Colby Howard

Published on May 11, 2024

Featured Article

ESG Data For Investors: Top Alternative Data Providers

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data has become increasingly critical for professional investors seeking to align their portfolios with sustainable practices and mitigate potential risks. As the demand for ESG insights grows, a number of companies have emerged as leaders in providing comprehensive and reliable ESG data to investors. In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into the top companies in the ESG data space, examining their unique methodologies, data coverage, and the value they provide to investors. By understanding the strengths and offerings of these key players, professional investors can make informed decisions about which ESG data providers are best suited to support their investment strategies and help them navigate the complex landscape of sustainable investing.


Company Summary

Moody’s is a globally recognized provider of credit ratings, research, and data for global capital markets. The company offers forward-looking opinions on the relative credit risks of financial instruments and securities across various industries and sectors. Moody’s rating process involves assigning an analytical team, information sharing between the issuer and the team, management meetings, analysis, rating committee review, and the delivery of ratings and rationale, followed by ongoing monitoring and surveillance. Beyond credit ratings, Moody’s provides research and data on ESG factors, climate risk, master data management, and the impact of emerging trends on global capital markets. By combining cutting-edge technology and world-class talent, Moody’s drives innovation and creates opportunities for growth while helping customers navigate the complexities of an era of exponential risk.

Key Features For Investors

Moody’s offers a comprehensive suite of data, analytics, and insights that empower hedge funds and asset managers to make well-informed investment decisions. By leveraging Moody’s extensive resources, investors can gain a deeper understanding of market trends, assess potential risks, and identify promising opportunities. One area where Moody’s excels is in providing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) data and assessments, which have become increasingly crucial for investors seeking to align their portfolios with sustainable practices and mitigate potential risks associated with ESG factors.

Key features of Moody’s offerings that benefit hedge funds and asset managers include:

  • ESG scores and assessments that help investors gauge the sustainability and social impact of potential investments
  • Credit ratings and research that provide insights into the creditworthiness of borrowers and the risk associated with various financial instruments
  • Alternative data sources, such as structured finance analytics, supply chain risk assessments, and real estate data, which offer unique insights beyond traditional financial metrics
  • Risk management tools that enable investors to monitor and mitigate various types of risks, including credit risk, market risk, and liquidity risk
  • Customized research solutions, data analysis, and industry insights through Moody’s Knowledge Services, which help investors stay ahead of the curve and make better-informed decisions

Improving Investment Decisions

Moody’s offers a comprehensive suite of data, analytics, and insights that empower hedge funds and asset managers to make well-informed investment decisions. By leveraging Moody’s extensive resources, investors can gain a deeper understanding of market trends, assess potential risks, and identify promising opportunities.

Moody’s supports investors in improving their decision-making processes through:

  • Credit ratings and research that provide insights into the creditworthiness of borrowers and the risk associated with various financial instruments
  • ESG scores and assessments that help investors gauge the sustainability and social impact of potential investments
  • Alternative data sources, such as structured finance analytics, supply chain risk assessments, and real estate data, which offer unique insights beyond traditional financial metrics
  • Risk management tools that enable investors to monitor and mitigate various types of risks, including credit risk, market risk, and liquidity risk
  • Customized research solutions, data analysis, and industry insights through Moody’s Knowledge Services, which help investors stay ahead of the curve and make better-informed decisions

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Company Summary

ISS ESG, a division of Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), is a leading provider of corporate governance and responsible investment solutions. With a global presence and a team of over 3,000 employees, ISS ESG offers a comprehensive suite of ESG ratings, rankings, and analytics to help investors and companies manage ESG risks and opportunities. The company’s methodology is guided by established international guidelines and involves continuous dialogue with issuers to ensure the highest quality and accuracy of its assessments. ISS ESG’s solutions cover a wide range of asset classes and provide investors with the tools to enhance security selection, develop investible products, inform proxy voting decisions, identify engagement targets, and report on portfolio ESG metrics with a high degree of transparency.

Key Features For Investors

ISS ESG offers a comprehensive suite of ESG data, analytics, and advisory services that provide valuable insights for hedge funds and asset managers seeking to integrate ESG factors into their investment processes. By leveraging ISS ESG’s expertise and extensive coverage, investors can enhance their decision-making, manage risks, and identify opportunities in an increasingly ESG-focused investment landscape.

Key features of ISS ESG’s offerings that investors find particularly useful include:

  • ESG ratings and data covering over 8,000 companies worldwide, enabling investors to assess and compare ESG performance across industries and regions
  • Climate solutions, including climate risk assessments, carbon footprint analysis, and scenario analysis tools, helping investors manage climate-related financial risks and align portfolios with the low-carbon transition
  • Controversial weapons screening, allowing investors to identify companies involved in the production or distribution of controversial weapons and ensure compliance with international conventions and ethical standards
  • Norm-based research assessing companies’ adherence to international norms and standards, helping investors avoid reputational risks and ensure alignment with globally recognized standards of responsible business conduct
  • Customizable ESG data feeds and analytics platforms, enabling investors to integrate ESG data seamlessly into their existing systems and workflows
  • Dedicated client support and advisory services, providing guidance on ESG integration, engagement strategies, and regulatory compliance

Improving Investment Decisions

ISS ESG provides a comprehensive suite of ESG data, analytics, and advisory services that empower hedge funds and asset managers to make better-informed investment decisions. By integrating ISS ESG’s insights into their investment processes, investors can enhance their ability to identify risks, uncover opportunities, and align their portfolios with their ESG objectives.

