raw data into valuable products, and managing data offerings across various marketplaces. By providing a one-stop shop for data science consulting and monetization tools, Jamlabs helps clients navigate their data and analytics journeys, from infrastructure transformation to building data-driven applications.

Key Features For Investors

Jamlabs offers a comprehensive suite of data science solutions and monetization tools that empower clients to unlock the full potential of their data assets. The company’s proprietary jShop platform provides a streamlined way for data owners to create white-labeled data shops, transform raw data into valuable products, and manage their data offerings across various marketplaces.

Key features of Jamlabs’ offerings that are particularly useful for hedge funds and asset managers include:

  • Customizable data shops that allow clients to showcase and sell their unique datasets to a targeted audience of investors
  • Advanced data transformation capabilities to clean, structure, and enrich raw data into analysis-ready products
  • Seamless integration with multiple data marketplaces, enabling clients to reach a wider investor base and maximize monetization opportunities
  • Granular access controls and pricing options to manage data products based on factors such as usage, frequency, or customer segments
  • Detailed analytics and reporting on data product performance, customer engagement, and revenue trends

Improving Investment Decisions

Jamlabs empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing a comprehensive suite of data science solutions and monetization tools. The company’s proprietary jShop platform streamlines the process of transforming raw data into valuable, analysis-ready products, enabling investors to access unique datasets that can offer a competitive edge in the market.

Jamlabs’ offerings help investors enhance their investment strategies in several ways:

  • Customizable data shops allow clients to access targeted datasets that cater to their specific investment interests and requirements
  • Advanced data transformation capabilities ensure that investors receive clean, structured, and enriched data that is ready for analysis and integration into their models
  • Seamless integration with multiple data marketplaces enables investors to discover and access a wide range of alternative datasets from various providers
  • Granular access controls and pricing options allow investors to manage their data consumption based on their specific needs and budget
  • Detailed analytics and reporting provide investors with valuable insights into the performance and potential impact of alternative datasets on their investment strategies

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Data Commerce Cloud

Company Summary

Data Commerce Cloud (DCC) is a data monetization platform that enables data providers to efficiently build and scale their data business across multiple channels. By offering a unified data catalog, a no-code data storefront, and seamless integration with various data marketplaces, DCC simplifies the process of creating, managing, and selling data products. The platform’s centralized lead management system and unique demand insights help data sellers optimize their offerings and track performance across channels. With DCC, data providers can increase the visibility of their products, reach a wider audience, and streamline their data commerce operations, ultimately unlocking new revenue streams and driving business growth.

Key Features For Investors

Data Commerce Cloud (DCC) offers a comprehensive platform that enables data providers to efficiently monetize their data assets and reach a broader audience of investors, including hedge funds and asset managers. By centralizing data management, sales, and distribution processes, DCC empowers data sellers to unlock the full potential of their data products.

Key features of DCC that benefit investors include:

  • Unified data catalog: DCC provides a single, searchable repository of data products from multiple providers, making it easier for investors to discover and access relevant alternative data sets.
  • Streamlined data acquisition: With DCC’s no-code data storefront and integration with various data marketplaces, investors can quickly purchase and access the data they need without complex onboarding processes.
  • Quality and compliance: DCC ensures that data providers adhere to strict quality standards and regulatory compliance, giving investors confidence in the integrity and usability of the data products.
  • Unique demand insights: DCC’s centralized lead management system provides data sellers with valuable insights into investor demand trends, allowing them to optimize their offerings to better meet the needs of hedge funds and asset managers.
  • Diverse data offerings: By aggregating data products from multiple providers, DCC offers investors access to a wide range of alternative data sets, including web scraped data, geospatial data, sentiment analysis, and consumer transaction data.

Improving Investment Decisions

Data Commerce Cloud empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing access to a wide range of high-quality alternative data sets. The platform’s unified data catalog, streamlined data acquisition process, and unique demand insights enable investors to efficiently discover, access, and integrate relevant data into their analysis and decision-making processes.

