Colby Howard

Published on May 14, 2024

Featured Article

Firmographic Data For Investors: Top Alternative Data Providers

Firmographic data has become an indispensable tool for professional investors seeking to gain a deeper understanding of the companies they are considering for investment. This firm-level data, which includes key attributes such as industry classification, company size, location, and growth stage, allows investors to effectively segment and analyze potential investment opportunities. By leveraging firmographic data, investors can assess risk, conduct market analysis, build valuation models, diversify their portfolios, and identify targeted investment strategies. In this blog post, we will explore the top providers of firmographic data for investors, examining how their offerings are empowering investment professionals to make more informed decisions and uncover valuable insights in an increasingly competitive market.


Company Summary

Veridion is an innovative company that harnesses the power of AI to curate next-generation business data, providing clients with fresh, granular, and comprehensive company profiles. By offering a robust procurement risk management process and a user-friendly platform with advanced search capabilities, Veridion enables companies to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and stay ahead in their respective industries. The platform allows users to search for companies using various filters such as name, industry, keywords, size, products, and location, delivering real-time, accurate data that empowers businesses to streamline their procurement processes and build stronger supplier relationships.

Key Features For Investors

Veridion offers a comprehensive suite of firmographic data and analytics that enable hedge funds and asset managers to gain deeper insights into companies, industries, and markets. By providing detailed company profiles enriched with alternative data, Veridion empowers investors to make more informed decisions and identify potential investment opportunities or risks.

Key features of Veridion’s firmographic data that investors find valuable include:

  • Extensive company database with profiles on millions of businesses worldwide
  • Detailed company information such as industry classification, size, location, and financial metrics
  • Real-time updates on company events, news, and sentiment analysis
  • Proprietary risk scores and indicators for assessing company health and performance
  • Customizable search and filtering options to identify companies based on specific criteria
  • Integration of alternative data sources such as web scraping, geolocation data, and satellite imagery to enrich company profiles
  • Industry and sector-level benchmarking and comparative analysis
  • API access and data feeds for seamless integration with existing investment models and workflows

By leveraging Veridion’s firmographic data, hedge funds and asset managers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the companies they invest in or consider for their portfolios. This granular level of insight allows investors to spot trends, identify potential red flags, and make data-driven decisions that can lead to improved investment outcomes.

Improving Investment Decisions

Veridion’s comprehensive firmographic data and analytics empower hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing a deeper understanding of companies, industries, and markets. By integrating alternative data sources such as web scraping, geolocation data, and satellite imagery, Veridion enriches company profiles and offers investors unique insights that can enhance their investment strategies and improve overall portfolio performance.

Veridion’s alternative data solutions enable investors to:

  • Identify potential investment opportunities or risks by analyzing company-specific data points and trends
  • Assess the competitive landscape and market positioning of companies within their respective industries
  • Monitor company health and performance using proprietary risk scores and indicators
  • Spot emerging trends and shifts in market share by leveraging sector-level benchmarking and analysis
  • Validate investment theses and make data-driven decisions using real-time updates and customizable search options
  • Seamlessly integrate alternative data into existing investment models and workflows through API access and data feeds

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Data Axle

Company Summary

Data Axle is a leading provider of high-quality business and consumer data, offering innovative data-driven solutions to help companies enhance their marketing efforts, build better products, and make informed decisions. With over 50 years of experience, Data Axle processes billions of records each month, ensuring their clients have access to accurate, up-to-date, and relevant information. Their comprehensive business database is updated in real-time and includes crucial details such as street addresses, phone numbers, hours of operation, and employee counts. By leveraging Data Axle’s data and solutions, businesses can effectively acquire and retain customers, improve their products, and gain valuable insights while maintaining compliance with data protection regulations through transparent privacy policies.

Key Features For Investors

Data Axle offers a comprehensive suite of firmographic data solutions that provide valuable insights for hedge funds and asset managers seeking to make informed investment decisions. By leveraging Data Axle’s extensive database of over 15 million businesses in the United States and Canada, investors can access a wealth of information on company characteristics, industry trends, and market dynamics.

Key features of Data Axle’s firmographic data that investors find particularly useful include:

  • Detailed company profiles with information on industry classification, revenue, employee count, and growth rate
  • Comprehensive coverage of small and medium-sized businesses, which are often overlooked by traditional data providers
  • Real-time data updates to capture changes in company status, ownership, or location
  • Historical data to analyze trends and benchmark performance over time
  • Linkages between company records and consumer data to provide a holistic view of businesses and their customer base

Improving Investment Decisions

Data Axle empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing comprehensive, high-quality data and advanced analytics solutions. By leveraging Data Axle’s extensive database, which covers over 300 million consumers and 15 million businesses in the United States and Canada, investors can gain valuable insights into market trends, consumer behavior, and company performance, enabling them to identify potential opportunities and risks.