ISS ESG’s offerings enable investors to:

  • Assess companies’ ESG performance using robust, industry-specific ratings and data, facilitating the integration of ESG factors into security selection and portfolio construction
  • Manage climate-related financial risks and align portfolios with the low-carbon transition by leveraging climate risk assessments, carbon footprint analysis, and scenario analysis tools
  • Ensure compliance with international conventions and ethical standards by screening for companies involved in controversial weapons production or distribution
  • Identify companies involved in serious violations of international norms and standards, helping to mitigate reputational risks and maintain alignment with globally recognized principles of responsible business conduct
  • Seamlessly integrate ESG data into existing systems and workflows using customizable data feeds and analytics platforms, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of ESG integration
  • Receive expert guidance on ESG integration, engagement strategies, and regulatory compliance through dedicated client support and advisory services, enabling investors to navigate the complexities of responsible investing with confidence

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Company Summary

S-Factor Co. is a leading ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) data and analytics company that focuses on measuring and reporting the social impact of public companies worldwide. By providing transparent, objective, and unbiased content, S-Factor aims to fill the information gap in the current market, where social factors are often based on anecdotal data. The company’s proprietary Social Factors™ rating system correlates social impact performance with financial performance, enabling investors to make more informed and impactful investment decisions. S-Factor’s mission is to drive value for social impact performance, promoting a global investment culture that values people over profit and encourages responsible product life cycles that respect human rights throughout operations and supply chains.

Key Features For Investors

S-Factor provides a comprehensive suite of ESG data and analytics that enable hedge funds and asset managers to integrate social impact considerations into their investment processes. By quantifying the social performance of companies and linking it to financial outcomes, S-Factor offers investors valuable insights for making more informed and impactful decisions.

Key features of S-Factor’s offering include:

  • Social Factors™ ratings that score companies based on their social impact across key dimensions such as labor practices, human rights, product responsibility, and community relations
  • Industry-specific benchmarks and peer group comparisons to contextualize a company’s social performance relative to its sector
  • Correlation analysis highlighting the relationship between social impact metrics and stock performance, valuations, and risk measures
  • Real-time monitoring of social impact news, controversies, and sentiment to identify emerging risks and opportunities
  • Granular data on supply chain labor practices, working conditions, and compliance with international standards
  • Integration tools and analytics platforms to seamlessly incorporate social impact data into existing investment workflows and models

Improving Investment Decisions

S-Factor provides a comprehensive suite of ESG data and analytics that enable hedge funds and asset managers to integrate social impact considerations into their investment processes. By quantifying the social performance of companies and linking it to financial outcomes, S-Factor offers investors valuable insights for making more informed and impactful decisions. The platform’s Social Factors™ ratings score companies based on their social impact across key dimensions such as labor practices, human rights, product responsibility, and community relations. Industry-specific benchmarks and peer group comparisons help contextualize a company’s social performance relative to its sector. Correlation analysis highlights the relationship between social impact metrics and stock performance, valuations, and risk measures.

S-Factor empowers investors to enhance their decision-making in several ways:

  • Real-time monitoring of social impact news, controversies, and sentiment to identify emerging risks and opportunities
  • Granular data on supply chain labor practices, working conditions, and compliance with international standards
  • Integration tools and analytics platforms to seamlessly incorporate social impact data into existing investment workflows and models
  • Objective and unbiased content that fills the information gap in the current market, where social factors are often based on anecdotal data
  • Driving value for social impact performance and promoting a global investment culture that values people over profit

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ESG Book

Company Summary

ESG Book is a leading sustainability data and technology company that aims to empower financial markets for a sustainable future. By combining cutting-edge technology and proprietary research, ESG Book addresses a fundamental challenge in the transition to sustainability – the need for more accessible, comparable, and transparent ESG information to efficiently allocate capital towards sustainable outcomes. The company’s solutions enable real-time disclosure of framework-neutral ESG data directly from companies, promoting transparency and reliability. ESG Book offers a comprehensive suite of products, including raw ESG data, company and portfolio-level scores, ratings, and analytics tools, covering over 50,000 companies globally. Through its innovative platform and approach to ESG data management, ESG Book is disrupting the sustainability sector and supporting the integration of ESG considerations into financial decision-making.

Key Features For Investors

ESG Book provides a comprehensive suite of ESG data solutions tailored to the needs of hedge funds and asset managers. The platform offers access to a wide range of standardized and transparent ESG information, enabling investors to efficiently integrate sustainability considerations into their decision-making processes.

Key features of ESG Book that empower investors include:

  • Extensive coverage of over 50,000 companies globally, providing a broad universe for ESG analysis
  • Real-time ESG data feeds and scores, ensuring access to the most up-to-date information for timely decision-making
  • Customizable ESG metrics and weightings, allowing investors to align data with their specific strategies and objectives
  • Detailed company-level ESG profiles, offering granular insights into material sustainability factors and performance
  • Sector and industry-level ESG benchmarks, facilitating relative comparisons and identification of leaders and laggards
  • Seamless integration with existing workflows and systems, promoting efficient data utilization and analysis

By leveraging ESG Book’s comprehensive data solutions, hedge funds and asset managers can enhance their understanding of ESG risks and opportunities, construct more sustainable portfolios, and meet the growing demand for responsible investing strategies. The platform’s focus on transparency, standardization, and real-time data empowers investors to make better-informed decisions and drive positive impact while pursuing their financial objectives.

Improving Investment Decisions

ESG Book empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed and sustainable investment decisions by providing comprehensive, standardized, and real-time ESG data. The platform’s extensive coverage of over 50,000 companies globally, customizable metrics, and seamless integration with existing workflows enable investors to efficiently incorporate ESG considerations into their analysis and decision-making processes.