By leveraging the alternative data available through Data Commerce Cloud, hedge funds and asset managers can:

  • Gain unique insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and company performance that may not be apparent from traditional financial data sources
  • Identify potential opportunities or risks in their portfolio companies based on web scraped data, geospatial data, sentiment analysis, and other alternative data sets
  • Enhance their quantitative models and investment strategies by incorporating diverse and granular data points that provide a more comprehensive view of the market
  • Benchmark their portfolio companies against competitors and industry trends to inform investment decisions and risk management processes
  • Stay ahead of the curve by accessing emerging data sets and insights that may not yet be widely used by other investors in the market

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Company Summary

Harbr is a data platform that enables organizations to unlock the full value of their data by providing a user-friendly, secure, and collaborative environment for data discovery, access, and utilization. The platform offers features such as data marketplaces, workspaces, governance, customization, and automation, allowing data consumers to easily find, access, and customize high-value data products. Harbr fosters collaboration between data suppliers and consumers, bringing them together securely to develop insights, models, and AI that meet specific business needs. By supporting flexible data management across various sources and platforms, Harbr helps businesses transform their data stacks from cost centers to value creators, ultimately reducing time to value and unlocking innovation.

Key Features For Investors

Harbr is a data management platform that empowers hedge funds and asset managers to unlock the full potential of alternative data in their investment decision-making processes. By providing a centralized hub for data discovery, access, and analysis, Harbr enables investors to efficiently integrate diverse data sets into their workflows and extract valuable insights.

Key features of Harbr’s platform that benefit investors include:

  • Data Marketplace: Harbr’s extensive data marketplace offers a wide range of curated alternative data sets from trusted providers, saving investors time and resources in sourcing and vetting data.
  • Secure Data Sharing: The platform facilitates secure data sharing and collaboration among investment teams, allowing for seamless integration of alternative data into existing models and strategies.
  • Customizable Data Solutions: Harbr offers flexible data management tools that enable investors to tailor data products to their specific needs, ensuring relevance and actionability.
  • Real-time Data Access: With Harbr, hedge funds and asset managers can access and analyze alternative data in real-time, enabling them to quickly identify and capitalize on emerging trends and opportunities.
  • Compliance and Governance: Harbr prioritizes data compliance and governance, providing investors with the confidence to utilize alternative data while mitigating regulatory and reputational risks.

Improving Investment Decisions

Harbr empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better investment decisions by providing a comprehensive platform for alternative data discovery, management, and analysis. The company’s data marketplace offers access to a wide range of unique data sets, enabling investors to uncover valuable insights that can inform their investment strategies and enhance their decision-making processes.

Harbr’s platform offers several key features that help investors improve their investment decisions:

  • Customizable data solutions tailored to specific investment strategies and requirements
  • Collaborative environment for sharing insights and data-driven strategies among investment teams
  • Robust data management tools for efficient storage, organization, and analysis of alternative data assets
  • Strict compliance with data protection regulations and industry best practices to ensure data security
  • Real-time access to alternative data, allowing investors to identify and capitalize on emerging trends and opportunities

By leveraging Harbr’s alternative data solutions, hedge funds and asset managers can gain a competitive edge in the market, validate investment hypotheses, monitor portfolio companies more effectively, and uncover potential risks and opportunities. The platform’s comprehensive offerings enable investors to move beyond traditional data sources and incorporate unique insights into their decision-making processes, ultimately leading to more informed investment decisions and potentially higher returns.

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Gulp Data

Company Summary

Gulp Data is an innovative company that specializes in unlocking the value of data assets for businesses. They offer a comprehensive suite of solutions, including data valuation, data-backed lending, and data monetization. By leveraging their expertise in analyzing vast amounts of data records and comparing datasets against market comps, Gulp Data helps companies identify the true market value of their data within days. Their data lending solution allows businesses to access capital using their data as collateral, without diluting ownership or disrupting operations. Furthermore, Gulp Data assists companies in developing new, high-margin data products that generate recurring revenue streams through their extensive buyer network. With a strong focus on data security and compliance, Gulp Data aims to demonstrate that data is a valuable and liquid asset class for businesses across all stages and sectors.

Key Features For Investors

Gulp Data offers a unique platform that enables hedge funds and asset managers to unlock the value of alternative data assets. By providing data valuation, lending, and monetization solutions, Gulp Data helps investors identify new sources of alpha and generate additional revenue streams from their data holdings. The company’s extensive data marketplace and network of buyers allow hedge funds to monetize their proprietary datasets, creating a new asset class that can be leveraged to enhance investment strategies and diversify portfolio returns.