Data Axle offers a range of features that enhance investment decision-making processes:

  • Real-time data feeds that help investors stay ahead of market trends and make timely decisions
  • Custom data solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of hedge funds and asset managers, ensuring seamless integration with existing models and analytics
  • Advanced market research capabilities that provide insights into consumer trends, industry shifts, and market conditions
  • Data integration and management tools that allow efficient handling of large datasets and extraction of actionable insights
  • Compliance and risk management support, ensuring adherence to the latest regulations and standards

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Dun & Bradstreet

Company Summary

Dun & Bradstreet is a leading global provider of business decisioning data and analytics, offering a wide range of solutions to help companies manage risk, drive growth, and improve operational efficiency. With a database of over 500 million business records worldwide, Dun & Bradstreet’s products and services leverage the power of data to deliver valuable insights across various industries. The company’s offerings include comprehensive company profiles, risk assessment tools, ownership and legal event information, financial overviews, and country-specific insights. By providing access to high-quality, reliable data and advanced analytics, Dun & Bradstreet enables businesses to make informed decisions, manage third-party risk, optimize supply chains, and identify growth opportunities in their respective markets.

Key Features For Investors

Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) offers a comprehensive suite of firmographic data and analytical tools that provide hedge funds and asset managers with valuable insights to support their investment decision-making processes. By leveraging D&B’s extensive global database, investors can access a wide range of information on private and public companies, enabling them to identify potential opportunities, assess risks, and monitor portfolio holdings more effectively.

Some of the key features of D&B’s firmographic data that investors find particularly useful include:

  • Detailed company profiles with information on industry classification, size, location, and contact details
  • Financial data and credit scores to assess a company’s financial health and creditworthiness
  • Ownership and corporate linkage data to understand a company’s structure and relationships
  • Legal and regulatory information to identify potential compliance risks
  • Supply chain analytics to evaluate a company’s supplier network and exposure to disruptions
  • ESG data and insights to assess a company’s sustainability performance and identify ESG-related risks and opportunities

Improving Investment Decisions

Dun & Bradstreet’s comprehensive business data and analytics empower hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed and strategic investment decisions. By leveraging D&B’s extensive database of over 420 million business records, investors gain access to a wealth of information that enables them to identify potential opportunities, assess risks, and monitor portfolio holdings more effectively.

D&B’s alternative data solutions offer several key benefits for investors:

  • Firmographic data and financial insights to evaluate a company’s performance and creditworthiness
  • Supply chain analytics to assess a company’s exposure to potential disruptions and geopolitical risks
  • ESG data and insights to identify sustainability-related risks and opportunities
  • Predictive analytics to anticipate changes in a company’s financial performance and proactively adjust investment strategies
  • Seamless integration with existing workflows and systems to enhance the efficiency of investment decision-making processes

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Moody’s Orbis

Company Summary

Moody’s Orbis, formerly a Bureau van Dijk (BvD) flagship solution, is a comprehensive global company database that provides extensive information on over 489 million private and public companies. By capturing and standardizing data from more than 170 sources, Orbis offers a powerful resource for decision-making, enabling users to access corporate and beneficial ownership structures, resolve data issues, and enrich CRM systems. The database caters to various functional and analytical requirements, promoting enterprise-wide interoperability through a range of data integration options and applications. Orbis also provides unique features such as financial strength data, cybersecurity ratings, and transfer pricing functionality, making it a valuable tool for compliance processes, including Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Know Your Customer (KYC), and Client Due Diligence (CDD).

Key Features For Investors

Moody’s Orbis offers a comprehensive suite of firmographic data and analytical tools that empower hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions. By providing extensive coverage of over 400 million companies worldwide, Orbis enables investors to access a wealth of alternative data, including detailed corporate structures, ownership information, and standardized financial metrics.

Key features of Moody’s Orbis that investors find valuable include:

  • Extensive company profiles with detailed information on financials, ownership, and corporate hierarchies
  • Standardized financial data and ratios, facilitating cross-border comparisons and benchmarking
  • Ultimate beneficial ownership data and corporate linkage information for identifying related parties and assessing risks
  • Customizable search options and alerts for monitoring specific companies, industries, or regions of interest
  • Integration with other Moody’s solutions, such as credit ratings and risk assessment tools, for a holistic view of investment opportunities

Improving Investment Decisions

Moody’s Orbis empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing comprehensive and standardized data on over 400 million companies worldwide. The platform offers extensive coverage of corporate information, including financial statements, ownership structures, and risk metrics, enabling investors to conduct thorough due diligence, identify potential opportunities, and assess investment risks.

Orbis enhances investment decision-making processes through:

  • Standardized financial data and ratios, facilitating cross-border comparisons and benchmarking
  • Ultimate beneficial ownership information and corporate linkage data, unveiling hidden risks and related parties
  • Customizable search options and alerts for monitoring specific companies, industries, or regions of interest
  • Integration with other Moody’s solutions, such as credit ratings and risk assessment tools, providing a holistic view of investment prospects
  • In-depth market research and industry forecasts, supporting the understanding of broader economic trends and dynamics

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