By leveraging ESG Book’s alternative data solutions, hedge funds and asset managers can:

  • Identify and assess material ESG risks and opportunities across their investment universe, enhancing their understanding of portfolio companies and potential investments
  • Benchmark companies’ ESG performance against sector peers and industry standards, facilitating relative comparisons and the identification of leaders and laggards
  • Construct more sustainable and resilient portfolios by integrating ESG factors into asset allocation, security selection, and risk management processes
  • Engage with portfolio companies on critical ESG issues, using data-driven insights to drive positive change and mitigate risks
  • Meet the growing demand for responsible investing strategies and demonstrate commitment to sustainability, attracting and retaining environmentally and socially conscious clients

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OWL Analytics

Company Summary

OWL Analytics, also known as OWL ESG, is a leading provider of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data and analytics for investors, corporations, and fintech platforms worldwide. The company offers a comprehensive suite of solutions, including its Deep Research Application, ESG Data, Consensus Scores, and Peer Analytics Portal, which leverage advanced AI technology and a vast dataset to deliver accurate, timely, and transparent insights. By providing clients with the tools to evaluate sustainability performance and make informed decisions based on their specific ESG priorities, OWL ESG aims to drive meaningful change and promote sustainable investing practices across the global investment landscape.

Key Features For Investors

OWL Analytics provides a comprehensive suite of ESG data and analytics solutions that empower hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed and sustainable investment decisions. By leveraging OWL’s proprietary technology and extensive dataset, investors can gain deeper insights into the ESG performance of companies across various sectors and geographies.

Key features of OWL Analytics’ offerings that are particularly valuable for investors include:

  • Extensive coverage of over 30,000 companies worldwide, providing a broad universe for ESG analysis and comparison
  • Granular data points across environmental, social, and governance factors, enabling in-depth assessment of ESG risks and opportunities
  • Proprietary scoring methodology that assigns consistent and comparable ESG scores to companies, facilitating benchmarking and relative performance evaluation
  • Seamless integration with existing investment workflows through API access, Excel add-ins, and customizable dashboards, allowing for efficient incorporation of ESG data into decision-making processes
  • Actionable insights and research from OWL’s team of ESG experts, providing guidance on emerging trends, best practices, and case studies to help investors stay ahead of the curve

Improving Investment Decisions

OWL Analytics empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed and sustainable investment decisions by providing comprehensive ESG data and insights. The company’s extensive coverage of over 30,000 companies worldwide, granular data points across environmental, social, and governance factors, and proprietary scoring methodology enable investors to assess the ESG performance of potential investments and identify risks and opportunities.

OWL Analytics’ offerings help investors enhance their investment strategies in several ways:

  • Integration with existing workflows: OWL’s ESG data can be seamlessly incorporated into investment processes through API access, Excel add-ins, and customizable dashboards, allowing for efficient analysis and decision-making.
  • Identification of ESG leaders and laggards: The proprietary scoring system assigns consistent and comparable ESG scores to companies, enabling investors to benchmark performance and identify outperformers and underperformers within sectors and geographies.
  • Risk mitigation: By providing insights into potential ESG risks, such as environmental liabilities, labor issues, or governance concerns, OWL helps investors mitigate exposure to companies that may face financial or reputational damage.
  • Alignment with sustainable investing trends: As the demand for responsible investing grows, OWL’s ESG data and insights allow investors to construct portfolios that align with their clients’ values and meet the increasing regulatory requirements for sustainable investments.

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Company Summary

Entelligent is a leading provider of climate data analytics and ESG investment solutions that harness the power of climate science and machine learning to help financial market participants and enterprises navigate the global energy transition. The company’s Smart Climate® suite offers a comprehensive set of tools for measuring and managing climate risk exposure, optimized for risk management, alpha generation, product development, and regulatory compliance. By leveraging scenario-driven, forward-looking energy factor models and a transparent, customizable approach, Entelligent enables clients to improve risk-adjusted returns, develop innovative investment products, and meet the growing demand for verifiable ESG reporting. With a focus on financial materiality and a commitment to interpretability and transparency, Entelligent’s patent-protected solutions have been market-tested by global institutions and innovators, helping them to capitalize on the opportunities and mitigate the risks associated with the global energy transition.

Key Features For Investors

Entelligent provides a suite of climate-focused analytics and investment solutions that enable hedge funds and asset managers to integrate climate risk considerations into their investment processes. By leveraging advanced climate science, machine learning, and a transparent, customizable approach, Entelligent offers tools that support alpha generation, risk management, product development, and regulatory compliance in the context of the global energy transition.

Key features of Entelligent’s offerings that investors find valuable include:

  • Smart Climate® technology, which provides forward-looking, scenario-driven insights into the financial impacts of climate change on investments
  • T-Risk scores that quantify transition risks associated with the shift to a low-carbon economy, facilitating more granular risk assessment and asset allocation
  • Customized reports detailing the climate risk profiles of specific investments, aiding in the construction of resilient portfolios
  • Integration of robust ESG data into investment analysis, aligning strategies with sustainability objectives and mitigating long-term risks
  • Support for compliance with evolving climate risk disclosure requirements and generation of transparent sustainability reports

Improving Investment Decisions

Entelligent empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by integrating climate risk and ESG considerations into their strategies. By leveraging Entelligent’s Smart Climate® technology, investors gain access to forward-looking, scenario-driven insights into the potential financial impacts of climate change on their portfolios. This enables them to assess and manage climate-related risks more effectively, identify opportunities aligned with the transition to a low-carbon economy, and construct more resilient investment portfolios.