Key features of Gulp Data’s platform that are particularly useful for hedge funds and asset managers include:

  • Data valuation services that provide an accurate assessment of the market value of alternative datasets within days, based on a comprehensive analysis of data records and comparison against relevant market comps
  • Data-backed lending solutions that enable investors to access capital using their data as collateral, without diluting ownership or disrupting operations
  • Assistance in developing high-margin data products that generate recurring revenue streams, by identifying valuable data assets and connecting them with relevant buyers through Gulp Data’s extensive network
  • Secure and compliant data transactions, ensuring the protection of sensitive information and adherence to relevant regulations and industry standards

Improving Investment Decisions

Gulp Data empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing access to valuable alternative data assets and insights. The company’s platform offers a comprehensive suite of solutions, including data valuation, data-backed lending, and data monetization, enabling investors to identify new sources of alpha and generate additional revenue streams from their data holdings.

Gulp Data’s services help hedge funds and asset managers enhance their investment strategies by:

  • Providing accurate assessments of the market value of alternative datasets within days, based on comprehensive analysis and comparison against relevant market comps
  • Offering data-backed lending solutions that allow investors to access capital using their data as collateral, without diluting ownership or disrupting operations
  • Assisting in the development of high-margin data products that generate recurring revenue streams, by identifying valuable data assets and connecting them with relevant buyers through an extensive network
  • Ensuring secure and compliant data transactions, protecting sensitive information and adhering to relevant regulations and industry standards

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Company Summary

Revelate is a leading data marketplace platform that empowers organizations to unlock the full potential of their data through a comprehensive suite of services, including data discovery, internal sharing, cross-listing, and monetization. By leveraging Revelate’s fully-automated, cloud-based solution, companies can easily distribute their data at scale, extracting terabytes of information from any source and delivering it to any target. The platform’s automated processes manage security, access, and distribution, while its customizable data marketplace allows clients to present the right data to the right user at the right time. Revelate’s expertise and technology enable firms to gain a competitive advantage by monetizing diverse data sources without the need for duplication or ownership, ultimately helping them achieve nearly twice the effectiveness in demonstrating business value and ROI from their data analytics strategy.

Key Features For Investors

Revelate’s data marketplace platform offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to help organizations unlock the full potential of their data assets. For hedge funds and asset managers, Revelate’s key offerings revolve around data monetization, enabling firms to generate additional revenue streams and gain a competitive edge by leveraging unique datasets.

Revelate’s data monetization solutions provide several key benefits for investors:

  • Seamless data distribution at scale, allowing firms to easily share and sell their proprietary data to a wide range of potential buyers
  • Automated processes for managing data security, access control, and distribution, ensuring that data is shared securely and efficiently
  • Customizable data marketplace functionality, enabling firms to present the right data products to the right customers at the right time
  • Ability to monetize diverse data sources without the need for duplication or direct ownership, reducing costs and complexity
  • Expertise and technology to help firms maximize the value of their data assets and achieve nearly twice the effectiveness in demonstrating ROI from their data strategy

By leveraging Revelate’s data monetization capabilities, hedge funds and asset managers can tap into new revenue streams, differentiate themselves in a competitive market, and ultimately drive better investment performance. The platform’s automated processes and customizable features make it easy for firms to share and sell their unique datasets, while its robust security and access controls ensure that data is distributed safely and efficiently. With Revelate, investors can unlock the full potential of their data assets and gain a powerful competitive advantage.

Improving Investment Decisions

Revelate’s data marketplace platform empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing access to a wide range of unique and valuable datasets. By leveraging Revelate’s data discovery, sharing, and monetization capabilities, investors can gain insights that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to obtain, allowing them to identify new opportunities, manage risks, and generate alpha.

