Colby Howard

Published on June 12, 2024

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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Data: Top Alternative Data Providers

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems have become an indispensable tool for businesses looking to optimize their customer interactions, streamline sales processes, and drive revenue growth. However, for professional investors, CRM data is not just about operational efficiency; it has emerged as a powerful category of alternative data that can provide valuable insights into a company’s financial health, competitive positioning, and growth potential. In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into the world of CRM data, exploring how investors are leveraging this information to make more informed investment decisions. We will examine the key metrics and trends that investors are tracking, the tools and platforms that are enabling more sophisticated CRM data analysis, and the companies that are leading the way in this rapidly evolving space.

Intapp DealCloud

Company Summary

Intapp DealCloud is a comprehensive deal and relationship management platform that goes beyond traditional CRM to provide professional and financial services firms with a single source of truth. By leveraging AI-powered insights and unified data, DealCloud enables teams to strengthen relationships, accurately track and forecast pipelines, and accelerate deal execution. The platform offers a range of features, including relationship management, marketing integration, business development, experience management, and pipeline management, all designed to help firms optimize workflows and drive growth. With a focus on industries such as law, private capital, investment banking, and accounting, DealCloud is built on Microsoft Azure and prioritizes data security, making it a trusted choice for firms looking to modernize their operations and boost productivity.

Key Features For Investors

Intapp DealCloud offers a comprehensive CRM solution tailored for hedge funds and asset managers, empowering them to leverage alternative data for enhanced investment decision-making. By integrating disparate data sources into a unified platform, DealCloud enables investors to gain a holistic view of their relationships, deals, and market opportunities.

Key features of Intapp DealCloud that benefit hedge funds and asset managers include:

  • Centralized data management: DealCloud consolidates traditional and alternative data sources, providing a single source of truth for investment teams to access and analyze relevant information.
  • Customizable deal pipelines: The platform allows firms to tailor deal workflows to their specific investment strategies, ensuring efficient tracking and execution of opportunities.
  • Relationship intelligence: DealCloud’s relationship management tools help investors map and nurture key connections with portfolio companies, industry experts, and other stakeholders.
  • Real-time analytics and reporting: With powerful analytics capabilities, DealCloud enables investors to monitor portfolio performance, assess market trends, and generate actionable insights in real-time.
  • Secure collaboration: The platform facilitates secure data sharing and collaboration among investment teams, fostering better communication and collective decision-making.
  • Integration with existing systems: DealCloud seamlessly integrates with other financial tools and data sources, ensuring a smooth flow of information across the investment lifecycle.

Improving Investment Decisions

Intapp DealCloud empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing a centralized platform that integrates alternative data sources and offers powerful analytics capabilities. By leveraging DealCloud’s comprehensive suite of tools, investors can gain a holistic view of their investment landscape, identify new opportunities, and optimize their portfolios.

DealCloud enables investors to improve their decision-making processes through:

  • Streamlined data management: DealCloud consolidates disparate data sources into a single platform, allowing investors to access and analyze all relevant information in one place, facilitating data-driven decision-making.
  • Customizable workflows and pipelines: The platform’s flexible architecture enables firms to tailor deal workflows and pipelines to their specific investment strategies, ensuring efficient tracking and execution of opportunities.
  • Advanced analytics and reporting: DealCloud’s powerful analytics engine provides real-time insights into market trends, portfolio performance, and risk exposure, enabling investors to make timely and informed decisions.
  • Enhanced collaboration and relationship management: The platform’s collaboration tools and relationship intelligence features foster better communication and knowledge sharing among investment teams, while helping to build and maintain strong connections with key stakeholders.
  • Seamless integration with existing systems: DealCloud integrates with other financial tools and data sources, ensuring a smooth flow of information across the investment lifecycle and enhancing the accuracy and relevance of data used for decision-making.

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Company Summary

Affinity is a relationship intelligence platform that empowers private capital investors and enterprise sellers to find, manage, and close more deals efficiently. By leveraging advanced analytics on communication streams and third-party sources, Affinity provides valuable insights into team networks and activities, enabling users to identify and drive deals through warm introductions. The platform automates data entry, minimizing manual work and ensuring that every profile and engagement is trusted and up-to-date. With a focus on collaboration, Affinity helps teams build confidence in their interactions with target audiences, ultimately leading to better deal outcomes. The platform prioritizes security and compliance, adhering to strict standards such as SOC 2 and GDPR, and offers seamless integration with Salesforce or can be used as a standalone CRM solution.