Entelligent’s offerings help investors enhance their decision-making processes in several key ways:

  • Quantifying transition risks using T-Risk scores, which facilitate granular risk assessment and asset allocation
  • Providing customized reports detailing the climate risk profiles of specific investments, aiding in the development of robust, future-proof portfolios
  • Integrating comprehensive ESG data into investment analysis, aligning strategies with sustainability objectives and mitigating long-term risks
  • Supporting compliance with evolving climate risk disclosure requirements and generating transparent sustainability reports that meet both regulatory demands and investor expectations

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Company Summary

MSCI is a leading provider of critical decision support tools and services for the global investment community, offering a wide range of research, data, and technology solutions to help clients understand and analyze key drivers of risk and return. With over 50 years of expertise, MSCI enables asset managers, asset owners, banks, corporates, hedge funds, insurance companies, and wealth managers to build more effective portfolios using comprehensive ESG and climate data, measures, and analytical tools. The company’s offerings include indexes, such as the widely used MSCI World Index, market classification services, and solutions for portfolio management, risk management, and regulatory compliance. MSCI’s insights and solutions help investors navigate the rapidly changing financial landscape and make informed decisions to manage risk and position themselves for capital growth.

Key Features For Investors

MSCI provides a comprehensive suite of tools and services that empower hedge funds and asset managers to make data-driven investment decisions. By leveraging alternative data and advanced analytics, MSCI offers unique insights into market trends, risk factors, and potential opportunities across various asset classes and investment strategies.

Key features of MSCI’s offerings that investors find valuable include:

  • Extensive range of indexes covering equities, fixed income, real estate, and thematic investments, which serve as benchmarks for tracking market performance and constructing portfolios
  • In-depth ESG research and ratings that enable investors to incorporate sustainability factors into their investment processes, identify risks and opportunities, and meet the growing demand for responsible investing
  • Comprehensive risk management solutions, including risk models, stress testing, and scenario analysis, which help investors assess and manage portfolio risk, optimize asset allocation, and enhance risk-adjusted returns
  • Detailed real estate research and analytics, providing property-level insights, market trends, and performance benchmarks for investors focusing on real estate investments
  • Thematic investing insights that identify long-term structural trends, such as disruptive technologies, demographic shifts, and climate change, helping investors align their strategies with emerging growth opportunities

Improving Investment Decisions

MSCI empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better-informed investment decisions by providing a comprehensive suite of tools and services underpinned by alternative data and advanced analytics. The company’s offerings span across various asset classes and investment strategies, enabling investors to gain deeper insights into market trends, risk factors, and potential opportunities.

MSCI’s solutions help hedge funds and asset managers improve their investment decision-making processes through:

  • Indexes that serve as benchmarks for tracking market performance, constructing portfolios, and measuring investment returns across multiple asset classes and geographies
  • ESG research and ratings that allow investors to incorporate sustainability factors into their investment processes, identify risks and opportunities, and meet the growing demand for responsible investing
  • Risk management tools and analytics, including risk models, stress testing, and scenario analysis, which help investors assess and manage portfolio risk, optimize asset allocation, and enhance risk-adjusted returns
  • Real estate research and analytics that provide property-level insights, market trends, and performance benchmarks for investors focusing on real estate investments
  • Thematic investing insights that identify long-term structural trends, such as disruptive technologies, demographic shifts, and climate change, helping investors align their strategies with emerging growth opportunities

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Company Summary

RepRisk is a leading ESG data science company that leverages AI, advanced machine learning, and human intelligence to identify material ESG risks associated with companies, real assets, and countries. With an unbroken 17-year history of data collection, RepRisk maintains the world’s most comprehensive database on ESG risks, covering over 260,000 public and private companies from all sectors and countries. The company’s transparent, rules-based methodology ensures the depth, quality, and consistency of its data, enabling clients to conduct rigorous back-testing and quantitative analysis for due diligence, risk management, and investment purposes. RepRisk’s dataset is updated daily and has been widely adopted by major industry players, including S&P DJI, S&P Sustainable1, and FTSE4Good, for integration into their index methodologies.

Key Features For Investors

RepRisk offers a comprehensive suite of ESG risk data and analytics that provide valuable insights for hedge funds and asset managers seeking to integrate ESG considerations into their investment processes. RepRisk’s extensive database covers over 260,000 public and private companies across all sectors and countries, enabling investors to identify, assess, and monitor ESG risks associated with their investments.

Key features of RepRisk’s data that investors find particularly useful include:

  • Daily updates on ESG risk incidents and controversies, ensuring timely access to the most current information
  • Detailed reports and analysis on companies, sectors, and countries, facilitating in-depth due diligence
  • Customizable screening based on specific ESG issues or risk levels, allowing investors to focus on what matters most to their strategies
  • Continuous portfolio monitoring and alert systems, enabling proactive risk management and timely responses to emerging issues
  • Compliance tools and reporting assistance, helping investors meet regulatory requirements and stakeholder demands for ESG transparency

Improving Investment Decisions

RepRisk’s comprehensive ESG risk data and analytics empower hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by integrating material ESG factors into their investment processes. By leveraging RepRisk’s extensive database, which covers over 260,000 public and private companies across all sectors and countries, investors can identify, assess, and monitor ESG risks associated with their investments, enabling them to enhance risk management, meet regulatory requirements, and uncover potential opportunities.

RepRisk’s data and insights help investors improve their decision-making processes in several key ways:

  • Daily updates on ESG risk incidents and controversies ensure that investors have access to the most current information, allowing them to stay ahead of potential risks and respond promptly to emerging issues.
  • Detailed reports and analysis on companies, sectors, and countries facilitate in-depth due diligence, enabling investors to thoroughly evaluate the ESG performance of their investments and benchmark against peers.
  • Customizable screening based on specific ESG issues or risk levels allows investors to focus on the factors that are most material to their investment strategies, enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of their ESG integration efforts.
  • Continuous portfolio monitoring and alert systems help investors proactively manage risks by keeping them informed of any developments or changes in the ESG risk profiles of their holdings.
  • Compliance tools and reporting assistance support investors in meeting increasingly stringent regulatory requirements and stakeholder demands for ESG transparency, ensuring that their investment practices align with industry standards and best practices.