Revelate’s platform offers several key benefits for investors looking to enhance their decision-making processes:

  • Access to a diverse array of proprietary datasets from various sources, including web data extraction, geospatial data, and sentiment analysis
  • Ability to easily discover and acquire relevant datasets through a user-friendly, customizable marketplace interface
  • Seamless integration of alternative data into existing research and analysis workflows, enabling investors to quickly derive actionable insights
  • Collaborative features that allow firms to securely share and monetize their own proprietary datasets, fostering a data-driven culture and potentially generating new revenue streams
  • Robust security measures and access controls to ensure that sensitive data is protected and only shared with authorized parties

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Company Summary

Alqami is a company that specializes in bridging the gap between alternative data vendors and modern investors seeking data signals to enhance their investment decisions. By leveraging their expertise in the alternative data market, Alqami helps data vendors productize and monetize their data while developing effective go-to-market strategies to ensure engagement in the competitive data marketplace. The company also focuses on streamlining the data acquisition process for buyers by systematizing and automating manual processes, ultimately enabling them to obtain relevant, high-quality data sets more efficiently. Through their advisory services, Alqami assists organizations in building internal knowledge and competencies in data monetization strategies, connecting data sellers with buyers to facilitate the sourcing of alternative data and identify new revenue opportunities through data licensing.

Key Features For Investors

Alqami offers a range of services and features that enable hedge funds and asset managers to effectively leverage alternative data in their investment strategies. By partnering with Alqami, investors gain access to a curated selection of unique and valuable data sets that can provide actionable insights and a competitive edge in the market.

One of the key value propositions of Alqami is its focus on data monetization. The company works closely with data vendors to help them productize and monetize their data effectively. This ensures that the data sets available through Alqami are not only relevant and high-quality but also structured and delivered in a way that maximizes their utility for investors. Some of the key features and benefits for investors include:

  • Access to a wide range of exclusive and hard-to-find alternative data sets across various industries and geographies
  • Customized data solutions tailored to the specific needs and objectives of each investor
  • Seamless integration of data feeds and APIs into existing workflows and decision-making processes
  • Actionable insights and analysis derived from the raw data by Alqami’s team of data scientists and analysts
  • Improved ability to identify trends, monitor market sentiment, and uncover potential investment opportunities
  • Enhanced risk management capabilities through real-time monitoring of potential threats and disruptions

Improving Investment Decisions

Alqami empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better investment decisions by providing access to a wide range of exclusive and hard-to-find alternative data sets. The company works closely with data vendors to productize and monetize their data effectively, ensuring that the data sets available through Alqami are relevant, high-quality, and structured in a way that maximizes their utility for investors.

By leveraging Alqami’s alternative data solutions, investors can:

  • Gain access to unique and valuable data sets across various industries and geographies
  • Receive customized data solutions tailored to their specific needs and objectives
  • Seamlessly integrate data feeds and APIs into existing workflows and decision-making processes
  • Derive actionable insights and analysis from the raw data through Alqami’s team of data scientists and analysts
  • Identify trends, monitor market sentiment, and uncover potential investment opportunities
  • Enhance risk management capabilities through real-time monitoring of potential threats and disruptions

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Company Summary

Dawex is a leading provider of advanced Data Exchange technology solutions that enable organizations to create, manage, and orchestrate secure, compliant, and efficient data ecosystems. The company’s core offering is its comprehensive Data Exchange Platform, which allows businesses and public entities to distribute, share, and monetize data assets within and beyond their organization. This platform supports the establishment of Data Marketplaces, Corporate Data Hubs, and Industry Data Hubs, facilitating data transactions under various business models while ensuring strict security, privacy, and regulatory compliance. With a strong focus on customization, scalability, and ease of integration, Dawex empowers its clients to unlock the full potential of their data, fostering innovation, enhancing operational efficiency, and generating new revenue streams.

Key Features For Investors

Dawex offers a powerful data exchange platform that enables hedge funds and asset managers to access and monetize a wide array of alternative datasets. By leveraging Dawex’s secure and compliant marketplace, investors can discover unique insights to inform their investment strategies and gain a competitive edge.

Key features of Dawex’s platform that benefit hedge funds and asset managers include:

  • Access to a diverse range of alternative data sources, including web-scraped data, geospatial data, and sentiment data
  • Secure and efficient data transactions facilitated by Dawex’s advanced technology infrastructure
  • Compliance with data privacy regulations, ensuring the integrity and usability of acquired datasets
  • Customizable data solutions tailored to the specific needs and objectives of individual investors
  • Ability to monetize proprietary datasets, creating new revenue streams and opportunities for collaboration with other market participants

Improving Investment Decisions

Dawex’s data exchange platform empowers hedge funds and asset managers to access a wide array of alternative datasets, enabling them to enhance their investment strategies and decision-making processes. By leveraging the unique insights derived from these datasets, investors can gain a deeper understanding of market trends, consumer behavior, and company performance, ultimately leading to more informed investment decisions.