Key Features For Investors

Affinity empowers hedge funds and asset managers with a robust relationship intelligence platform that leverages alternative data to enhance investment decision-making. By analyzing communication data and third-party sources, Affinity provides valuable insights into professional networks and potential investment opportunities.

Key features of Affinity’s platform that investors find useful include:

  • Automated data capture and organization from emails, calendars, and external sources, ensuring profiles are always up-to-date
  • AI-powered relationship intelligence that maps networks, identifies key influencers, and uncovers hidden connections
  • Streamlined deal flow management tools for tracking progress, analyzing performance, and prioritizing opportunities
  • Strategic insights on industry trends, market opportunities, and potential risks based on relationship strength and network centrality
  • Collaboration features that keep investment teams aligned on targets, strategies, and actions
  • Customizable workflows and seamless integrations with existing tools like Salesforce and Outlook to enhance efficiency

Improving Investment Decisions

Affinity empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better investment decisions by providing a comprehensive relationship intelligence platform that leverages alternative data and advanced analytics. The platform automatically captures and analyzes vast amounts of data from various sources, such as email communications, calendars, and third-party databases, to provide investors with valuable insights into their professional networks, potential investment opportunities, and industry trends.

Affinity’s platform assists hedge funds and asset managers in improving their investment strategies in several key ways:

  • Identifying and prioritizing high-potential investment opportunities through AI-powered analysis of relationship strength and network centrality
  • Streamlining the deal sourcing and due diligence processes by automating data collection, organization, and analysis, enabling faster and more accurate decision-making
  • Providing strategic insights on market trends, competitive landscapes, and potential risks based on aggregated data from across the platform’s user base
  • Facilitating collaboration among investment teams by ensuring all members have access to up-to-date information and are aligned on investment targets and strategies
  • Integrating seamlessly with existing workflows and tools, such as Salesforce and Outlook, to enhance efficiency and minimize disruption to established processes

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Company Summary

Singletrack is a leading capital markets CRM and research platform that enables financial institutions to drive performance across sales, trading, research, investment banking, operations, strategy, corporate access, and compliance. By integrating data from multiple sources and providing advanced analytics, Singletrack helps firms create deeper client relationships, maximize revenue and profitability, and improve workflow efficiency. The platform offers a comprehensive, AI-embedded solution that delivers a strategic overview of clients, data, and business, with a proven track record of delivering ROI within six months. Singletrack’s diverse client base includes notable firms such as Morningstar, Goodbody, and Danske Bank, who have reported significant benefits from using the platform.

Key Features For Investors

Singletrack offers a comprehensive CRM and research management platform that empowers hedge funds and asset managers to enhance client engagement, streamline workflows, and drive investment performance. By integrating data from various sources and providing advanced analytics, Singletrack enables firms to gain a holistic view of their clients, market trends, and revenue opportunities.

Key features of Singletrack’s platform that investors find valuable include:

  • Centralized client data management, allowing for a 360-degree view of client relationships, interactions, and preferences
  • Seamless integration of research data from multiple sources, including market data, news feeds, and internal systems
  • Customizable workflows and research templates to suit the specific needs and processes of each investment team
  • Collaboration tools that facilitate knowledge sharing, idea generation, and decision-making among team members
  • Advanced analytics and reporting capabilities that provide insights into client behavior, market trends, and portfolio performance
  • Compliance and risk management features that ensure adherence to regulatory requirements and minimize operational risks

By leveraging Singletrack’s platform, hedge funds and asset managers can optimize their client engagement strategies, enhance their research processes, and ultimately make more informed investment decisions that drive better returns for their clients.

Improving Investment Decisions

Singletrack empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make more informed investment decisions by providing a comprehensive research management platform that streamlines workflows, facilitates collaboration, and delivers actionable insights. The platform centralizes data from various sources, including market data, research reports, and internal systems, allowing investment teams to access and analyze relevant information efficiently.