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Company Summary

Floodlight is an innovative geospatial data intelligence company that provides a comprehensive suite of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) datasets to help companies, investors, and governments tackle sustainability challenges. By leveraging satellite-based analytics and scientifically provable instruments, Floodlight offers accurate, reliable, and granular data at the asset level, enabling clients to develop targeted strategies, identify problem areas, and meet compliance and disclosure goals. The company’s SLL-ready solutions include KPI monitoring, reporting, verification, and benchmarking, empowering organizations to make data-driven decisions and set realistic performance targets in their pursuit of sustainability.

Key Features For Investors

Floodlight provides a comprehensive suite of ESG data solutions tailored specifically for the needs of hedge funds and asset managers. By leveraging satellite imagery, geospatial analytics, and other advanced technologies, Floodlight offers granular, asset-level data that enables investors to assess the ESG performance of companies with unprecedented accuracy and detail.

Key features of Floodlight’s ESG data that are particularly valuable for investors include:

  • Granular, asset-level data covering a wide range of ESG factors such as carbon emissions, water usage, waste management, labor practices, and community impact
  • Real-time monitoring and alerts for ESG-related risks and opportunities, enabling proactive portfolio management
  • Customizable ESG scoring and benchmarking tools to evaluate companies relative to peers and industry standards
  • Integration with existing investment workflows and risk management systems for seamless adoption
  • Extensive coverage spanning multiple sectors and geographies, allowing for diverse portfolio construction and risk mitigation
  • Scientifically validated and transparent methodologies ensuring data reliability and credibility for investment decision-making
  • Ongoing research and innovation to stay at the forefront of ESG measurement and reporting best practices

Improving Investment Decisions

Floodlight’s comprehensive ESG data and analytics empower hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed, responsible investment decisions. By providing granular, asset-level data on a wide range of ESG factors, real-time monitoring of risks and opportunities, and customizable scoring and benchmarking tools, Floodlight enables investors to thoroughly assess the sustainability performance of potential investments and construct portfolios that align with their ESG objectives.

Floodlight’s alternative data solutions offer several key benefits for hedge funds and asset managers looking to integrate ESG considerations into their investment processes:

  • Enhanced due diligence: Floodlight’s extensive ESG datasets allow investors to conduct in-depth analyses of companies’ environmental, social, and governance practices, uncovering potential risks and opportunities that may not be apparent through traditional financial metrics.
  • Improved risk management: Real-time monitoring and alerts for ESG-related incidents help investors proactively identify and mitigate risks in their portfolios, while also enabling them to seize opportunities arising from positive ESG developments.
  • Alignment with sustainability goals: Customizable scoring and benchmarking tools allow investors to evaluate companies’ ESG performance relative to peers and industry standards, facilitating the construction of portfolios that align with their own sustainability objectives and those of their clients.
  • Seamless integration: Floodlight’s data solutions can be easily integrated into existing investment workflows and risk management systems, ensuring a smooth adoption process and minimizing disruption to established processes.
  • Competitive advantage: By leveraging Floodlight’s unique ESG insights, hedge funds and asset managers can differentiate themselves in an increasingly crowded and competitive market, attracting sustainability-minded investors and generating alpha through responsible investment strategies.

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Company Summary

RepTrak is a global leader in reputation intelligence that provides organizations with data-driven insights and strategies to effectively measure, manage, and enhance their corporate reputation. By leveraging its proprietary RepTrak Platform, which combines extensive stakeholder perception data from surveys, media, and other sources, the company enables clients to transform sentiment into actionable insights. RepTrak’s algorithmic approach and vast database, spanning over 20 years and more than one million annual data points, allow businesses to understand the key drivers of their reputation among various stakeholders. This empowers teams across communications, marketing, sustainability, HR, risk, and legal departments to make informed decisions and respond to emerging trends, ultimately improving customer, employee, and investor relations. Additionally, RepTrak’s ESG scores help companies navigate the increasingly important landscape of corporate ethicality and measure the impact of their social and environmental initiatives.

Key Features For Investors

RepTrak provides a comprehensive suite of reputation intelligence data and insights that offer valuable signals for hedge funds and asset managers seeking to make more informed investment decisions. By quantifying and benchmarking corporate reputation across industries, RepTrak enables investors to assess companies’ overall health, identify potential risks and opportunities, and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Key features of RepTrak’s data that investors find useful include:

  • Reputation scores and rankings based on seven key dimensions, providing a holistic view of stakeholder perceptions
  • Industry benchmarking to compare companies’ reputations against peers and identify outperformers and underperformers
  • Trend analysis and predictive insights to spot emerging issues, positive developments, and anticipate future reputation shifts
  • ESG and sustainability insights derived from governance, citizenship, and workplace reputation data to assess risks and opportunities related to corporate responsibility
  • Extensive database covering 20+ years of reputation data across industries, enabling robust analysis and modeling

Improving Investment Decisions

RepTrak’s reputation intelligence platform provides hedge funds and asset managers with valuable alternative data to enhance their investment decision-making processes. By leveraging RepTrak’s comprehensive database of stakeholder perceptions, investors can gain insights into a company’s overall reputation health, identify potential risks and opportunities, and make more informed investment choices.