The key ways in which Dawex helps investors improve their investment decisions include:

  • Providing access to diverse alternative datasets, such as web-scraped data, geospatial data, and sentiment data, which offer valuable insights beyond traditional financial data sources
  • Ensuring data quality and compliance with privacy regulations, giving investors confidence in the integrity and usability of the datasets they acquire
  • Facilitating secure and efficient data transactions through its advanced technology infrastructure, streamlining the process of integrating alternative data into investment strategies
  • Offering customizable data solutions tailored to the specific needs and objectives of individual investors, enabling them to access the most relevant datasets for their investment goals
  • Enabling investors to gain a competitive edge by identifying unique investment opportunities and optimizing their portfolios based on the insights derived from alternative data

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Your Data Connect

Company Summary

Your Data Connect (YDC) is an IT services and consulting company specializing in data valuation, management, and governance. With a focus on improving data quality and analysis, YDC offers a range of services, including a Data Valuation Portal that estimates a company’s data value using industry-specific methodologies, an AI Governance Playbook addressing key vectors of AI governance, and the Data Economics University, which provides training and resources on data economics. By leveraging their expertise in data management, strategy, quality, and value, YDC helps organizations optimize data utilization to identify customer needs, improve efficiency, and drive business growth.

Key Features For Investors

Your Data Connect (YDC) offers a range of data solutions and services designed to empower hedge funds and asset managers with valuable alternative data. By leveraging YDC’s expertise in data valuation, management, and governance, investors can gain unique insights and make more informed decisions.

Key features of YDC’s offerings that benefit investors include:

  • Data Valuation Portal: YDC’s proprietary portal estimates the value of a company’s data assets using industry-specific methodologies. This enables investors to assess the true worth of a company’s data and identify potential investment opportunities.
  • AI Governance Playbook: YDC provides a comprehensive guide addressing key vectors of AI governance. This helps investors navigate the complex landscape of AI ethics, transparency, and accountability when utilizing alternative data in their investment strategies.
  • Data Economics University: YDC offers training and resources on data economics, equipping investors with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively monetize and leverage alternative data in their decision-making processes.
  • Data Quality and Management Services: YDC assists investors in optimizing data utilization by improving data quality, management, and governance practices. This ensures that the alternative data used in investment analyses is reliable, accurate, and compliant with relevant regulations.
  • Customized Data Solutions: YDC works closely with hedge funds and asset managers to develop tailored data solutions that align with their specific investment strategies and objectives. This personalized approach enables investors to extract maximum value from alternative data sources.

Improving Investment Decisions

Your Data Connect (YDC) empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better-informed investment decisions by providing access to valuable alternative data and advanced analytics solutions. YDC’s Data Valuation Portal estimates the worth of a company’s data assets using industry-specific methodologies, enabling investors to identify potential opportunities and assess the true value of their investments. The AI Governance Playbook helps navigate the complex landscape of AI ethics and transparency when utilizing alternative data, while the Data Economics University equips investors with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively monetize and leverage data in their decision-making processes.

By partnering with YDC, hedge funds and asset managers can:

  • Access unique alternative data sets through YDC’s data marketplace, covering various industries and geographies to identify trends, monitor sentiment, and uncover hidden opportunities
  • Leverage customized data solutions developed by YDC’s experienced data scientists and analysts, tailored to align with specific investment strategies and objectives
  • Seamlessly integrate alternative data into existing investment workflows and models, enhancing the depth and breadth of insights available for decision-making
  • Gain a competitive edge by staying ahead of the curve and uncovering hidden patterns and signals that traditional data sources may overlook
  • Improve risk management strategies by monitoring diverse data points, such as social media sentiment, supply chain disruptions, or geopolitical events
  • Benefit from YDC’s expertise in data quality, management, and governance to ensure the reliability, accuracy, and compliance of alternative data used in investment analyses

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