Singletrack’s key features enable hedge funds and asset managers to:

  • Organize and share research data seamlessly across teams, reducing duplication of effort and enhancing productivity
  • Collaborate effectively using shared notes, comments, and task assignments, ensuring that valuable insights are captured and acted upon
  • Customize workflows and research templates to align with their unique investment processes and requirements
  • Leverage advanced analytics and reporting capabilities to monitor portfolio performance, identify trends, and support data-driven decision-making
  • Maintain compliance with regulatory requirements through robust data management and access control features

By leveraging Singletrack’s platform, hedge funds and asset managers can optimize their research processes, uncover valuable investment opportunities, and ultimately drive better returns for their clients.

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Altvia Solutions

Company Summary

Altvia Solutions is a leading provider of comprehensive, cloud-based software solutions purpose-built for the private equity industry. The company’s end-to-end platform combines data unification, process automation, and a modern user experience to help firms streamline operations, make data-driven decisions, and deliver an exceptional experience to their investors. With tailored solutions for deal teams, investor relations professionals, and firm leaders, Altvia empowers private equity firms to efficiently raise and deploy capital, manage pipelines, and drive growth. Trusted by hundreds of top-tier firms, Altvia couples its innovative technology with deep industry expertise to solve the unique challenges faced by private equity firms.

Key Features For Investors

Altvia Solutions provides a comprehensive suite of software tools and services designed to empower private equity firms, hedge funds, and asset managers with the data management capabilities they need to optimize operations and make better investment decisions. By leveraging Altvia’s cloud-based platform, investors can streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and gain deeper insights into their portfolios.

Key features that investors find particularly valuable include:

  • Centralized CRM system: Altvia’s AIM (Alternative Investment Management) software, built on the Salesforce platform, serves as a centralized hub for managing investor relations, fundraising, and deal pipelines. This allows firms to efficiently track and manage interactions with investors, monitor deal flow, and maintain a comprehensive view of their relationships and operations.
  • Secure data sharing and reporting: With ShareSecure, Altvia’s data room and LP portal solution, investors can securely share sensitive documents and communications with stakeholders. This enhances transparency, facilitates efficient reporting, and strengthens investor trust.
  • Targeted investor communications: Altvia’s Correspond Market Edition enables firms to effectively engage with potential and existing investors through targeted email campaigns and personalized outreach. Seamless integration with the AIM CRM allows for detailed tracking and analysis of investor engagement.
  • Robust analytics and insights: By consolidating data from various sources and providing powerful analytics tools, Altvia empowers investors to gain deeper insights into their portfolios, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions. This includes performance metrics, risk analysis, and market intelligence.

Improving Investment Decisions

Altvia Solutions empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better investment decisions by providing a comprehensive suite of software tools and services designed to streamline operations, enhance data management, and facilitate collaboration. By leveraging Altvia’s cloud-based platform, investors can centralize critical data, automate workflows, and gain deeper insights into their portfolios, ultimately enabling them to make more informed and timely decisions.

Altvia’s solutions improve investment decision-making in several key ways:

  • Centralizing data management: Altvia’s AIM (Alternative Investment Management) software, built on the Salesforce platform, serves as a centralized hub for managing investor relations, fundraising, and deal pipelines. This allows firms to efficiently track and analyze interactions with investors, monitor deal flow, and maintain a comprehensive view of their operations, facilitating data-driven decision-making.
  • Enhancing transparency and reporting: With ShareSecure, Altvia’s secure data room and LP portal solution, investors can efficiently share sensitive documents and communications with stakeholders. This improves transparency, streamlines reporting processes, and strengthens investor trust, enabling better-informed investment decisions.
  • Enabling targeted investor engagement: Altvia’s Correspond Market Edition empowers firms to effectively engage with potential and existing investors through targeted email campaigns and personalized outreach. Seamless integration with the AIM CRM allows for detailed tracking and analysis of investor engagement, helping firms optimize their fundraising strategies and make data-driven decisions.
  • Providing robust analytics and insights: By consolidating data from various sources and offering powerful analytics tools, Altvia enables investors to gain deeper insights into their portfolios, identify trends, and make informed decisions. This includes access to performance metrics, risk analysis, and market intelligence, empowering firms to optimize their investment strategies and achieve better outcomes.

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Company Summary

Datazoic is a fintech company that aims to disrupt the capital markets industry by modernizing front-office and middle-office technologies through the power of data. The company’s unique approach focuses on generating cleaner data and achieving high user adoption rates of nearly 92%, significantly higher than the industry average of 30%. Datazoic’s flagship product, the PRISM suite, is a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that integrates a next-generation CRM, data analytics, and dashboard. The suite seamlessly connects with existing systems, such as OMS, corporate access, CRM, commissions, expenses, market data, research & distribution, and voice/video data, to provide continuous data integration and actionable insights for asset management, investment banking, and sales-and-trading verticals.