RepTrak’s data empowers investors to:

  • Assess a company’s reputation score and ranking based on seven key dimensions, providing a holistic view of its strengths and weaknesses
  • Benchmark a company’s reputation against industry peers to identify outperformers and underperformers, aiding in stock selection and portfolio construction
  • Analyze reputation trends and predictive insights to anticipate future shifts in stakeholder perceptions and proactively manage investment risks
  • Incorporate ESG and sustainability factors derived from RepTrak’s governance, citizenship, and workplace reputation data into investment decision-making processes
  • Utilize RepTrak’s extensive database spanning over 20 years and one million annual data points to conduct robust analysis and modeling, enhancing the depth and accuracy of investment research

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Verisk Maplecroft

Company Summary

Verisk Maplecroft, a Verisk Analytics company, is a leading global risk intelligence provider that offers comprehensive data, expert analysis, and geospatial solutions to help organizations identify, assess, and mitigate a wide range of environmental, social, governance (ESG), and political risks across their operations, investments, and supply chains. By leveraging an extensive portfolio of over 200 risk indices covering more than 1,500 issues across 198 countries, Verisk Maplecroft enables clients to make informed decisions and build resilience strategies in an increasingly complex and interconnected risk landscape. The company’s capabilities span climate and environmental risks, ESG reporting, geopolitical and country risk analysis, sustainable finance, and sector-specific analytics, empowering businesses to put sustainability, human rights, and political risk at the forefront of their decision-making processes.

Key Features For Investors

Verisk Maplecroft offers a comprehensive suite of risk intelligence solutions that provide hedge funds and asset managers with valuable alternative data for making informed investment decisions. The company’s extensive portfolio of over 200 risk indices covers more than 1,500 issues across 198 countries, enabling investors to assess and mitigate various environmental, social, governance (ESG), and political risks.

Key features of Verisk Maplecroft’s data that investors find particularly useful include:

  • Detailed ESG risk ratings and analytics that help investors evaluate the sustainability performance and potential vulnerabilities of companies and countries
  • Climate risk data and scenario analysis to assess the potential impact of climate change on investments and inform resilience strategies
  • Political risk assessments covering issues such as government stability, regulatory environment, and geopolitical tensions
  • Human rights and labor risk data to help investors ensure compliance with international standards and avoid reputational risks
  • Sector-specific risk analysis for industries such as energy, mining, and agriculture, providing insights into industry-specific challenges and opportunities

By leveraging Verisk Maplecroft’s alternative data, hedge funds and asset managers can enhance their risk management processes, identify new investment opportunities, and make more informed decisions in an increasingly complex global investment landscape.

Improving Investment Decisions

Verisk Maplecroft’s comprehensive risk intelligence solutions provide hedge funds and asset managers with valuable alternative data to enhance their investment decision-making processes. By leveraging the company’s extensive portfolio of over 200 risk indices covering more than 1,500 issues across 198 countries, investors can gain a deeper understanding of the complex and interconnected risk landscape, enabling them to make more informed and strategic investment decisions.

Verisk Maplecroft’s data empowers investors to:

  • Assess and mitigate various environmental, social, governance (ESG), and political risks associated with their investments, portfolios, and supply chains
  • Evaluate the sustainability performance and potential vulnerabilities of companies and countries using detailed ESG risk ratings and analytics
  • Incorporate climate risk data and scenario analysis into their investment strategies to manage the potential impact of climate change on their portfolios
  • Identify and navigate geopolitical risks and regulatory challenges using the company’s political risk assessments and country risk insights
  • Ensure compliance with international human rights and labor standards, mitigating potential reputational risks associated with their investments
  • Leverage sector-specific risk analysis to uncover industry-specific challenges and opportunities, informing their investment decisions in key sectors such as energy, mining, and agriculture

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ICE Climate Data

Company Summary

ICE Climate Data, a part of Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), provides climate data and analytics for corporates, municipals, and mortgage-backed securities (MBS) to help investors and companies identify, measure, and understand physical climate and transition risks. The company offers geospatial climate, economic, and demographic data to quantify climate risk exposure across portfolios, as well as climate scenario analysis, emissions, and targets data to assist in developing decarbonization strategies. ICE Climate Data also provides a visualization and analytics solution (ICE ESG Geo-Analyzer) for location-linked assets, Climate Credit Analytics to translate physical climate risk estimates into financial risk assessments, and a Climate Transition Analytics Tool to integrate climate data and science-aligned analytics at various levels. By offering these data-driven solutions, ICE Climate Data enables investors and companies to make informed decisions and effectively manage climate risks.

Key Features For Investors

ICE Climate Data offers a comprehensive suite of climate risk analytics and data solutions that empower hedge funds and asset managers to make well-informed investment decisions in the face of climate change. By providing detailed insights into the physical and transition risks associated with climate change, ICE enables investors to effectively manage climate-related risks and identify opportunities in the growing sustainable finance market.

Key features of ICE Climate Data that are particularly valuable for hedge funds and asset managers include:

  • Granular geospatial data on physical climate risks, such as exposure to extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and temperature changes, allowing for asset-level risk assessments
  • Transition risk analytics covering carbon pricing, policy changes, and the shift to a low-carbon economy, enabling investors to position their portfolios for the energy transition
  • Climate scenario analysis tools to stress-test portfolios under different climate pathways and identify potential vulnerabilities and opportunities
  • Emissions data and decarbonization trajectory analysis to assess the alignment of companies and portfolios with global climate goals and inform engagement strategies
  • Integration of climate risk data into financial risk models and valuation methodologies, facilitating the incorporation of climate factors into investment processes

Improving Investment Decisions

ICE Climate Data empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing comprehensive insights into the risks and opportunities associated with climate change. By leveraging ICE’s extensive data and analytics, investors can assess the potential impact of climate-related factors on their portfolios, identify emerging trends, and develop strategies to mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities in the growing sustainable finance market.

ICE Climate Data enables investors to:

  • Evaluate the exposure of their assets to physical climate risks, such as extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and temperature changes, allowing for more accurate risk assessments and portfolio adjustments
  • Assess the potential impact of the transition to a low-carbon economy on their investments, including risks and opportunities related to carbon pricing, policy changes, and the adoption of clean technologies
  • Conduct scenario analysis and stress-testing to understand how their portfolios may perform under different climate pathways and identify potential vulnerabilities and opportunities for resilience
  • Integrate climate risk data into their existing risk management frameworks and investment processes, facilitating the incorporation of climate considerations into decision-making
  • Engage with companies on their climate strategies, emissions reduction targets, and overall environmental performance to drive positive change and align investments with sustainability goals
  • Identify and invest in green assets and companies that are well-positioned to benefit from the transition to a low-carbon economy, potentially enhancing long-term returns
  • Meet the growing demand for sustainable investment products and comply with emerging climate-related regulations and disclosure requirements, mitigating reputational and regulatory risks

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Clarity AI

Company Summary

Clarity AI is a leading sustainability technology platform that leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide comprehensive, transparent, and customizable sustainability assessment and reporting solutions. Founded in 2017, the company analyzes over 2 million data points bi-weekly, covering 70,000+ companies, 430,000+ funds, and 400 national and subnational governments – the broadest data coverage in the market. Clarity AI’s digital-native infrastructure adapts quickly to changes in technology and sustainability reporting requirements, while its scientific and evidence-based methodologies, developed by a global team of experts, ensure robust and easy-to-use sustainability tech kits. By providing crystal-clear scores and full bottom-up granularity for data and methodologies, Clarity AI enables clients to make informed decisions about sustainable investments and contribute to a more sustainable world.

Key Features For Investors

Clarity AI offers a comprehensive suite of tools and data that empower hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed, socially responsible investment decisions. By providing in-depth insights into the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance of companies and portfolios, Clarity AI enables investors to align their strategies with both financial and ethical objectives.

Key features of Clarity AI’s platform that investors find valuable include:

  • Extensive database covering millions of data points on thousands of companies worldwide, providing detailed ESG performance insights
  • Quantification of social and environmental impact, allowing investors to assess investments based on both financial returns and societal contribution
  • Customizable reporting capabilities for generating detailed ESG and impact reports, aiding in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of potential investments
  • Seamless integration with existing investment management systems, enabling the incorporation of ESG considerations without significant process overhauls
  • Scalable solutions suitable for firms of all sizes, accommodating increasing data volumes and portfolio complexity as client needs evolve
  • Actionable insights that help identify investment opportunities aligned with financial and sustainability goals
  • Risk management tools for identifying and mitigating ESG-related risks, contributing to portfolio stability and long-term returns

Improving Investment Decisions

Clarity AI empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed and socially responsible investment decisions by providing comprehensive ESG insights and impact data. The platform’s extensive database, covering millions of data points on thousands of companies worldwide, enables investors to assess the ESG performance of potential investments and align their strategies with both financial and ethical objectives.

Clarity AI’s platform offers several key features that enhance investment decision-making processes:

  • Quantification of social and environmental impact, allowing investors to evaluate investments based on both financial returns and societal contribution
  • Customizable reporting capabilities for generating detailed ESG and impact reports, facilitating a deeper understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of potential investments
  • Seamless integration with existing investment management systems, enabling the incorporation of ESG considerations without significant process overhauls
  • Scalable solutions suitable for firms of all sizes, accommodating increasing data volumes and portfolio complexity as client needs evolve
  • Actionable insights that help identify investment opportunities aligned with financial and sustainability goals
  • Risk management tools for identifying and mitigating ESG-related risks, contributing to portfolio stability and long-term returns

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Company Summary

Sustainalytics, a Morningstar company, is a leading global provider of ESG research, ratings, and data that supports investors in developing and implementing responsible investment strategies. The company offers a comprehensive suite of ESG solutions, including ESG Risk Ratings, which assess a company’s exposure to industry-specific material ESG risks and how well these risks are being managed. Sustainalytics’ ratings cover more than 14,000 companies across 40 industries, utilizing over 350 indicators and 1,300 datapoints to deliver a robust, comparable analysis of ESG risk. The firm also provides climate solutions, enabling investors to identify and manage climate-related risks and opportunities, as well as engagement services that focus on the most material ESG issues. Additionally, Sustainalytics offers a range of corporate solutions, such as sustainable lending and finance services, to help companies integrate sustainability into their policies, practices, and capital projects. With 17 offices worldwide and a team of over 1,800 staff, including more than 800 analysts with diverse expertise, Sustainalytics has established itself as a trusted partner for investors and companies seeking to incorporate ESG considerations into their decision-making processes.

Key Features For Investors

Sustainalytics provides a comprehensive suite of ESG research, ratings, and data that empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make well-informed investment decisions. By integrating Sustainalytics’ ESG insights into their investment processes, investors can identify potential risks and opportunities, enhance their due diligence, and align their portfolios with sustainability objectives.

Key features of Sustainalytics’ offerings that investors find valuable include:

  • ESG Risk Ratings that assess a company’s exposure to and management of material ESG issues, enabling investors to understand and mitigate potential risks
  • Corporate Governance Research and Ratings that evaluate a company’s governance structure, policies, and practices, providing insights into long-term value creation and risk management
  • Engagement Services that allow investors to collaborate with companies on addressing ESG risks, promoting best practices, and driving positive change
  • Global coverage of more than 20,000 companies across various industries, offering investors a broad universe of ESG data and insights
  • Customizable solutions that cater to the specific needs of hedge funds and asset managers, facilitating the seamless integration of ESG factors into their investment strategies

Improving Investment Decisions

Sustainalytics empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing comprehensive ESG research, ratings, and data. The company’s ESG Risk Ratings assess a company’s exposure to industry-specific material ESG risks and how well these risks are being managed, enabling investors to identify potential risks and opportunities within their portfolios. Sustainalytics’ Corporate Governance Research and Ratings evaluate a company’s governance structure, policies, and practices, offering insights into long-term value creation and risk management.