Key Features For Investors

Datazoic offers a comprehensive suite of data analytics and CRM solutions tailored for the capital markets industry. The company’s PRISM platform integrates data from various sources, providing hedge funds and asset managers with a holistic view of their operations and investment opportunities. By leveraging Datazoic’s advanced analytics and data management capabilities, investors can gain valuable insights to inform their decision-making processes.

Key features of Datazoic’s offerings that benefit investors include:

  • Seamless integration of data from multiple systems, including OMS, corporate access, CRM, commissions, expenses, market data, research & distribution, and voice/video data
  • Actionable insights derived from the aggregation and analysis of diverse data sets, enabling investors to identify trends, patterns, and anomalies
  • Enhanced CRM functionality that facilitates efficient client engagement, relationship management, and collaboration across teams
  • Customizable dashboards and reporting tools that provide real-time visibility into key performance indicators and investment metrics
  • Scalable and secure cloud-based infrastructure that ensures data integrity, accessibility, and compliance with industry regulations

Improving Investment Decisions

Datazoic empowers hedge funds and asset managers to make better investment decisions by providing comprehensive alternative data solutions and advanced analytics. The company’s offerings include a wide range of unique and proprietary data sets across various sectors, such as consumer, financial services, healthcare, industrials, real estate, and technology. Datazoic’s experienced data scientists and analysts transform this raw data into actionable insights, uncovering hidden patterns and correlations that can drive investment strategies.

By leveraging Datazoic’s alternative data and analytics, hedge funds and asset managers can:

  • Gain a more comprehensive understanding of market dynamics, consumer behavior, and company performance, leading to better-informed investment decisions and potentially higher returns
  • Uncover hidden opportunities and generate alpha by identifying trends and signals that are not apparent through traditional financial analysis
  • Assess and mitigate investment risks by monitoring real-time data on factors such as consumer sentiment, supply chain disruptions, or geopolitical events
  • Construct well-diversified portfolios that can weather different market conditions by identifying opportunities across various sectors and asset classes

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Company Summary

Salesforce is a global leader in cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) software that empowers companies to connect with their customers in new ways. By unifying marketing, sales, commerce, service, and IT teams around a shared view of the customer, Salesforce helps businesses streamline processes, improve collaboration, and leverage AI-driven insights to deliver personalized experiences. The platform offers a suite of products, including Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and Marketing Cloud, which enable companies to close more deals, provide exceptional customer service, and build lasting relationships through data-driven marketing. With a strong focus on innovation, trust, and customer success, Salesforce has been consistently recognized as a top employer and admired company in the industry.

Key Features For Investors

Salesforce’s CRM platform captures a wealth of data that can provide hedge funds and asset managers with valuable insights into company performance, customer behavior, and market trends. By analyzing this alternative data, investors can gain a deeper understanding of the factors driving a company’s growth and profitability, enabling them to make more informed investment decisions.

Some of the key features and data points that investors find most useful from Salesforce include:

  • Sales pipeline and revenue forecasting data to assess a company’s financial health and growth potential
  • Customer acquisition and retention metrics to gauge brand loyalty and market share
  • Product usage and adoption rates to identify emerging trends and opportunities
  • Customer sentiment and satisfaction scores to evaluate a company’s reputation and competitive positioning
  • Industry and market benchmarks to compare a company’s performance against its peers and identify potential risks or opportunities

Improving Investment Decisions

Salesforce’s CRM platform captures a wealth of data that can provide hedge funds and asset managers with valuable insights into company performance, customer behavior, and market trends. By analyzing this alternative data, investors can gain a deeper understanding of the factors driving a company’s growth and profitability, enabling them to make more informed investment decisions.

Some of the key features and data points that investors find most useful from Salesforce include:

  • Sales pipeline and revenue forecasting data to assess a company’s financial health and growth potential
  • Customer acquisition and retention metrics to gauge brand loyalty and market share
  • Product usage and adoption rates to identify emerging trends and opportunities
  • Customer sentiment and satisfaction scores to evaluate a company’s reputation and competitive positioning
  • Industry and market benchmarks to compare a company’s performance against its peers and identify potential risks or opportunities

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