Sustainalytics’ offerings enable hedge funds and asset managers to:

  • Integrate ESG factors into their investment processes, enhancing due diligence and aligning portfolios with sustainability objectives
  • Collaborate with companies through Engagement Services to address ESG risks, promote best practices, and drive positive change
  • Access ESG data and insights on more than 20,000 companies across various industries worldwide
  • Utilize customizable solutions that cater to their specific needs, facilitating the seamless incorporation of ESG considerations into investment strategies
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the ESG and corporate governance landscape to make better-informed decisions and potentially enhance risk-adjusted returns

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Company Summary

Denominator is a leading provider of comprehensive, fact-based Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) ratings and data for private and public companies, industries, and countries. By leveraging multiple international frameworks and offering forecasting capabilities, Denominator enables investors, procurement professionals, compliance officers, consultants, and other stakeholders to make data-driven decisions related to DEI performance benchmarking, risk identification, regulatory compliance, ESG assessments, and portfolio analysis. With a diverse team committed to promoting DEI and social sustainability, Denominator aims to create a more balanced world and improve human interaction by providing valuable insights and content that highlight our common ground.

Key Features For Investors

Denominator offers a comprehensive suite of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) data and analytics that enable investors to integrate ESG considerations into their decision-making processes. By providing standardized, comparable, and reliable DEI metrics across companies, industries, and geographies, Denominator helps asset managers and hedge funds assess the social sustainability and reputational risks of their investments.

Key features of Denominator’s data that investors find valuable include:

  • Granular DEI ratings and scores based on multiple international frameworks and standards
  • Benchmarking capabilities to compare DEI performance across peers and sectors
  • Forecasting models to predict future DEI trends and potential regulatory risks
  • Detailed breakdowns of workforce composition, pay equity, and diversity policies
  • Integration with financial data to analyze the correlation between DEI and economic performance
  • Customizable dashboards and reporting tools to monitor portfolio-level DEI exposures

Improving Investment Decisions

Denominator empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing comprehensive, standardized, and reliable Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) data and analytics. By integrating Denominator’s alternative data into their research processes, investors can assess the social sustainability and reputational risks of their investments, identify potential opportunities, and enhance their portfolio management strategies.

Denominator’s DEI data helps investors:

  • Benchmark company and industry-level DEI performance to identify leaders and laggards
  • Analyze the correlation between DEI metrics and financial performance to uncover potential alpha opportunities
  • Monitor portfolio-level DEI exposures and risks through customizable dashboards and reports
  • Engage with companies on their DEI practices and policies to drive positive change and mitigate risks
  • Incorporate DEI considerations into ESG integration, responsible investing, and impact investing strategies

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Company Summary

GaiaLens is an AI-powered sustainability analytics platform that enables institutional investors and financial services companies to integrate ESG factors into their investment processes. The platform provides access to high-quality ESG data on over 20,000 public companies across more than 100 countries, covering 200+ ESG factors. GaiaLens offers a suite of tools, including portfolio reporting, deep-dive research, and investment screening, which allow investors to generate ESG reports aligned with major sustainability frameworks such as UN SDGs, EU Taxonomy, TCFD, and SFDR. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and the latest ESG investing insights, GaiaLens aims to make financial markets more sustainable and support investors throughout the entire ESG investment lifecycle.

Key Features For Investors

GaiaLens empowers hedge funds and asset managers with comprehensive ESG data and analytics, enabling them to integrate sustainability factors into their investment processes. By providing access to high-quality ESG data on over 20,000 public companies across more than 100 countries, covering 200+ ESG factors, GaiaLens allows investors to gain a holistic view of a company’s ESG performance and identify potential risks and opportunities.

Key features of GaiaLens’ platform that investors find valuable include:

  • Portfolio reporting tools that generate ESG reports aligned with major sustainability frameworks such as UN SDGs, EU Taxonomy, TCFD, and SFDR
  • Deep-dive research capabilities to analyze individual companies’ ESG profiles and benchmark against peers
  • Investment screening functionality to identify companies that meet specific ESG criteria or thresholds
  • Customizable data feeds and APIs that integrate seamlessly with existing investment workflows and systems
  • Timely and reliable ESG data sourced from company disclosures, regulatory filings, news, and alternative data sources
  • Proprietary ESG scores and ratings that provide a quantitative assessment of a company’s sustainability performance

Improving Investment Decisions

GaiaLens empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed and sustainable investment decisions by providing comprehensive ESG data and analytics. The platform offers access to high-quality ESG data on over 20,000 public companies across more than 100 countries, covering 200+ ESG factors, enabling investors to gain a holistic view of a company’s ESG performance and identify potential risks and opportunities.

GaiaLens supports investors in enhancing their investment strategies through:

  • Portfolio reporting tools that generate ESG reports aligned with major sustainability frameworks such as UN SDGs, EU Taxonomy, TCFD, and SFDR
  • Deep-dive research capabilities to analyze individual companies’ ESG profiles and benchmark against peers
  • Investment screening functionality to identify companies that meet specific ESG criteria or thresholds
  • Customizable data feeds and APIs that integrate seamlessly with existing investment workflows and systems
  • Timely and reliable ESG data sourced from company disclosures, regulatory filings, news, and alternative data sources

By leveraging GaiaLens’ ESG data and analytics, hedge funds and asset managers can make more informed decisions that align with both financial objectives and sustainability goals, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and resilient financial system.

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ManagementTrack by Paragon Intel is the leading source of analysis on executives. Hedge Funds and Asset Managers rely on ManagementTrack for the management portion of any investment thesis. Predictive ratings, verified data, and proprietary interviews with high level former peers of executives allow professional investors to understand how the people leading a company will impact its performance.

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